Senpai is Mine!...
A/N; Just so you don't get confused, or you don't understand the otaku language. You are taking role of a Yandere. A Yandere is basically a stalker to her Senpai, or crush, and she'll do anything, including murder, to get her Senpai to notice her. She will kidnap and/or kill any girl/boy that tries to take her Senpai away from her.
I'm basically a Yandere, but I have no Senpai....yet :D
And, yes, the picture(if you can see it)is from Yandere Simulator cx
Anyways, enjoy the story cx
Part 1 - Senpai is Mine!...
It's beautiful outside. It always is on Thursdays, strangely. I was going to lunch and then I saw a girl with short purple hair and blue eyes. I know her, Mirojo Akamine was her name.
"Oh! There he is." She gasps lightly and shifts her direction to Kaze Abe, my Senpai. I stare at her in disgust and continue to listen to her words. "Ah... He's so cute... Oh, Senpai, when will you notice me?..." She talks to herself quietly, "I've decided I'm going to tell him how I feel tomorrow."
Not on my watch..! I think to myself as I pour some homemade poison in her food.
I grin to myself and watch as she sits back down to eat her food. I sit from a distance and eat my own. She takes a bite of her food and I laugh inside, knowing that she'll soon choke, and no one will be able to save her.
I hear her gasp loudly, "M...Mirojo?!" One of her friends, Akumi Toshii, exclaims as she tries to save her friend. I run up to them, "Oh no! What's wrong!?" I fake a panic, they believe my act, "I-I don't know! I think Mirojo is choking!" Akumi replies.
A teacher arrives but it's already too late. Mirojo is dead. But they don't know, they think she's just passed out now. "Hello? Yes. A student at Higashi Academy has collapsed, please send help and fast!" The teacher panics and calls for an ambulance.
I act like I'm going to get the nurse but I sneak off to the back of the school and laugh to myself, "That's what she gets! That's what she gets.... for trying to steal my Senpai! Ahahaha! He's mine! Mine!! And no one else's."
The paramedics arrive after a few minutes and tell everyone that poor, poor Mirojo Akamine is dead. Everyone is left with sad faces, some with tears, though I have to fake mine. I didn't really like her, she tried to take Senpai away from me.
The school sends everyone home early.
I decide to go to bed early. I smile and dream of Senpai...
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