1 ・ Misplaced
It was a slow day at the security office. Harper sat in the chair and sipped her coffee, eyeing the ticking clock on the wall for the tenth time. Looking out the open window, she could see the whiny children, chattery teens, and bored husbands that littered the mall.
Spinning slightly in her chair and lost in her thoughts, she was startled when someone cleared their throat. An oddly dressed man was standing at the window. He donned a frumpy hat, a suit that was three sizes too large, and a crooked bowtie.
"Hi, can I help you, sir?" Harper asked, once she recovered.
"I would like to find a missing item,'' came the reply. His voice was nothing like she had ever heard before. It was metallic-y and seemed to echo around in a very unnerving manner.
Trying her best to remain professional even though she was deeply disturbed, she put on what she hoped was a convincing smile and said, "And what may this item be?"
"My ship is missing."
Harper blinked. "I'm sorry sir, your what?"
"My ship."
She tried to maintain eye contact with him to see if he was trying to pull her leg, but his gaze never met hers.
Harper fumbled with her thoughts, debating on what she should ask him next.
"What does your ship look like? Is it a model ship, like a pirate ship?" she asked.
"No, it is a spaceship. And it is Model X033, 4th Generation." The metallic voice sounded almost robotic when he recited the numbers.
That was it. "MAJORIE!" Harper yelled, making the gentleman wince.
The head of the security office named Majorie walked in with her clipboard and an annoyed look on her face. "What? Must you yell?"
In hindsight, that wasn't the most professional, but Harper was too alarmed to give it too much thought.
"This man says he lost his spaceship," she told her boss.
The gentleman looked highly offended at the statement. "I am no man. I am of the Balzoli species, from the Planet Avien. And I would like to find my spaceship."
Both ladies now just stared at him.
The static of Majorie's walkie talkie snapped the women out of it.
"Gerald to Majorie," the voice on the walkie talkie said.
"Go ahead," she said.
"I found a...spaceship?"
All eyes snapped to the being in front of them. His eyes stayed on his shoes but his posture was stiff.
Majorie asked,"What's your 20?"
"The roof of the parking structure, Lot A," Gerald said.
"Copy that."
"Well, I guess we found your spaceship, sir," Majorie said, and Harper realized that this was the least boring shift she'd ever had.
June 1st Prompt:
Eye contact, missing item, security office
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