Story 5- Fear
CinnamonRoll78 For December Contest
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
Don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas
Is yoooooooooooouuuuu!
The song worried its way through Diana's thoughts and invaded her mind as she switched off the radio and left for the bus stop, trudging through the snow.
The problem was a boy.
But not just any boy. The boy.
You see, James was just average. By school "law", or unwritten law at least, he wasn't popular- he didn't play football or sing in the choir- but he was knockout gorgeous. The popular girls pretended he was beneath them but secretly loved him, and the girls who weren't popular were too shy to ask him out. Diana was in the second category. At least she had progressed passed the stage where she couldn't speak to him- an affliction that had affected her when he moved here and joined the tennis team. For the first few days, she couldn't even make eye contact with him, which was troublesome, considering she was the team captain. So when she wasn't giving him orders, naturally he noticed and talked to her.
"Why don't you like me?" he asked.
Diana looked down at the ground. "Wha-what makes you say that?" she mumbled.
"Well, you don't talk to me. Its like you don't want me to be playing."
"Oh- oh no, that's not what I was doing. I- I just like to get a span of a person's character before giving them orders," she fibbed.
"Smart idea. See you out on the field tomorrow!" He smiled at her, oblivious to her obvious discomfort, and walked away.
They were friends now, but Diana wanted to be more than friends. With the upcoming Christmas Ball, she wondered if he would ask her out, but as the days flew by, there seemed no hope. It was tonight. No one had asked her, or James, as far as she knew. And she would never be able to ask him.
Don't be afraid, Diana, she scolded herself. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Theodore Roosevelt said that. Or someone. It was a smart person, though. Just ask him.
Making up her mind, she saw him at the bus stop. "Hey, James," she said. "I, uh..."
"Um... do you..."
"Want to go to the Christmas Ball with me?" he blurted, instantly covering his mouth. "I'm sorry. You were probably going to say something about tennis. Forget I asked." He turned away, forlorn.
"I, uh, actually, that was what I was going to say."
He turned around and hugged her tightly, spinning her around. "I would be happy to go with you."
They stepped out of the rented limousine, which was soooo awesome, by the way. Diana's black hair was pulled back into a braid and her golden dress reached to her ankles and shoulders, complimenting her caramel skin. James looked pretty much like Fitz from Keeper of the Lost Cities in a tuxedo. She paused for a minute in front of the school, hesitant.
"Scared?" James teased.
Diana smiled, taking his hand. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
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