Everything will be okay
Several hours later, Xerean's still sitting on one of the little wooden chairs in the tree. She'd go talk to EX, a well overdue visit and the fact she needs to just talk about this with someone not directly involved in the problems, but she can't find it in her to leave just yet. Jabber never said it outright, but that doesn't mean they don't both know: it's Xerean's fault that this is happening at all, for failing to get rid of Xian properly in the first place. Her inability to do what was necessary led them here. She was able to kill the other Chaos Witches because she wasn't thinking clearly, pushed into a corner with no other options. Just like last time, it was more instinct or subconscious thought than a choice. By all reasoning, she should be–she IS–very capable of deliberately killing another person. Even here, knowing that her friends will respawn, that they don't mind, it sets her the wrong way. Xerean finally unwraps her wings from around herself, sighing heavily. She's unsure if it's fear or guilt exactly weighing her down, but it's strong and she's not finding a way to rationally move on. Hence, the several hours of sitting here. She may have gotten rid of the burn, but that won't ensure that she wins any fights coming up, she needs to do as Jabber said. She can admit that. The actual execution of that will be an entirely different matter, though. It's never truly been in her nature to be excessively–or very–violent. At one time, arrogant and with one of those god complexes, yes, but it wouldn't bring her real enjoyment or make her feel all too good. Maybe Jabber was right that she's becoming too soft. She wants so much to prove, not just to the Hermits, but to herself, that she's not defined by her people or capabilities, though this was an issue in other worlds and universes, too. She refused to genuinely kill someone. Hurt to a certain extent, detain and restrain, yes, but not end their life. What was it Chaos Scar told her? "This is a game of life and death, and compassion is your weakness." That was it, or something like that. She's too optimistic and pacifistic that it's become a dangerous flaw. In theory, she could have easily overpowered Chaos Scar practically every time, hindered only by the fact that he's her best friend. "I need to stop being...whatever this is." She tells herself, looking out at the sun that's beginning to rise. Easier said than done. How's she supposed to apply this attempt to change? What'd be her new line? Will she have one? Jabber obviously has answers and solutions, it's what she's been trying to make her do since they met. However, according to what she's come to understand of arguments, she's going to have to wait to revisit the subject with her, let her 'cool off' or at least, become less inclined to point out everything Xerean's doing wrong or criticizing her choices.
When the sun's risen and the sky is blue, she finally gets up and walks over to one of the bigger branches in the tree. She steps off and disappears into a little wisp of green, then reappears in a certain cave. It sounds empty for now, lacking the metallic clank of armor, the quiet whirs and hisses of an air filter, or small pitter-patters of a child's feet. "Xerean!" Hels practically yells, the following clatters suggesting he'd dropped something to come see her. "Hi. You're happy to see me." She observes, smiling uncontrollably, as the knight tries to hide his evident relief and worry. "Is Honey okay?" She inquires, as Hels begins to look her over for any injuries or a hint she's not doing well. "Your little friend's fine, visits us from time to time when she's hungry." He replies, then adds, "EX is reading...again.", finally deeming her alright. He still follows when she heads off to look for the Admin's brother. The library's gotten bigger, which isn't surprising, and the smell of old papers and leather tomes is a familiar scent. EX looks up, then immediately stands, just as surprised as Hels was. "You're back! Again!" She nods, the two sharing an embrace. "Are you alright? Jabber explained things on the rare times we caught her, but not a lot." She sighs, this isn't a mild conversation to have. She can tell him, easily, but it'll take a while. She has time.
