me myself and everyone else Part 1
"Wait, before you go on, could you maybe tell me what I did to deserve this?", I say, still baffled as to how exactly I managed to get called to the principal's office. I look down at my watch... it's 2:24pm. A whole 3 hours I'm missing this time, 2 more than usual. Great. The amount of things I could've done, or should I say he could've done, is enough to make my stomach churn. So far I've narrowed it down to either stabbing my science teacher with a sharpened pencil or giving my basketball coach a blinding concussion. Either way, I've just received a week's worth of detention for something I didn't even do.
"Don't try to play coy with me, Miss Henderson. You may have everyone else believing your DID nonsense but if you think you can get away with this you're surely mistaken. Do I look like a fool to you?" he wails while pointing a sausage-like finger to himself. He has gotten so close to me that I can feel every splatter of anger induced spit on my face. Oh god, I can even smell the tuna melt sub he had for lunch. Disgusting. Now I'm not one to judge people, but based on his bulging red head and his total disregard for his students mental well being, I'd say he's more than fool worthy.
The worst part about having a disorder that gives you multiple personalities isn't the fact that you can't control it. The thing that's most bothersome is the magnitude of ignorant assholes like this clown tell me that what I go through everyday is nothing more than just a cry for help or a sorry excuse to do whatever the hell i want, both of which i do not care for.
"Well firstly, Dissociative Identity Disorder isn't bullshit, actually. It's a real thing that happens to real people and has a real diagnosis. Secondly-"
"Do you think I care about which person inside you did what?" he scorns at the top of his lungs, his heavy fists slamming his desk. "What I care about is the damage you've caused and how you're gonna pay for it. Even if you say it wasn't you, it was bloody one of ya's" my principal butts in. The veins are nearly jumping out of his head. I hate being interrupted. This makes my blood broil. Almost enough to--
No, no. I can control it this time. Just zone out, don't let him get to you. It's almost 3pm anyways, dad will be here soon to pick me up. Just think happy thoughts, like how Kai smiled so sweetly at me in the hall today.
"That wasn't real. He was only being nice to you."
A voice intrudes my thoughts from the back of my mind. Of course.
"You know that he only has eyes for Jasmine. Remember when they hugged while watching that movie in class. You could almost feel how much he likes her"
Fuck off, Remy. I don't want to hear it.
"What, the truth? You know I'm the most honest out of all your personalities. I own these losers."
Okay, new plan. Complete distraction.
"---and that's why you will never learn" I zone back in. Wow, how long can he rant for. I glance around his office, for something, anything to make him stop talking. A photo of him and his wife on his desk. She's so pretty. It makes me sad that she settled for such a low life kinda guy. "Your wife's gorgeous, what's her name?" I blurt out. He looks stunned at my sudden kindness, but he goes along with it. "Mia. What's it to you?"
"Punch him in the nose."
I sigh.
"I was just curious is all. How long will my dad be, do you think?" I ask. Throwing him off and keeping up the small talk is the only way for Remy to just go away. "I wouldn't know, maybe a while." Wonderful.
His phone buzzes. A text message. "Had a great time last night ;) xxoo". Not from Mia. From Karen.
He quickly snatches the phone away, but it's too late. "What was that?" I question. I know what it was, I just want to see how far he'll go with this.
He gives me an awkward, friendly smile. "Listen, let's just forget about the whole detention business. I wouldn't want my wife getting any ideas. I'm willing to put this whole day behind us if you are", he says, rather calmly I may add.
"Infidelity is unacceptable. Every sinner deserves punishment."
Come on dad, get here quick. Please.
"You know you want to."
But you know I can't.
"Tough luck."
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