Lyanna laid on her bed, today was her marriage. Last night she had a big fight with Eddard. He was pushing her to cancel her marriage and marry him instead. But that she couldn't do. Meanwhile she had slept with him three days ago. She felt bad for Darnos, for he was so kind and protective. She stood up and started slowly getting dressed, she wore a white gown with golden leaves on it while on her hair she wore a gold tiara of aa three headed dragon. The same crown her mother wore. The young queen walked out of her room and into the Great Hall of the Red Keep. Her eyes were met with the throne. Now it was the time of her coronation.
She climbed the steps and stood in front of the throne. She turned to the crowd and made a small bow before she sat down. She took a deep breath with her eyes landing on Darnos.
"Long May she reign!" They shouted, but truth to be told most of them short may she reign they meant.
Darnos looked at his future wife and fiancé and grinned. She was a rare beauty, he looked at her with adoration. He valued her and protected her. He would be the king and they would rule together. He would grow to love her, by time. He already cared deeply about her.
Eddard on the other hand was madly in love with her, he couldn't imagine her in the arms of another and that was why he had threatened her. He told her that if she wouldn't cancel her wedding he would either back the Blackfyre boy or he would kill Darnos. Eddard was Lord of Winterfell now after his father Robb was named hand of the queen. A recent choice Lyanna made, after she learnt he was her father. He would never betray her. Blood is stronger than anything.
At the wedding everything was grande, with the Martells celebrating like crazy. Darnos turned to Lyanna and offered her his hand
"Dance with me my queen" he said and smiled widely at her while she nodded and took his hand "play something slow" he said to the orchestra and then wrapped his arms around his wife
Lyanna looked into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. She enjoyed her wedding, the man in front of her wasn't the one she was in love with but he was someone who she would grow to love. And sometimes love was more important than passion.
"Promise me you will never betray me" she whispered to Darnos and she grinned
"I wouldn't dream of it. I am with you Lyanna, till the end of the line for better or worse" he said smiling
"It will probably be for worse" she whispered and he chuckled
"I don't give a damn" he whispered and leaned in kissing
Eddard watched them and jealousy filled his veins. It should have been him, dancing with her, holding her, kissing her. He stood up and his father glanced at him with a small frown
"Where are you going?" Robb asked and Eddard rolled his eyes
"I am not going to sit around and watch that, I am returning to Winterfell" he said and Robb sighed
"You can travel tomorrow morning along with the Tullys" he tried to reason
"No, father. I am leaving today because if I don't leave now I will kill the king" he said and glared at the new couple.
Catelyn Baratheon sat at the gardens of Kings Landing with her fiancé Edward Tully. She smiled at him as they chatted, she was fond of him. His looks and manners and gentle heart. He was everything she could ever wish for in a husband and Gendry and Arya was more than happy to see her happy. She giggled at a joke of his until her brother came and made a small bow
"My lord, sister. May we speak in private?" He asked and turned to his sister "I promise you Edward I will return in a short while" he said and offered his arm to his sister and they started walking
"What is it Robert?" Catelyn asked
"It's Eddard, he left two nights ago as you know and before he left he told me he is about to do a terrible thing" he said with a sigh which made Catelyn frown
"What is he about to do?" She asked
"He committed treason....he send me a raven telling me that he pledged his sword to Aerys Blackfyre" he said and Catelyn's eyes widen
"And what about Lyanna? She is the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms....he was obsessed with her....and he betrayed her?" She asked shocked
"Yes....and I can't leave him Lyanna. Torent Lannister will sooner of later be lord of Highgarden and he will march north with Lyanna's command. Eddard won't stand a chance" he said
"And what will you do? Go with him? Commit treason too? Robert if mum and dad learn any of this-" she started
"They will understand. I will back Eddard, he is my brother of another mother. He is our family Catelyn, not that Targaryen queen. I can't leave him be slaughtered" he said and turned around
"Does loyalty mean nothing to you?" She asked
"It means everything to me" he said and looked at his sister "it's your choice where you stand but you know where I stand" he said and she sighed
"And what about me and Edward? Please brother, come to your senses, we can't betray the queen" she said and he sighed
"I already have, I sent half of our army North. Now that Aerys is sailing to White Harbor he will need an army to march south" he said and Catelyn shook her head in disbelief
"You are terrible. Both you and him...." she whispered and he looked into her eyes
"And so are you" Was Robert's last words before he left
"And so am I" She whispered to herself and sighed, she knew she would back him against all odds. She loved her brother, he was the only one she could trust.
