Scar is pacing in a cave.
Grian has left and Xerean is asleep, which for once, she needed clearly far more than him. As the Sessions continue and more deaths occur, the end gets closer, and the danger will get bigger as others try to catch others unaware. Sleeping is a dangerous thing here, which is why it's so rarely done. And if he sleeps, Voice keeps talking to him and he doesn't want to hear him. Unfortunately, he still can. "You should kill her now and be rid of her. She always caught on too fast." It seethes, partially why Scar is pacing. This guy is so mad, it's even affecting him. Scar is pacing because he's somehow getting Xerean's powers; this guy is mentally pacing with him because it's angry at Xerean. "I'm not killing Xerean." He states defiantly. "No." It agrees, thinking. "Not yet. As much as she angers me, that Watcher is moreso the issue now. It continues to snoop through the Code. I cannot get rid of it, though, else the World will die. That must be saved for the end. No, I have another plan." Scar both gets nervous and hopeful. On one hand, he's known this Voice is bad news, but if he can avoid it, he'll take any option that isn't killing someone. "You will not kill either of them. You are not yet ready. But, you will cast her out. Tell her that you never want to see her again. You don't speak enough to the Watcher that I assume it won't catch on." Scar stops. "You were so against killing her. I thought you would be a little happier about this. Of course, I could have you kill her now. Nothing would please me more than using you, the little human she's so fond of, to end her life. It would be messy for the rest of the plan, but I would GLADLY pay the consequences." Scar shudders, looks at his hands, then clenches his fist and looks away. "Or I could tell her. Or Grian." Instantly, he's met with pain, sharp and splitting, pressing into his skull. Scar cries out, clutching his head and trying to bear the pain. Unfortunately, he is only human. "Okay, okay, I won't!" He shouts, and the pain dissipates, as Scar falls to his knees, breathing heavily. "Do not challenge me." Scar's scroll appears and drops, hitting him in the head. "Pick it up. Complete your Task. And get rid of her."
Scar's Task is to trade up from wheat seeds to a Golden Apple in at least 4 trades. Relievingly simple. He can't POSSIBLY mess THAT up. Scar goes to leave, only for Pearl to come in, looking for something. "Hey, Pearl. Uh–sorry–sorry again for saying we hated you here. We really do love you." Pearl smiles warmly. "That's alright, Scar, you were doing a Task. Here." She offers him a sunflower. "I saw you had some outside, and wondered if you maybe wanted some more." Scar accepts it gratefully. "Thank you, Sunflower!" He says, and the two continue chatting, before Martyn shows up. Pearl leaves, only to immediately be replaced by Gem, who asks to buy his door. Scar agrees, mildly confused, then Martyn enters. "Now, you–I have some deals for you. Take a look.' He pats the barrel next to him, and the Red name complies. "Ooh, that TNT does look appealing..." Scar nods. "I'll trade you the TNT for protection." He states, catching Martyn's attention, as he turns to look at him as if amused. "And what does that count as?" He asks. "Leave me alone." More a plead than a statement, Scar has picked up on the fact this Voice could very well make him do whatever it wants, and with him gaining Xerean's powers, he's scared of what he might be able to do. "Hmm..." Martyn makes a show of thinking about it, then nods with a little shrug of the shoulders. "Yeah, sure, you got a deal." He says. Scar hopes he doesn't sound TOO relieved as he replies: "I'll even throw this in." He slides a couple diamonds over to the Lifer, who grins all the more. "Pleasure doing business with ya, Scar. I'm off." Martyn leaves, and Scar exhales heavily. Shaking himself out, he tries to change his mindset from "everything is going to be awful" to "I'm going to do some good trades today". With that in mind, Scar heads to leave, before confusedly selling his door to Cleo. Why does everyone want his door?? Moving on, he watches Mumbo making a tower, and pulls out his bow, catching himself before he can nock the arrow. "I'm a green, I can't hurt people." He mutters, putting the weapon away. A dark, yet familiar, locked up part of his mind tells him he wanted to to. And he did–very much so.
