Secrets - Treacherous Trails
A hike was the perfect activity for three friends on a Friday afternoon. They had just finished with their midterms and welcomed the change of scenery and fresh air. Melody wasn't as keen on the idea of a hike, as she preferred a movie night with snacks, but she was out voted by Nathan and Joey.
She groaned, trailing behind her friends. A complaint was about to follow when she noticed an object that was so perfectly angled that it couldn't have been natural. Her interest was sparked, and as she wandered over towards the object, having to get past some foliage to do so, she wondered what it was.
Could it be some long lost treasure? Would she become famous for being the one who found Montezuma's treasure or something similar? She could see the headlines, hear the reporters, smell the success...
"Melody?" Joey's voice called, to which she answered, "Over here!"
"What are you doing?" Nathan asked, slightly concerned.
"I saw this box- thing over here," was the response.
Joey and Nathan exchanged glances, and stepped off the worn trail into the foliage to follow her voice.
Once they caught up to her, she was already trying to pry it open.
"Are you sure we're supposed to be here?" voiced Joey, being a rule follower. She couldn't even see the trail from where they were, and the sun was starting to set.
"Oh, don't worry about that," Melody responded, rolling her eyes. "Why are you just standing there, can you guys help me get this open?"
Nathan was the first to crouch down to take a better look at the box. It was made of a well-worn wood, caked in dirt, but otherwise in surprisingly decent condition given its apparent age. The hinges told them that it was in fact a box that could be opened, but the surface held no clues as to how to open it. Not a latch, lock, or handle was in sight.
After a few attempts to open it including prying the two sides apart by sheer strength, Nathan gave up with a huff and tossed the object to Joey.
He didn't realize that Joey wasn't paying attention, so instead of landing in her hands, it hit her face.
"Nathan!" Joey yelled, and Melody tried not to laugh.
"So sorry," Nathan said, but he too was cracking a smile.
Joey gingerly touched her nose, only to find it was bleeding. "Great," she bit out sarcastically.
A drop of blood landed on the box that was now on the ground. It sizzled, as if it were on a hot pan. They watched as the box opened on its own, and for a moment everything was still. Heart pounding, Joey started to back away, but to everyone's horror a skeletal hand shot out and gripped Joey's ankle, making her the first victim of many on that fateful night.
Word Count: 483
Fright Prompt- Secrets
A group of friends go on a hike in the woods one weekend. Midway through their journey, they discover a wooden box uncovered by erosion. Curiosity gets the better of them, and they open it.
But, some things are buried for a reason, and some secrets are better off kept.
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