Timbi was at school with a friend of his. (I'm just gonna use the names exo and fizz) exo looked at him. She seemed annoyed. "Hey, you alright?" He asked her. "Go away! I don't wanna see you!" She told him. Timbi just walked off sadly. A tall dark figure approached him. Timbi looked up at the figure. He knew only he could see the figure. It opened a portal of some sort and dragged Timbi inside it, then closed it. He looked at the figure again. "Why am i he-" he asked before he was shunned by the figure. "You need to rest physically and mentally. you arent ok." It told him. Timbi gave a strange look. The figure summoned a warm blanket and sat down on a couch. "Come here and sleep for a bit." It told him. Timbi walked over, laid down on the couch, and rested his head on the figure's thigh. The figure tucked him in gently, And played soft music for him. Timbi felt a warm feeling as he dozed off. "Sleep well child.."
It was the next day. Timbi was still with the figure. He was under a bed with a set of razor blades he kept in his pocket. he pushed the blade into his skin and slowly dragged it down his hand, watching a cut form and start to bleed. he ripped the blade out and squeezed his hand so blood would come out. "Childddd.! breakfast is readyyyy.!" The figure called out. Timbi heard footsteps approach the bed. He started to cry. the figure pulled Timbi out from the bed. "You poor thing.. you shouldn't treat Yourself like this.. let's get you better.." it told Timbi. he looked very depressed. The figure wrapped his hands up in bandage. They were covered in cuts and scars. it wiped Timbi little tears and patted him. "Now.. how about you lay on the couch and you can eat food there.." it told him. "Oh my gosh! I never introduced myself! My name's crubble." They told Timbi. "I'm t-timbi.." he stuttered. "Now now.. no need to be scared.. also do you have anyone you live with?". That question brought Timbi so many memories back. His parents abandoned him and left him to die. Timbi shook his head. "Oh about you stay with me.. ok..?" It told him. Timbi laid down on the couch and ate his breakfast.
Timbi was getting ready for school. His backpack was really broken but it would do for a least one more year. " bye bye crubble!" Timbi yelled as he opened the portal and went through it. He closed the portal so no one could get in. Exo stared at him. "I bet the injury isn't even that Bad. You should take those off." She told him. Timbi rolled his eyes and walked off. Timbi went to his first class, math. one of his friends were sitting next to him. "Hiii!" Timbi waved aggressively to show that he was excited to see her. Fizz just looked at him. "Geez calm down, and what's up with your hands?" She told him as she started stabbing his hands with a pencil. "Dont do tha-". "I can do what I wanna do." Fizz told Timbi. Timbi weeped as she continued to stab his hands. As soon as the teacher walked in she stopped and hid the bloody pencil away. Timbi then got up And ran to the bathrooms. He grabbed as much toilet paper as he could and wrapped it around his hands. He walked out of the bathroom to notice fizz just standing there. Waiting for him. "Finally your back." She said. Timbi immediately ran outside and into a shed where old school stuff was. "I wanna go home..with crubble.. and the nice warm couch.." he said to himself. "Timbiiiiii! Come out wherever you areeeee!" Fizz Called out. Timbi started to cry. "I hate this. I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this. I HATE THIS." Timbi cried out. He opened the shed and ran like he was running for his life. He opened the portal back to his new home and ran into it.
Crubble stared at him. "Why aren't you at school little Timbi?" They asked. Timbi bursted into tears and hugged crubble. "It's ok.. don't cry.." they told Timbi. "I don't wanna go back to school..Everyone there is scary.." he told them. Crubble petted his head gently. "How about you get more rest.. you could use it.." they told him. Timbi laid on the Couch and watched as crubble turned on the soft music and tucked him in. Then crubble kissed him on the head.
"Good night my sweet child.."
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