Genre: adventure
In the deepest depths of the jungle lived a native girl in a tribal fishing village. She was only eleven, and her only company was a tampeer named Orgile, a young jaguar named Jasaar, and a macaw named Sammy.
The village girl seemed so happy as she jumped around the twisty branches of the rainforest. She giggled and laughed as she slid down the thick tree trunks, swung over the rivers, and climbed trees. She had a happy life until one day she saw a river dolphin. It looked at her with such eagerness that it made a clicking sound wanting her to follow it. She giggled and made an advancement towards the new and strange creature. The dolphin clicked happily as it swam further and further away thinking that the little girl can swim. She giggled and jumped into the river swimming after it.
After a while the dolphin took a sharp turn because it knew there were piranhas in that area of the river, but the little girl didn't see it. She swam right into the swarm and was seen no more.
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