The Second Magic
It all started with a giant fissure that opened in the depths of the ocean. A strange glow illuminated the great expanse. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, almost any natural disaster that could happen came to be. All of which we blamed on climate change prior to the fissures discovery.
But, then things became much stranger. The continent of Africa had been split into two as the fissure in the ocean grew. The event accompanied by the rise of whole new continents. But, it was when the East Coast had magically become a forest within a night... that was when everything descended into madness.
In a matter of just a few weeks, panic, fear, and a host of disasters brought war upon us.
A plague had carried off as many people as the war had. Some towns disappeared under strange domes of black mist. Only to be lifted a few days later, the city gone and it's people now "Mist Dwellers". Both they and their strange chimera-like, Umbra, possessing the ability to tame the very elements.
But, of all the things I can remember of that time was the day that the Mist Dwellers had ventured into our town. It was the fifth year since the chaos began. My people unable to keep the Mist Dwellers out as we had few able fights.
The black coated men and women marching into the little encampment turned town, their weapons sheathed and kind looks upon their faces. Much different when compared to any normal human who would have killed us on instinct.
The group of twenty stopping outside the town elders home. My eyes trailing across the pack of people as they stood before the staircase to my grandmother's house. Many had strange, glowing eyes and brands on their body which denoted their connection with one of the great magical beasts.
"What is it that the great Mist Dwellers seek?" The gravelly, sage-like voice of my grandmother hit my ears, which instantly caused me to rise. My head bowed to the great woman who's leadership had kept us alive for the last few months. "Come now! We haven't all day."
A tall dark-haired woman of Asian decent stepped forward. Her hands held before her, and a smile on her face as she bowed her head. "We seek to rebuild. To make this continent into the true symbol of peace and freedom that it once promised. We hope to have you join us."
My grandmother appeared to mull it over before her eyes met my own. "Nina, I leave this to you,"
"Are you sure,"
She nodded. "I have faith in you, child." The elder spoke.
I gulped as all eyes turned to me. I knew we couldn't survive much longer with untrained fighters. We'd be slaughtered for what little we had left. I knew that they were our only chance. "Yes, we will join you."
That was a decision that soon ended the war of the Second Magic.
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