She walked back to her fiancé and smiled at him, Edward was so sweet and he seemed so innocent. He took her hand and smiled softly
"Are you alright my love?" He whispered
"Yes, yes of course darling" she answered and faked a smile
Torent appeared suddenly in front of Lyanna, he knew her since she was a little girl and he was a little boy. He had spent five years in Kings Landing with his father Tommen, before his death. He chuckled and so did the queen
"Torent! I am the queen and you are the future lord of Highgarden. You should stop doing foolish things and make me laugh like a baby" she said with a chuckle not really meaning it
"Oh come on, you love how I make you laugh and tease you and....ugh you generally love me" he teased her and she slapped his arm playfully
"You are an idiot truly" she said and they laughed
"That husband of yours, is he kind with you? Is he treating you well?" He asked and smiled at her while she nodded smiling
"Darnos is amazing, really. He is gentle and everything I could ever wish for in a king..." she said with a shrug
"Great, a eternity is a long time to spent with someone" he said and chuckled
"What about you? When and who are you getting married?" She asked smirking and Torent shrugged
"I don't know" he said and looked down with a sigh making Lyanna frown
"What's the matter Torent?" She asked softly and he sighed
"The woman I love....loves another" he said with a sigh as they sat on a bench
"Wow....that's sad, well you are a lord dear. And a handsome on only a fool would turn you down. Also how do you know she likes another?" She asked and chuckled
"I....saw her being too affectionate with another" he said and Lyanna looked at him in surprise
"You caught her sleeping with another man?" She asked
"No you don't get it Lyanna.... I caught her cuddling another one.Naked" he said and sighed sadly while Lyanna nodded
"Some women seek another woman's companion. But have your shot. It might have been a one time thing. Who is she anyway?" She asked and Torent sighed
"Helena Tully, the sister of Edward" he said and rolled his eyes which made Lyanna frown
"Really? Wow, she always looked so fascinated by princes and all that." She said and shrugged
"Yeah and so was Catelyn. I remember her running around those knights of your father" he said and Lyanna frowned deeply
"Wait, the woman you saw Helena with was....Catelyn?" She asked in disbelief and Torent sighed but nodded
"Don't say anything to Edward. He seems really happy about his marriage" he said and shrugged "little did he know that she is sleeping with her sister" he said and rolled his eyes
"Well, you can still ask for Helena to marry you" she said
"And be with a wife who will always like women more than me? I don't know Lyanna..." he said and sighed while she patted his back
"She will love you, maybe she won't desire you as she desires well....Catelyn" she said and chuckled while he glared at her
"Stop it!" He said and chuckled as they saw Darnos appearing from the shadows
"Lyanna, a message came from Winterfell saying that um....Eddard rebels against the crown. He chose Aerys Blackfyre" he said and Lyanna looked at him ins shock
"What?! Eddard...no Ed- I mean Eddard...." she started and Torent put a hand on her shoulder
"Lyanna...." he said softly and she walked to Darnos
"Where is that Blackfyre bastard?" She asked in anger and Darnos sighed
"White Harbor" He said softly and took her hand "my love, my sun and stars calm down a moment and think of our next move" he said
"I am going to rain fire from above to them that's what I am gonna do" she said and her eyes lit up while he sighed
"My love, no. It's not wise to do so, come on let's retire to bed and then we can talk about it" he said softly and took her hand as they both waved to Torent.
As they walked to their room and they got inside she sat on the bed and sighed. She saw Darnos purring them both a cup of wine. She took the one and thanked him, she took a long sip and set it aside as she started undressing. She then put on a silk robe on and sat beside him on the bed
"They are they betraying me? Am I that bad?" She asked with a sad sigh while he shook his head and hugged her. He kissed the top of her head
"You are a good queen. The best. They are fools with a lust for power. We will beat them, together" he said and she kissed his lips
"I am so glad to have you by my side" she said and he stroked her cheek
"And I am the luckiest to have you, by my side, being my wife." He said and pushed her back on the bed, he kissed down her neck.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her hands down his back, she then kissed his neck and nip his neck. The night was wonderful and she enjoyed being intimate with him so much. As she laid on his shoulder naked she smiled pleased. She then looked into his eyes
"Why don't you ride Viserion?" She asked him softly and grinned
"What? Oh no Lyanna, I am not a Targaryen. The dragons won't trust me" he said softly
"Bullshit, I trust you and they follow me after my mother's death. They will love you" she said with a grin
"I am not sure Lyanna" he said and looked into her eyes
"Come on darling, give it a try. You will never want to stop then" she whispered softly and he smirked
"You are the true dragon" he whispered and kissed her. She was fond of Darnos and he was falling in love more and more with her. The viper loving a dragon, not knowing if its fire would burn him.
Soooo here it is another one, don't forget to vote and comment. Give me some feedback guys!!!! I love hearing your thoughts on the story, love ya all!❤️
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