I was surrounded by darkness until I heard someone crying... I followed the weeps. I found a girl with long, black hair. She was huddled up in a ball while a man was punching a wall beside her. Next to her on the floor was a small child, I couldn't tell which gender, but they were crying and shaking violently... And the last person on the floor was facing the wall, writing... They were writing things that made me sad... Things like Why didn't I just tell her? and Maybe she's just playing a joke on me...
It resonated with me, for a strange reason. I was going to walk up to the first girl I saw when a crazed woman started laughing hysterically, I hadn't even noticed her because she was well hidden in the shadows. She had short, messy hair that stopped right at her shoulders. She abruptly stopped her laughter and stared at me intensely. "U-Um... Are you ok?" I asked cautiously. "Yup." She replied quickly and smiled at me. "Go away!" She yelled and then returned to the shadows once more but this time she constantly giggled on and off, and there were a lot of unknown whispers... It was creepy.
I walked up to the girl with long hair and bent down to her level. "Hey." I called to her quietly. She looked up at me, her watery eyes filled with so much sadness it was hard to look back at her, but her ocean blue eyes made want to cry as well. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I... I don't know anymore... It's pointless. I feel sad but then I get angry because I don't know what's wrong but being angry makes me sad..." She replied in a low voice. Oh... "Well, then don't think about the bad things in life." I said. She stared at me for a bit before frowning and shaking her head, "I don't know how to do that anymore."
"Just keep your head up because you'll miss all the good things in life with your head down all the time." I said and stood back up. I walked to the small child but they jumped a bit, looked at me, got up and ran away. I then heard them scream "Please don't look at me!!" It struck my heart in so many ways. A child that small, making such a pain filled noise and screaming something so sad... It didn't feel right.
I walked over to the last person on the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked calmly. "I can't think of anything but her now... What do I do? Oh no..." She whispered and kept writing things on the wall, possibly her regrets about this girl. "This could all be a joke but... What if it's not?" She whispered, "What if it is though, that would mean I fell for someone who didn't care... Oh but that makes me sad, too..." I touched her shoulder and she jumped a bit, then she looked at me. "Who are you?" She asked with a worried look on her face. "A stranger who wants to tell you something." I started, "You don't need to worry so much over the things you did. If you already did it, then it's already done and it's in the past. Worry about what you will do and what you want to do." I smiled and then left to the man punching the wall.
"Excuse me, sir." I said politely. "What?" He asked very irritated. "Um... Why are you so mad?" I asked. "I DON'T KNOW! I'M MAD BECAUSE I'M MAD AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY!" He yells at me and punches the wall once more, making cracks. He screams loudly and punches the wall at a fast speed and then slows down, coming to a stop to look at me. "Huh... You look just like her." He says, "That makes me angry." I felt my heart beat a little fast because of this... I don't want him to hurt me...
"I won't hurt you because you look too much like her, and I couldn't ever dare to lay a finger on her in that way..." He says and sits on the floor. I sit with him. "Who do I look like?" I ask. "My girlfriend... who passed while I was on leave for the military." He says slowly and regretfully. "Oh... I'm.. I'm sorry." I say truthfully. "It's ok... It's in the past, though I'm still taking time to bear with it, the thought of her makes me angry. I couldn't even be here for her... She was probably worrying about me while taking her last breath... Dammit..." He says to himself. "I really don't know what to say to make you feel better, I'm really bad at this stuff..." I say regretfully. "It's fine." He says to me, "Thanks for letting me vent. I actually feel just a bit better now that I could talk about it." "You're welcome. I'll listen any time." I smiled and walked off.
I felt myself get dizzy and I fell to my knees. I looked up and everyone was gone except the crazed woman. She smiled at me and sat on the floor with me. "You... You're pretty nice, ain't ya?" She laughed, "That makes me feel.... Angry." I looked at her in confusion, getting so weak that I'm unable to speak. "Nice people are such a waste... Especially ones like you. Fake smiles are all ya good at, besides fake laughing. You guys are all plastic little barbie dolls, and you know what I do to little barbie dolls? I r i p t h e i r t i n y l i t t l e h e a d s o f f ." She gets close to my face with her last statement, our noses touching. She backs away and then slaps me hard.
"Hahaha did I say that out loud? Oops." She shrugs. "Well, I've taken 'nough from ya... You can leave now, if ya want." She laughs more and disappears from my sight. My strength is completely gone and I wish to leave. I lay on the floor and close my eyes.
I woke up in pitch black darkness... And I heard a woman weeping....
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