For school I need to analyse the question 'Should Schools Replace Animal Dissections With Computer Simulations?'
Please can you all answer the following questions and tag other people to answer them too? x
If you feel some questions are too personal, only answer the questions with a * next to them. Though I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer ALL questions HONESTLY.
What is your gender?
What is your age?
-Under 14
Which best describes you?*
-Catholic Christian
-Non-Catholic Christian
To what extent do you enjoy science?*
1 = Least favourite subject. 5 = Favourite subject.
Do you feel that animals have rights?*Massi
Have you ever taken part in an animal dissection whilst at school?* (Includes dissection of just one part of animal, not necessarily whole thing)
How much do you feel you learn from dissections?*
-A lot
-A little
-Not much
Do you find that any of these things have a negative effect on your learning? If so, to what extent?*
- The sight of the dead animal.
~No effect
~Little effect
~Quite an effect
~Massive effect
- The smell.
~No effect
~Little effect
~Quite an effect
~Massive effect
- The amount of blood.
~No effect
~Little effect
~Quite an effect
~Massive effect
Do you think that, for educational purposes, animals' lives should be put at risk?*
Do you feel that computer simulations are just as useful as the real dissections?*
Please explain your answer to the last question.*
Do you think that computer simulations are too complicated?*
Do you think that computer simulations are too expensive?*
Should computer simulations be available as an alternative for certain people? Who?*
-Emotional people
-Those who ask for it
-No one
Thank you!!! ~EtRP /x
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