Warning: this story will not be edited (not even gone through once). It will have bad grammar and word choice at times and some spelling mistakes. Colorful words will also appear in parts of the story.
Proceed at your own risk.
Thank you.
°~Fate is something uncontrollable. Either something is meant to happen, or it isn't. No matter what you do, you can't change your fate.~°
Siltafiir lay on the cold, stone floor, eyes half closed and feeling very tired. His body was without warmth due to all the years spent laying in the darkness of his horrid prison.
The bands on his wrists dug into his skin, making him shift slightly so it didn't hurt him.
He had lost track of the days being down here. Ever since the one he thought truly loved him just betrayed him, willingly manipulating him like a puppet on strings, coordinating his every move up until his capture. He was shoved down in this small, damp cave for a planned eternity, chained to the wall and having no room to shift into his dragon and escape.
He thought of the girl with anger. She was dead to him. Now all he could see was who she truly was; a disgusting whore who only thought of herself.
Though, it was fate that they met, and it was fate that led him to this Hell.
Siltafiir tried to sit up and get off the moist floor, but as soon as he moved he started to feel dizzy, his entire chest beginning to ache.
He didn't know exactly how long he was down here, but it had to be at least 100 years. He only had about that much life he had from absorbing souls of a few wildlife creatures. And if he was already this weak and in this much pain, this was his last day of soul life. Then he'd go back to his true self. A pathetically weak Wyvergon who couldn't move, not to mention even give an attempt at shifting at all.
He thought back to the days when he was little, bitterness consuming him. Why was he the one who had to be born like this? Why when he finally told someone about his powers did he have to get immediately locked up like a wild animal, even though no crimes were committed?
Siltafiir tried weakly to break the chains that bound his arms, but he wasn't nearly strong enough.
He shuffled back and leaned against the mossy walls. He closed his eyes and willed himself to fall asleep. The pain must have woken him earlier, stirring him from his slumber. He'd rather die in his sleep than suffer for hours awake and feeling every weak heartbeat further the aching in his chest.
He welcomed the haze of rest.
The sudden sounds of a key jingling in a lock woke Siltafiir, bringing him back to an even worse pain than before. He lifted his head, which had drooped and instantly closed his eyes, for a bright light illuminated the room. The light of a torch.
"How are you?"
Siltafiir flinched at the noise. His prison had been quiet for years. Any loud noise was like thunder, echoing through the room.
He couldn't recognize the voice even, and the light from the torch prevented him from being able to open his eyes more than a narrow squint.
"Who... Who are you?" he asked, surprised that he could remarkably find his voice after all the years he went wordless.
There was a soft chuckle from the newcomer. "You can't recognize me? It's your brother, Zahrahmiik."
Siltafiir flinched and tried to turn around so he wasn't facing his younger sibling, though he couldn't put any power into his limbs, barely able to lift his arm. "Go away!" Siltafiir demanded. "It's not just that bitch's fault that i'm down here, it's your fault too!"
Zahrahmiik sighed. "Medisimo and I did what we thought was best for the kingdom, Siltafiir."
Siltafiir turned his head away sharply.
"Like Hell you did! I never hurt another Wyvergon with my powers EVER! Yet both of you were so convinced that i would that you told everyone about the secret i TRUSTED YOU WITH!" he couldn't help it now. Hot tears were starting to form, dripping down his cheeks. "I trusted you and i was betrayed! My own brother and mate!"
Zahrahmiik placed the torch on the ground and walked over.
Siltafiir tried to crawl away, but to no avail. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM-" he was cut off as his brother pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry, Silty. I never meant to hurt you this much. I regret everything and i'd do anything to help you get out of here..."
Siltafiir relaxed a bit, feeling automatically comforted by the embrace.
But he couldn't forgive his brother.
He couldn't forgive either of them. They broke their promise to him as soon as they didn't want him around anymore.
He saw them, going off together in secret when they thought he wouldn't see. He heard them whispering when they thought he wouldn't hear. But he did.
Not only did Zahrahmiik hate it that Siltafiir was more powerful, he wanted Siltafiir's mate too! Medisimo was easy to sway her preferences.
Siltafiir knew about their relationship. He knew they they were "secretly" together. He KNEW that they were planning to get rid of him so that they could be free of hiding.
Siltafiir had told himself this since the day he was thrown in here by some Wyvergon soldiers. And now he thoroughly believe it.
"Anything?" Siltafiir mumbled.
Zahrahmiik tightened the hug. "I mean it."