*looking at the 10.K chapter: I'm not recapping that again I'm sorry*
She tells them the events that actually led to Chaos Scar's creation, touched on the whole flipping and breaking reality things, some of the more prominent repetitions, what's happening to Scar, and everything else she thinks could possibly be useful. And then, she admits her thoughts and mental state, how it's both broken, but hot and thick, like molten metal or lava, forming into something she doesn't understand yet. "I think you're getting too wrapped up in your worries. Don't get me wrong, that's not an easy thing to do, and it won't be easy, but I think you're holding yourself back too much. It's okay to be dangerous. Think of it this way: by removing the threat, you're keeping everyone here safe." EX offers, and Xerean nods a little. "Killing someone isn't always the thing that decides you're a bad person. Plenty of stories have someone killing another person, and they're still the good guys." Hels shifts, resting his forward weight on the hilt of his sword. "You're thinking like you're responsible for ensuring everything goes well, that we're safe, and you can't mess up. Like when you showed EX your city." He starts, glancing at the masked man for a moment before continuing on. He'd never seen it in person, only what EX and Xerean herself told him. "Well, if I wasn't here, then this wouldn't be happening. You'd all be living your lives peacefully." Helsknight snorts at this, waving his hand. "We wouldn't be. In fact, it'd be the opposite–we'd still be at our counterpart's throats." He points out. Xerean grunts softly, and EX sighs. "We can't make you do anything, but I promise, nobody will think any less of you for defeating Xian." He states, and coming from him, she can trust that he knows what he's saying. "Anyway, that's enough of this dark talk. Tell us some of your favorite memories while you were in Secret Life." He urges, and the young Chaos Witch obliges, grateful to know what she's choosing is correct and to talk about something happier. She begins to recall the time she, Scar, and Martyn tried to chase BigB through his cobble hallway maze thing and kept getting lost, one of the lighter moments she can recall almost immediately.
She stays with them for two days, even visiting Honey and assuring her she's alright and no, she doesn't need to go hunt someone down to make them pay for taking her away. The little Mooshroom was very distressed, Jabber had to ensure she wasn't seen due to the sheer amount of times she went to check on Xerean. Turns out, she was the voice Xerean heard that told her to wake up. Doesn't mean anything just yet, but she keeps it in mind. Meanwhile Kani was very confused, she asked a lot of questions about the context of the situation, and she gave the crab person a little seashell before leaving. Finally, feeling far better, less morally conflicted and emotionally stable, and decides to go find Scar. She should really get started on these lesson things. She finds him talking to BigB, who's warily staying close to Tango. She isn't sure exactly what Chaos Scar did to him, but it's definitely left him jumpy, if it isn't also everything else he's experienced. "Hello there!" Scar greets, him and Tango not in the least bit surprised by her abrupt appearance. BigB, however, tenses until Tango nudges his shoulder reassuringly. "Howdy! What are you guys up to?" She asks, and Scar lifts his shoulders for a moment. They're out near the outskirts of the mapped area, looking out over a hill. "Since BigB's part of the Code, we're helping him get started here. Help him settle in." Tango answers, and she nods. "Right, it's been, uh, what was it, three days? Three days you've been here?" They make small talk, walking around and just looking at things, though BigB collects some materials, such as wood and stone, coal and even some iron. Xerean collects some flowers, making them into an elaborate bouquet. She gives them to Scar, he'll take good care of them. He has several such bouquets, and with his Elven status, he's exceptional at agriculture or flower care, whatever it's called. Professional gardening? "Okay, so–how do you–how do you do that? I got the 'I bend reality' explanation and I saw you fight Scar, but...I'm still so confused." She turns to BigB, and chuckles for a second. "Maybe it's revenge for confusing me in Secret Life. Um. Well, it's sort of just that. We can do whatever we want, beyond what's supposed to be possible. It can range anywhere from and past a little change in a bunch of flowers..." she indicates the bundle she gave Scar. "...to changing whole environments and...you know, like, superpowers." She stomps on the ground, letting it rumble and crack, as sand and gemstones pour out. BigB gives an exclamation of surprise, stepping back and trying to keep his balance. Snapping her fingers, it all reverts back to normal, not a single hint of the change that just happened. "Okay." The man breathes, looking at Tango incredulously, and the Pyro smirks, raising his eyebrows. "Why're you here, then? You could be doing anything, right? Be anywhere? So why here?" Xerean shrugs. "That's a whole other thing. But I should give you a little context. It'll help with what's happening." She inhales, and gives possibly the best, briefest summary of her time here she ever has. Still omitting the part about killing a city, mostly focusing on the fact her father just has it out for her and something keeps her from leaving on her own. It's enough, thankfully. "Huh. Okay." BigB moves on after that, and they simply return to exploring.
