The Ghost Town
Prompt: Write a scene featuring two characters sitting on the edge of a bridge.
Date: 5/2/18
The sun had nearly finished it's decent, slowly falling from the sky and down behind the trees, in a way that reminded me of a small raindrop sliding down a window pane. It was in all honesty my favorite scene, well both of our favorite scenes; the sun setting, the sky painted in pink, purple, yellow, and orange hues, while the water below the bridge had turned a striking red-orange.
“So,” I turned to the blond haired girl, watching as her blue eyes stared intently into my one green ones. “You'll be leaving soon, huh?” she muttered. Her gaze seemed to drop down to her bare feet which seemed to lifelessly dangle from off the bridge.
I nodded my head, sighing as her frown seemed to grow even grimmer. Her skin exceptionally pale, with just the slightest hint of pink. Matching her incredibly pale, almost silver, hair, which had been died a pastel pink color. “Summers almost over, this'll be the last time I can come until next year.”
For a very long, almost insufferable moment the bridge was quiet. Neither of us moving, or speaking. The only song being the sound of the slight wind blowing past and the occasional sound of the beasts that roamed the area beyond the bridge.
“That… stinks. It'll be so boring around here without you.” She spoke up. By now she'd stood up, giving me a small hint of a smile. It wasn't happy, or a fake. It was just sad. Almost like her lips were having a hard time staying up in a smile, wishing to drop back to that frown from before. “I'll walk you back to the house.”
And so we walked, slowly and leisurely, our eyes of the sky still. It was amazing how the sky looked at the various times of day. Even more so when the sky changed from sunset, to dusk, to night. “The sky really looks pretty tonight.” My companion mused, “The full moons out…” she pointed up towards the clouds moving before the bright, full moon, in a gloomy, way that almost looked somewhat Halloween-y to me.
Finally, we reached the town, walking past the many deserted homes with chipped paint and messages sprayed across many of them. I could see my friend begin to lag behind me, her eyes burning into my back. “I'm going to miss you… the others are so boring!”
I turned around, pulling her into a hug. I could feel her pull me closer, in a tight hug. “I know, but hey, I’ll be back before you know it, who knows maybe I can talk mom into letting me have the car during one of the breaks.”
“That'd be great.” She grinned, letting me go.
In the distance, the lanky silhouette of a male stood. His figure almost impossible to see under the many layers of black clothing he wore, from his hoody to his skinny jeans to his sneakers. The only other color being the white of his laces. “Oh, I better go, I don't want to keep big brother waiting. Have fun at school! See you soon!”
She ran towards the figure, who pulled his hand up in what I could only guess was a wave goodbye. Linking his arm around his sister’s shoulder as she reached him and walking farther away. Disappearing into two bright white lights as they did.
I smiled, turning to the road ahead and walking back down towards the last remaining house that still looked livable. Quickly coming to the sight of my mother packing the car.
She looked up from her work as she noticed me, her lips twitching upward. “Hello, sweetheart,” she spoke up, “I'm sorry, I didn't know when you'd be back from the bridge.”
“No, it's fine,” I mumbled, handing my mother another bag.
“So , what did you do at the bridge?”
I froze up at that, my mothers happy demeanor instantly morphing into one of worry. ”Nothing, just… taking in the scene on last time before I go.”
She laughed. I knew what it meant. She would always laugh when I made her worry only to say something like that. “You and your grandmother,” she chuckled, “you’re both so sentimental about this old ghost town.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot of history here. More than anyone knows.” My mother gave me a confused look as she closed up the trunk. Having placed the last of the luggage away. “That's why I want to come back.” I said.
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