An idea came to Siltafiir. Maybe fate wasn't against him as he had thought...
He got a burst of energy and threw his brother to the ground, pinning him down. "THEN WHY DON'T YOU FOLLOW WHAT YOUR NAME MEANS AND BE MY SACRIFICE!"
Zahrahmiik screamed and struggled as Siltafiir began sucking the soul out of him.
Purple whisps were spiraling up Siltafiir's arms as the soul was rapidly reducing.
Zahrahmiik weakened until he was limp, doll like and blank like all the victims of Siltafiir's ability.
The Wyvergon staggered to his feet.
He refused to die here... Fate had brought him a sign and he took it. He was meant to kill his sibling and get more strength, then break out of his prison.
"It's time to see who else remembers me..." he growled.
Siltafiir rubbed his wrists as he sat on the counter at his old home. The chains he had worn had rubbed his skin to bruises, giving him pain with any pressure put onto it. Though, the popped vains were slowly fixing, the extra blood wouldn't disappear for a while yet.
He hummed softly as he waited for Medisimo to return home from wherever she was. Her scent still lingered in the air, fresh as honey straight from the hive. She still lived here, and by the slight dullness of her scent, left only a few hours ago.
He slipped off the counter, stumbling as he landed. His legs weren't used to standing, walking, or taking much weight at all. It was a struggle just to get here without drawing attention. He wandered around the home, sniffing the air. As well as Medisimo's distinct scent, there was also Zahrahmiik's. He didn't recognize it as his brother's due to not having the scent hit him in a while. Though Medisimo's was a different story. She always smelled of hibiscus flowers and fresh toast with nice warm chocolate. It was so odd that it was near impossible to forget. He stopped outside the bedroom he and his mate gad once shared.
All of the mingled scents, new and old, told the story of what happened while he was gone. And, frankly, it disgusted him.
Siltafiir frowned to himself looking at the ruffled bed that Medisimo never bothered to fix.
Siltafiir knew her well, and as a result he figured Zahrahmiik and her had gone at it the night before. Medisimo never made the bed after a long night inbed with someone. It was something else odd about her.
He turned and left the scene, going to the other rooms and looking around. He was looking for any memories of his own to recall, and had much luck. But, most of them weren't pleasing.
He turned towards the door as he heard it open up with a click.
Siltafiir narrowed his eyes, then snuck around out of sight. He knew the moment she saw him, Medisimo would flee. He just wanted to talk to her.
Medisimo tucked some pink hair behind her ear, humming sweetly as she looked around the room.
"Miik? Miik, you here?" she called.
When there was no response she shrugged and started putting things away in cupboards.
Siltafiir stood in the space between Medisimo and the door. She hadn't noticed him, he had been far too quiet.
He began humming the same song she was as soon as she had stopped.
It gave Siltafiir and weird pleasure as he saw her stiffen.
She turned slowly around, gasping as she saw him and backed up immediately.
Siltafiir frowned "why are you so shocked to see me?"
Medisimo was obviously trembling, he could see it clearly even from the distance spart they stood.
"W-what? H-how did you get here? How did you get out?" Medisimo stammered.
Siltafiir narrowed his eyes, biting his bottom lip slightly.
"Don't worry, i'm not here to kill you." he sighed. No matter how much he thought about taking revenge, the Wyvergon's heart was already heavy from the death of his brother. He wished he didn't feel bad at all, but it couldn't be helped.
"Then why are you here?" Medisimo demanded, slowly increasing the distance between them.
Siltafiir tilted his head ever so slightly. "I'm here to see our child. You were pregnant before you betrayed me, and the kid should be an adult by now."
Medisimo's hands balled into fists. "Well she's not here, as you can tell by her scent not being here."
Siltafiir narrowed his eyes. "What'd you do to her? Give her up for adoption?"
Medisimo growled and angrily stepped towards him. "I would never!" she started crying. "It's all your fault! They killed her because she had YOUR genes and they didn't want her being a danger too..."
Siltafiir felt a sudden anger course through him. "WHAT? Who killed her?" he demanded.
Medisimo fell to her knees, still crying. "The Queen and her guards..."
Siltafiir snarled, whipped open the door and ran out, shifting mid-jump into the air, then lifting into the sky. He let out a furious roar that echoed through the whole island, shaking and svaring the birds from the trees amd frightening all of the Wyvergon citizens below.
Some started screaming out of fear and confusion.
And thus he would soon be known as a murderer. But he always believes in justice. Fate let the Queen die and Fate let him get revenge.
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