The Unspoken Connection
In an age long since lost to history, there lived many creatures among the lands. Two of these races were the small, but very productive humans, and the large, but very powerful dragons. More specifically, a reclusive one which lived in a small cavern hidden in the woods near a village of those very humans. These humans had very strong beliefs, and when one of their own strayed from those beliefs, they were banished from the village to survive on their own in the vast wilderness surrounding the village.
This human was a tall but stout man, with long, golden blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. They were cast out for trying to free another from being wrongly imprisoned. This man, true of heart had wandered through the forest before collapsing in a small clearing not far from where the dragon had made its lair. This dragon, being able to sense fear had been watching the man from the shadows, wondering why the human had strayed so far from the sanctum of the village where it knew they lived.
This very dragon had decided then to help the human, taking them to the cavern they had called home for so long. They placed the human just inside the cave, shrouded by the mysteries of the woods, until they woke up and could leave safely. The man, whom was very exhausted from wandering the wood for so long without rest, took many an hour to wake, and when they did they were shocked to find themselves in a different area from where they remembered being the night before. They were afraid and cast glances into the darkness around them.
Suddenly their gaze was met by a large pair of rose-gold eyes staring back at them. They then felt a sudden chill go across them, unable to move, they just sat, looking back into the darkness. Then, as quick as they had appeared, the pair of eyes vanished back into the shadows. The man, thoroughly confused, stood up, quivering, and took a step towards where the eyes had appeared. As they did this, they heard a sharp release of air behind them, as a large boulder that was once blocking an exit to the cave was moved, flooding the cave with light.
They saw then what had owned the eyes that they had just witnessed disappear a moment before. A large beast, of the tint of celeste with shining scales and a grand tail. This beast had not attacked him, so should he flee or stay still? The dragon looked at him quizzically, wondering why he had not left the cavern.
The man then sat back down, wondering what he should do, and the dragon, sensing his grief took a small step closer to him. This dragon, unbeknownst to the townspeople nearby, had the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of those it could see, and though it could do this, it refrained from using this ability as it feared its own power if it was left unchecked.
The man, not knowing what to do, began to weep, as the severity of his banishment had finally registered within his mind, he would never again feel the warmth and acceptance of the people he had once called friends and family. He would never again wake up in the safety and care of the village and it's people.
He sat weeping for many a long minute, before the feeling of a warm gust of air woke him back up to reality. This was the breath of the dragon, which without his knowledge, had come closer to the man, almost close enough that the man could reach out and touch them. The beast sat there, staring into his eyes for as long as he could remember, almost like it was trying to communicate with him, or look deep into his soul. He sat, staring back, curious as to what the dragon wanted with him.
They both came to realize that they both shared a common binding then, they were both forlorn, one cast away from those he cared for, and the other, born into darkness and seclusion. The man, then inched closer to the dragon, to which the dragon was startled. The dragon had never expected to be approached by the small human... thus they were in no way prepared for the act. The human inched closer and closer with an outstretched hand, before stopping around three centimeters away from the beast's snout. The dragon, seeing the man's hesitation, slowly moved its muzzle closer to his hand.
After a short wait the two connected and felt the pain that they had both experienced in their lives before. The dragon of shimmering colors finally understood what they had been watching, and the power of shared goals within the humans, and the man had finally realized the gentle and caring nature of the beast he had come to fear.
The human, having no village to return to, worked with the dragon, creating an easier life for both of them, this bond would live on for the rest of their time together, and would be slowly shared with the rest of the world. This bond would be spread throughout every creature across the vast land, and be cared for by the smallest and largest beings living there.
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