It's nice, the break from impending doom and imminent war is a good breather for her, and once their little excursion is done, she pulls Scar aside. BigB and Tango went off to go visit Ren again, leaving the two at Scarland. "How are you? Feeling better? Different? The same?" She asks, and Scar shrugs, putting the flowers in a pot and setting it on a desk. "I don't feel any different. I'm a little worried, sure, but I'm fine. Just...me." He assures her, which is a good thing. "And the want to cause mischief and trouble?" Scar smiles. "Nothing. Really." He promises. That, that is surprising. "Maybe since you're still a Player? Hm. But that's good–one more thing I don't need to worry about." Xerean muses, and Scar nods, whether he genuinely understands the gravity of that or not, doesn't matter. "Are you okay? You look a little better, and it's been a few days. Feeling better?" She nods, glancing to her left as she spots the resident Jellie walking into the area. "Yeah. I spent some time with EX and Helsknight, that helped a lot. The longer I'm back, the easier it is. Those memories subsided fast, that was good. I can still remember them, and sometimes a few pop up, but it doesn't feel as crushing." She admits, as Scar sighs heavily. "It feels so normal, now." He observes, his ear twitching in reaction to some sound he must've heard. "It's very deceiving, isn't it?" She agrees, then grows more serious. She can't put this off any longer. "Now, about showing you how to use these powers...you up for that?" Scar dips his head, pulling out his Ender Chest and putting a few things in it that he either doesn't need or just to clear his inventory. "Yep. I'm guessing you have a plan for this?" Xerean nods, shifting position. "Yep. We're going to try and take this slow, but cram in whatever we can. Some of this is just trying to make sure you're not held back by thinking something isn't possible–you're the thing that MAKES impossible things possible. But for now, let's just get you accustomed to making and doing things. It'll be important to make it a habit to differentiate thoughts from actions, because if you're not careful, you can be harmlessly thinking, 'I want to make my eyes aquamarine' and suddenly they are. You have to learn to WANT it subconsciously. Sort of like walking. You don't think about it, but you have to CHOOSE to walk. We don't just walk around like an NPC." There's surely a better way to say that, but it's lost on her. "That makes sense, actually. So, make it second nature, but not like breathing." She nods. "Yeah, exactly." She confirms. "And to get that started, I think we'll start with getting you to make objects and alter yourself a little. It feels a little different, depending on what you do, so familiarizing yourself with those feelings will help as well." She tells him.
Scar moves along pretty well, a lot of Star Wars and Disney-related creations sitting in a small pile. She's cast an illusion that makes them look like they're just talking, a quick mask to hide what they're really doing. Xisuma or Grian would see through it instantly. They reach a point where she doesn't feel like teaching him anymore, and Scar seems to have less motivation, and call that good enough. First try went pretty well, and she's happy with that. With any sort of luck, they can keep a relatively slow pace, focusing more on just being in Hermitcraft. It'll be okay. They'll get through, like they always have. She has to remember that. Scar saved her from the Moon last Season! She's worrying too much. Taking a deep breath, Xerean tells herself to relax. Nothing's going to happen in the next five minutes.
I felt the need to try a feel-good chapter bcs I figured I can't make everything "oh god we boutta die" feeling :)
I apologize bcs my fluff skills are nonexistent; Also I wanted to clarify–Honey and Kani are two of my friends' characters, not Chaos Witches but characters they wanted me to add, we meet them in the space between going into the Rift and this story, so if you have any questions I'll answer them in comments
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