Her body hit the ground with a harsh thud as Eris’ servant threw her into the
stone-floored dungeon. The man only chuckled as she coughed and sputtered, the raveonette’s eyes glaring into his head. “If you think the Khal was a difficult opponent, things only get worse from here on.” And then he disappeared, leaving the young woman to wallow in pain. Eris' next trial would soon be upon her, that she was sure of.
She crawled to the wall, struggling to stand as she watched for any movement.
Grasping her slingshot in hand she took the rocks from her pocket. She wasn't a skilled marksman like her brother. “I should have listened to him…”
The room shook as a roar echoed through the stone corridors that ran through the ginormous dungeon. “Many died in my previous trial, however, if you live through this, you’re one step closer to being my champion.” The goddess’ voice echoed through her mind as the opponent drew closer.
She raised the slingshot, ready to pull it back the moment she saw the beast. Her breath hitched. A lion… her favorite animal. “Damn, that bit-” It was easy to see the red that swirled around its pupil - the goddess’ cruel magic was in play.
Taking aim, she let a small tear trail down her face. The stone missed its target by a long shot. Another. The same outcome. Her opponent lurched forward, long and sharp claws raised as she readied to launch another stone. This time it had hit the lion in the eye, causing the animal to snap its eyes shut. She took this as an opportunity to dodge the creature’s strike.
She pushed her aching muscles to move even though they screamed to stop. Her feet taking her as far as they could before the beast had shaken off the hit. Another loud roar left its lips as it charged. She pulled back another rock, which sailed far over the creature’s head as it pushed her down. Sharp claws dug into her already-torn clothing. Her slingshot clattered to the floor.
She turned her head to the side, her right hand rising up to keep its jaws away from her neck. Her other hand reached over to the side for her weapon that was just out of reach.
At this moment she thought she was weak. Weaker than anyone she knew, from her sickly mother to her young cousin. She had no fight in her. She couldn't survive much longer if she kept getting the tar beat out of her. Only with Eris’ power would she have strength.
Closing her eyes she reached farther until finally grasping her weapon, before placing it into the animal’s face - uncaring of where the blow would hit. Sobs left her lips as she repeated the action until the animal's body fell. Vanishing into dust as the Khal once had.
“I need to get my act together… fight like a true warrior! Stop being so useless.”
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