The Meeting of Great Wolf and Grandfather Bear - Fractional Fantasy
Shirley followed the two snow wolves up the familiar snow-dusted trial which lead to the spot where today's meeting would be held. The thirteen-year-old Ranger-in-training smiling from ear to ear as she heard the excited calls of the people standing below the cliff where the two animals would appear to give their grand announcement.
As the wolves before her neared the group, they took a small leap in the air in order to fully transform back into their human form - a particular trait which instantly recognized them as young or even newly-created shifters who were once human. The pair joined the shifters situated on the left, while Shirley took her spot at the center of the two groups. The short tween hoping - no, praying that one of the taller shifters didn't obscure her view of what would soon transpire.
To her left were the Lupus or Snow Wolf shifters, who were decked out in clothing that looked like something from the ancient days of heroes and gods. Mostly a tunic and something that looked similar to a skirt with their pelt situated on their backs, and the face of their animal form resting upon their head.
However, to the right, the Ursus or Kodiak shifters were not so different, beyond a serious height difference which made even the kindest of Ursus look as intimidating in human form as in their bear.
The strange excitement bubbling in the girl's chest was beyond measure as the sound of the two leader-animals came closer to the edge of the cliff above. All of the shifters instantly quieting as they saw the two great leaders.
The tween grinned as she saw Great Wolf and Grandfather Bear stop. Both looking down upon their people with a sense of regal elegance that most would only assume a human could carry.
Great Wolf spoke first. "Upon this great mountain, our peoples have existed for generations. We have fought together and against one another. We have aided in conflicts spanning from the day that the Europeans came forth and took these lands and may well continue to do so in the future." Great Wolf's golden eyes trailed over to Shirley. "With the Ranger's permission, of course."
"Yes. But, we would like to do so as a united front. Our people have been close and yet divided for so long, even despite all being born by the same great mother. We must work as comrades to better protect the mountains and the forest below," Grandfather Bear spoke. "No longer should the Rangers be required to protect us against Eden invaders from Tallulah."
It was amazing to see the people cheering and hugging one another as if there had never been a problem between them at any point in time.
"We entrust you to deliver our message of support to the Rangers, Friend," Grandfather Bear spoke, his words directed at the young teen as the shifters took their leave of the area.
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