First Encounters
Okay so this one is a little blurb I made up as to how Xerean met EX and Helsknight. This takes place sometime during Hermitcraft Season 7, and there will be references to random and entirely unrelated characters and universes, cuz Xerean, being a Chaos Witch, likes to jump into different universes and so she knows a lot of things she probably shouldn't💀
Anyway have fun, it's probably really cringe and Out Of Character but hey it's a start. It'll be pretty rocky. On to the story!
Why did it have to be rain?
ANY other kind of weather would be preferable, but noooo, it just HAD to be rain.
Xerean grumbles at the sky, which grumbles back, limping forward, holding her savaged arm close. She would change the weather, but they might be searching for her. So for now, she's walking. Like she's human. Like she's powerless. Ugh. Don't kill someone, and DEFINITELY don't kill your entire city. Lesson learned the hard way. At least they'll be too busy to come after her instantly. But they also undoubtedly have people looking for her, and using her abilities would be like setting off a hydrogen bomb of a beacon, and screaming "I AM HERE!!" Into a multiversal megaphone. So she has to pray they don't get infected, and find a way to heal whatever internal damage they gave her without them. Poison, of some kind. Maybe a broken rib or two. Thunder booms, the torrent of rain getting even worse. "Oh, shut up!!" She screams at the clouds, gaining no response. This place has no gods, it seems. Of course, she's far superior to a god, so more like an 'entity with control over a certain aspect of something or other'. Then, to make her situation worse, she trips over a root with her faulty leg, collapsing to the ground. Maybe she should just lay here. Nothing can kill her. Unless a Chaos Witch happens upon her. Then she's screwed.
It hurts too much to get back to her feet, so instead she just crawls, covered in mud and dirt and grime. She's in a THUNDERSTORM. How is she this dirty?? Finally, FINALLY, she finds a cave. That will have to do. As she approaches, however, the young Chaos Witch notices two pairs of eyes watching her. Both of them are red, but one is a deeper, more blood-red, while the other glows and is bright like activated redstone, maybe a little pinker. "What are you looking at?" She spits, then everything goes black.
When she wakes up, the first thing she notes is that it's silent. The rain must have stopped, thank...well, she can't exactly say 'thank god', can she? Xerean opens her eyes, staring at the stone ceiling above her. She's in a cave. When she passed out, she was in a cave entrance, and saw two people. Then she blacked out. Did they bring her further in? This thought makes her bolt upright, crying out at the pain in her side. Right. The broken ribs. Great. Well, she'll be damned if she gets kidnapped. She's a Chaos Witch! Her mere PRESENCE should strike fear in their hearts! "I wouldn't suggest doing that." Someone observes. "Shut up." She snarls, turning to face them. A man, in dark armour with golden lining down the sides, is watching her. He's the one with the dimmer eyes. She can already tell: he's not the most nice person. Luckily enough, I don't care. "Well, my friend wouldn't be too happy to come back and find you gone and your bandages undealt with. He worked hard on them." He observes, shifting. He sounded almost amused. As if daring her to try. "Well I don't care about your friend, and I refuse to let you kidnap me." The man snorts, now clearly amused. "Oh, you think you're in a position to leave? You almost died, and those were NOT simple injuries. What were you even fighting?" She gives him a hard look. "I don't have to tell you that." She replies loftily. "Mm, but I'd like you to." He answers calmly, but he puts a hand on his sword's hilt. "What is that, a threat?" He cocks his head. "You're bold, aren't you? Do you know who I am?" She shakes her head. "No, I don't. What, are you important?" He shrugs. "I like to think I am. My name is Helsknight. What's yours? I can't just keep calling you 'you', can I?" She lifts her chin, internally anticipating the reaction. "My name is Xerean. I'm a Chaos Witch." Helsknight stares at her. Then he bursts out laughing, the sort where you clutch your gut because it hurts. She deflates a bit, having expected him to tremble and beg for her to spare his life. At the very least, to be in awe of my presence! "Next you're going to tell me fairies are real. Those are only in EX's stupid little stories he reads." She snorts contemptuously, slightly indignant. "We are real!" She exclaims, tempted to use her abilities and prove it. "Really? Then show me what kind of little magic a Chaos Witch can do." He challenges. Fine, then, she'll show him. Screw her people; she fought them once, she can do it again. With a flick of her hand, her wounds heal, any toxin in her body is gone, and she snaps her fingers, appearing directly in front of him. He's momentarily startled, but recovers quickly. "So who's to say that you aren't an Admin? A pretty sad Admin, though, if you ask me." He observes, however she ignores him to look past him. There's someone standing in the passageway beyond. They wear a red and grey set of armour, their eyes glow, and the helmet they wear must serve some sort of function, she suspects a filter of some sort. "This your friend?" She asks, without looking at Helsknight. In fact, she moves to get him out of her sight to see them better. "Yeah. The one who saved your life." She withholds a scoff. She wouldn't have died, and if a Chaos Witch hasn't appeared yet, maybe they AREN'T looking for her, so she WON'T die at all. She expected at least one to have arrived the moment she healed herself. Maybe she's in the clear. Good. Helsknight pokes her. "That would warrant a thank you." He says. What, this guy did her a favour by taking her in? She didn't need or WANT their help. They should thank HER for the fact they're still alive. "It's fine. I'm more interested in the fact that she looks completely healed." They say, coming closer and while they never touch her, they do inspect her for any signs of the injuries. "She claimed to be one of those things you read about. A Chaos Witch or whatever." They stop. "They aren't just stories. You know the Watchers exist, why shouldn't Chaos Witches?" Xerean decides they are male, mostly due to their voice, strange as it is. Helsknight considers. "We KNOW there's a Watcher here. I've never even seen or heard of a Chaos Witch before you mentioned them, EX. So excuse me for being doubtful." While the knight's tone is sarcastic and mocking, there is a slight defensive edge applied as well. "Well now you know." EX, assuming that's what the person's name is, says. Who names someone after a letter? It's like naming your child Zee or Zed.
