A Very Gloomy Birthday - Part 1
Hello, my name is Tristana but everyone here calls me Gloomy because, well I'm guessing you can understand just fine. Though I'm Gloomy I have many friends, at least I'd like to think so. They're imaginary, but they're there for me. I don't go to school, I'm 15 but my mother told me not to if I didn't want to, of course that was 3 years ago, I guess I could go if I really wanted but I don't. People would only tease me and bully me anyway, though what would be the difference? I hear so many people whisper around me as they stare directly at me, some even point and laugh when whispering to their friends.
It. Never. Ends.
Nothing will ever end for me, Gloomy, since I've basically earned the nickname... I went to the grocery store today to buy some milk and fruits, since I live alone, and I heard a boy scream. The very boy ran and turned a sharp left into me. He gasped loudly and apologized, getting up and running more.
"Wait, Fraidy Cat!" A girl calls out teasingly. Fraidy Cat? I've heard about him, I thought he was a girl at first because no one mentioned his gender or real name but I guess he isn't. Maybe, if I see him again, we could be friends? Maybe...
I walk around and pick up milk, apples, grapes, pears, plums, strawberries, blackberries, and 4 mini watermelons. I sigh while paying the cashier when she stares at me with disappointed eyes. Yeah, yeah, lady. Stare all you want, you're not the first person to look at me that way.
I wish people wouldn't look at me that way, though. I miss having friends, people to talk to and laugh with, not just imaginary people in my mind. Although I have some very creative baby names.... That I'll never use... Right... "Fraidy Cat~!" The girl from earlier sing out but this time she's got four others, they all have a mischievous grin on their face and the boy from earlier runs into me again, with panic he apologizes and attempts to get up but I grab his arm to prevent him from running out of my life.
He looks at the girls who creep ever so closely and I keep him close behind me. "Oh... Gloomy, I haven't seen you in a while! Have you been hanging out with your "friends"? Or did they leave you too?" She smirks, "I wouldn't blame them if they did, though, I would have left you too- oh, wait, I did! And it was the best decision of my life." She and the girls with her laugh.
Yes, it's true. She was my friend before this whole "Gloomy" thing happened. Her name is Angela, everyone calls her Angel and she likes to think she came from Heaven but I think she came directly from Satan himself. She's evil. There was this one time period when people kept beating me when she wasn't around and one day a gang of masked people, what I can only guess girls, came and mugged me. They took everything. My phone, my wallet, and most of my clothes and jewelry! Later on that month my mother died and I became very depressed because I didn't even have a father. That's when everyone started calling me Gloomy and a few weeks after all this I found out she was the one who mugged me!
She's horrible, evil, and just plain revolting. I won't let this boy be beaten down by her like I was, I won't let history repeat itself again. "I'm sorry that you have such a low self esteem that you have to beat down those smaller than you, but I'd rather have no friends than all fake friends." I say to her with a cold tone. She snorts, "Honey, please, my self esteem is bigger than yours will ever be. Now move out the way, you've got my little friend there." I glare at her, "No." She glares back at me, "Excuse me?" I feel the boy hold my hand tight and I feel the need to protect this boy even more, "I said no. Now go away, Angela, no one likes you."
"No one likes me? No one likes you! Gloomy personality, gloomy body, it's all the same. Geez you're like fat and skinny at the same time, what did you eat? Your old self? Sure looks like it." She snaps and throws insults at me. "Well," I smirk, "at least I'm not a fucking barbie with silicone boobs and a silicone ass. A clown called, he want's his makeup back." She grunts loudly, "Fine! Keep him, this has gone on too long, have fun with this wreck of a boy that you care about so much. Maybe you two will get together and have scared and depressed kids!" She walks away, flipping her hair.
I look at the boy and smile at him brightly. He smiles back at me, "Th-Thank you." He speaks with a shaky voice. "You're welcome. Do you want to come to my house? I can make you some food and, if you want, you can sleep over?" He nods and follows me back home.
Part 2 Coming Soon!
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