He spots Bdubs in the distance, and decides to try his luck with him. "Hello, Scar." The small man says, sitting above his camel pen. "Hello, Bdubs–before anything else, I wanted to ask, what is that on your belt?" Bdubs indicates to the purple object. "Oh, it's the dragon's eye." He says proudly. "Oh." Scar isn't exactly disturbed, but he didn't think it was an eyeball. "What can I do for ya?" Scar pulls out the little pouch of seeds in his pocket, and shows it to him. "Would I be able to interest you in a trade? These wonderful seeds, for one of your camels?" Bdub's nods. "Yes. Absolutely." Scar tosses the pouch up to him. "Thank you." He takes the camel, and starts seeking out his enemy transaction partner. It takes him about two days, but then, he finds Etho, who appears to be in need of a camel for Cleo. "I'll uh, I'll give you a zombie egg for it." He offers. "Perfect." Scar says, smiling. When Etho passes the egg, he chuckles darkly for a second, then coughs. "Sorry about that, dunno what that was." Scar says, and he and Etho laugh it off. As Etho leaves, Scar spots Impulse, and decides to go talk to him. Impulse sounds willing to do the trade, both of them, even, the only issue being he doesn't yet have the gapple. He promises to get back to Scar on that, however, so he gives Impulse a promise to reward him handsomely if he comes through. For about an hour, Scar wanders, then asks Impulse how he's doing, getting the reply that Gem has it. "She can guess my Task–he definitely told her. She's gonna guess it." He realizes, deciding he has to therefore avoid Gem. Scar heads back around the Secret Keeper, the Voice speaks to him.
"She wakes."
"Go. Be rid of her."
"What–now?? Can't she have some time to–"
Scar lurches forward, as though shoved, and his feet walk for him until he has accepted he must go now and trudges over to Trader Scar's. He waits for her, sitting on the counter, staring at the zombie egg in his hands. She pops up, chipper and happy. "Hey, Scar! Did I miss anything? How long was I asleep?" She asks. "You were asleep for three days." Scar says, voice clearer than he thought it would be. "Oh." She deflates a bit, and Scar shrugs. "It's fine." He says, noting how his tone is indifferent. This is barely him speaking. He's saying the words, but the inflections aren't his. "Just, uh..." Scar stops. He can't do this. He can't. He held her while she cried last Session, comforting her after she'd DIED! How could he? He'd be an awful friend, wouldn't he? He can't and won't do it. "I don't think we should be allies anymore." Scar wants to bite his tongue. It definitely wasn't his words. He didn't say anything. Something has taken over him. He suspects the Voice, specifically. He is forced to watch as her expression falls, and he can't say he's sorry, he can't tell her it wasn't him, he can't even shed a tear. Xerean thinks this is real. "Why? Are we–did I...did I do something wrong?" Scar wants to tell her no. He wants to say no so badly, but he's stuck as a spectator in his own body. All the while, the Voice forces words into his mouth. Xerean grows increasingly hurt-looking, before she steps forward to put a hand on his shoulder. An anger flashes through him, and he catches her wrist, grip tightening. "Get. Out." He snarls, clearly starting to scare her. "Or I WILL kill you. I don't want you near me." He lets her go, and she stays still for a moment, then turns and leaves. Scar watches her go, then feels his body returned to him, and instantly starts crying. "Pitiful. You act as though she was important. This is a game of death. You would lose her one way or another." It observes scornfully. "You be quiet. You took away one of my best friends. I don't want to hear your voice." Scar says, looking up at the ceiling, eyes still streaming. "You will not be rid of me. Now rise. Complete your Task." It commands, and against his will, Scar takes some deep breaths, wipes his eyes, and walks out. Skizz is the first person he talks to, actually. He trades him some diamonds for BigB's boots, and then he trades said boots back to BigB for the gapple. Pleased with this set of events, he hits the Succeed button. The headache is worse, but he barely pays attention to it as Skizz starts talking. "Now, Scar, about last Session...we were admittedly very mad at you for attacking me. But...after seeing you through the rest of the Session, and the way you were immediately willing to let me take two of your own hearts, I'm not mad at you anymore. Top's still a little bitter on my behalf, but me, I wanna move forward with a clean slate. Whad'ya say?" Skizz offers a hand, and Scar looks at it, then accepts the shake, gripping it tightly. At least he made amends with Skizz, that makes him feel a little better. "Alright, Bopper and I gotta go do something. See you around, Scar."