"I'm bored. I'll be back later, do whatever you want with her." Helsknight stomps off, brushing past Xerean and his friend, who sighs lightly. "Always so impatient..." he mutters, faintly shaking his head before turning back to Xerean. "So you are a Chaos Witch?" She nods, a little offended. "Yes, I am." The man seems almost relieved. He doesn't seem too frightened, though neither did Helsknight. "What's your name?" He asks, motioning for them to sit down. There was a chair she had noticed when she woke up in the bed. He takes the chair, and she sits back on the bed. "My name is Xerean. Starts with an X, like the letter of your name." EX does a sort of squint thing with his eyes. She doesn't know what it means. "My name isn't the letter X, I'm Evil Xisuma, or for short, Evil X, or just E.X, so EX." He clarifies, which she supposes isn't all THAT bad. 'Evil Xisuma' sounds like a mouthful. "I'm assuming you have questions. I have lots, too." He starts, in what he must think are soothing tones. She just wants him to talk normal, or at least a little faster. "Where am I? What world is this?" She cuts him off, but EX doesn't seem to mind much. "This place is called Hermitcraft, and you're at the base where Hels and I live. Hermits won't find us here, so it's a good place to hide. Now, why are you here? And what happened to you?" Helsknight had tried the same thing. What makes this guy think she'll tell him? "I already told your friend, I don't have to tell you anything. And I don't have the time to just sit here." She should try and get as far as she can, put as much distance between her and her people as possible. She stands up, and envisions a place in her mind: an island city, thriving on trade and commerce, which they believe is sacred, home to a certain band of thieves, who bring chaos wherever they go. It'd be a great place to regain some power. When she slices her hand through the air to open the portal, nothing happens. Her energy went down, she can feel it, but it didn't work. It was like she shot a bullet but the Flash caught it before it hit her target. Xerean tries again, EX watching with curiosity. Again, it doesn't do anything, and this time she tried to add more OOMPH to it, so she has to sit down again, a slight woozy feeling coming over her. "Is something wrong? Nothing happened." She scoffs bitterly. "Yeah, I noticed." She huffs, holding up her hand and watching as a knife, then a gun, and then a parrot suddenly appear in her hand, each one replacing the object before it. Once she gets rid of the parrot, she groans. Her teleportation abilities and summoning skills work, but she can't go to a different world. She's trapped here. Great. Juuuust great. "You weren't able to leave. Are you stuck here?" She whips her head up, glowing fuchsia electricity crackling along her body as she struggles to contain her panic and anger. "No!!" ...yes. She admits it to herself opening and closing her fists, flexing and stretching her fingers to calm down. "It's okay. If you want, you can stay here with us." EX offers, which only adds salt to the growing wound. "I don't need your help!" She snaps, and EX raises his hands non-threateningly. "Okay, fine, calm down. It was just a suggestion, because I doubt my brother, Xisuma, would be too happy to find you here. He's an Admin, after all." This gives her pause. An admin? Realization slips in as she processes this.
This is a game-world.
A server.
Admins are especially powerful, they have control over players and entities, such as who is allowed to be in their worlds, the mode they live in, and such things like that. But they also have access and are trained to read Code, which allows them to pick out and deal with viruses, shift world and game features, and worst of all, they all have at least heard of Xerean's people. Chaos Witches are known to cause chaos and destruction for fun, then even destroy the world they were in before moving on to the next. While Xerean never saw the point to destroying the world, she was once in a place called the Dream SMP. Perfect for her, it was: full of drama and storylines, energetic characters and a lot of bad choices, it was very fun. But eventually, it lost that shine, and while she left before anything awful truly happened, she thinks that place may have died. And then, there's the case to be made about her city. So she can't exactly claim innocence, she's murdered hundreds of thousands, definitely. Rationally speaking, saying 'it was an accident' won't cut it, so yeah, best to avoid the Admin. He's one of the few beings in all of reality that could possibly kill–no, she survived a mass attack from her own people, so probably not kill–severely wound her. Yeah, that's better. It's near IMPOSSIBLE to kill or even hurt a Chaos Witch. Watchers, Admins, other Chaos Witches, and a few scant beings with immense, immeasurable abilities can end a Chaos Witch's life. With the new realization that she's in a game-world, and there's an Admin, staying suddenly sounds a whole lot more appealing. Inhaling deeply, she releases a long, drawn-out sigh. "Fine. But only until I can find a way out of here. Don't expect much from me, either. You won't be seeing me for very long." EX tilts his head to one side a little. "Right. Of course not."
This is going to be miserable.
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