Scar waves goodbye, then contemplates what he can do. He decides he could use some better enchantments, but without the levels, he must find someone to help. Maybe Joel? He has an XP farm, so he heard. He travels over to the helter-skelter, then sits around, waiting. A couple hours of peaceful waiting slip by, a bird even comes over and visits Scar, a little yellow one. It was pretty, and he watched it for as long as it accompanied him. Finally, Joel arrives, raising an eyebrow at his presence. "What are you doing here?" He asks, and Scar stands up. "I came to see if I could use your XP farm?" Joel crosses his arms. Not exactly standoffish, but clearly with an angle in mind he intends to use. "I could do that. But first, do you have a heart to give?" Scar nods. "I do, in fact." He says, and presents the little, red object to him. Joel takes it, and even as Scar watches, a bruise on his cheek disappears. "Thanks. I needed that. Yeah, you can use it. It's downstairs." He says, waving at the building. Scar thanks him as well, and spends the rest of the day at the farm to be sure he has enough levels.
On his way back, he runs into Gem. "Do you have the Golden Apple?" He inquires. "I do have one...what do I get in return?" She replies, twitching her ear. Scar makes a face. "I don't need it anymore; I worried about you calling me out on my Task." He admits. "Oh wait, is that why Impulse asked if I had one??" She realizes. "He...didn't say why?" She shakes her head, and Scar sighs, relieved. "Good, good, I'm glad. I was worried I was going to have to burn your base down." He sighs, then realizes what he said. Strangely, he almost wanted to follow through. "Scar!!" Gem says, appalled. "I'm so glad those cherry trees live to see another day. Yes, I'm so happy we had this talk, thank you Gem." He pats her shoulder, smiling sweetly, and walks off. He walks back to his base, and heads down to his enchanter. He barely questions the sudden change in mood at all, doesn't dwell on it, acts like it was natural. Because it was, or at least it sure felt that way. He's swiftly realizing ever since this Voice showed up, he's been wanting to get a little out of hand. He's not willing to kill anyone(at least, not yet), but that doesn't mean he can't cause a little chaos. Right?
Nearing the end of the Session, he decides he wants to protect his little town with a wall, and chooses to call it Sunflower Valley. Xerean would have liked that name. But she's not here, and she doesn't matter to his plans anymore, anyway. Scar falters, barely noticing the fact that Mumbo has just died and become Yellow. Xerean is his friend; she'll always be important. Always. "You get out of my head, you hear?" He growls, the Voice deigning no reply as he heads over to the Secret Keeper. Xerean arrives with Grian, whom Scar has no doubt is aware of what happened between him and Xerean. He also notices that when Grian hits Succeed, Xerean visibly shows a bit of pain, which is also picked up by Martyn and Scott. Scar also feels it, but it almost seems to be lessened, like he's becoming used to it. That'd be helpful. There's a little bit of banter, then as usual, they split off again, Scar immediately turning and heading back to his base. He doesn't want to talk to Xerean. He doesn't trust his words around her anymore. While he might want to let go and release the buildup of anger, frustration, and an urge for chaos, he won't do it at her expense. Not again, if he can help it. And in any case, she didn't stop him. And why would she? He threatened to kill her–granted, it was the Voice, but as far as she's concerned, it may as well have been he himself. If she isn't hurt and confused, she definitely no longer trusts him. He heads into the tunnel connecting their bases, and begins blocking it up, sealing the passage thoroughly. If he's going to be alone, he's going to do it right. Scar grunts. He's following two different minds–one bitter, hateful, hostile, and destructive, the other lonely, sad, confused, fearful, and kind. It's like they're at war, and they're both winning, confusing his perspective until he isn't wholly sure what he thinks anymore. Is it the Voice? Or is it just him? Maybe he's going crazy. He wouldn't be surprised. And you know what? Why not? Why not try being a little crazy? He's been trying his absolute very best all Season, and apparently, that's not what's expected of him. Scott did say that becoming a bad guy was a choice, though...so he'll hold out as long as he can, do as best he can to hope and be good, but even he has a limit, and there's something pounding on the door.
Something has to give.
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