Lyanna looked at her father and sighed, she didn't wanna go to Riverrun. She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to find a way to stay to Winterfell. With Eddard. She didn't want to leave him, not after their kiss.
"Father please, let me stay behind. I like the North" she said and looked into his eyes while Jon sighed and shook his head
"Not another word Lyanna, I said we are leaving tomorrow" he said sternly and sighed "and don't get too attached to Eddard young lady" he said "you will get hurt"
"You don't know him" she said and rolled her eyes "and why should I anyway?" She asked
"Because....you don't really know him, my dear flower. I don't want you getting hurt, you are the princess and future queen, you have to think as one" he said and put his hand on her cheek as he stared into her eyes "please dear, don't sadden me" he said and sighed
"Dad I.... I like him, doesn't that count?" She asked with a sigh
"It does, it really does but in this case....it's not enough. You shouldn't like him" he said
"Why?" She asked desperate to know the answer
"Because....we are not about to discuss it now. I have lots of work, get ready we are leaving to Riverrun tomorrow" he said with a sigh
The secrets of the past were there hurting them again, damn it if Maegal was there she would know what to do. But Jon didn't. Then again he thought, he had married his half sister too but they were Targaryens. It was different. He knew Robb would do something too, he was the king yes but that moment he felt so powerless.
Lyanna on the other hand walked out of the room with anger boiling inside her. She looked out of a window and imagined her life. She would be in the Red Keep, being queen and ruling with a king she wouldn't love? Oh no, she wouldn't have the date of her mother. Lyanna wasn't like Maegal, she believed that some rebellions have to be stopped before they even start. No weapons needed, only fire. She knew the dragons were a weapon and she wanted to use them unlike her father.
Eddard found Lyanna in the Great Hall eating some grapes. He sat beside her and smirked as he kissed her cheek and she looked around them, gladly they were alone.
"Hey don't do that, please Ed. We need to be careful" she said and he groaned
"Like I care, I am the future lord of Winterfell and you the future queen of the seven kingdoms. Who would dare to say a word to us?" He asked and chuckled before he kissed her passionately and she pushed him
"I am the princess, I must look flawless. Can't afford for rumors to be spread around about us" she said and sighed
"Fuck them, you are human. And we are in love, I don't care about anyone else....you are not your mother Lyanna, Maegal looked perfect but she wasn't. None is, she was though the most powerful of her time" he said and Lyanna stood up
"You are right, I am not like my mother. I am different, more of a dragon. But you are nothing like your father either, he is kind and cares about people. You only care of yourself" she said and turned around while he grabbed her hand
"I care about you, isn't that enough? And yes I am nothing like him, he is weak now. I am not" he said and smirked
"I am leaving tomorrow to go to Riverrun" she said and sighed as she sat on his lap and he stroked her hair before he kissed her neck
"Then I shall come with you" he said softly "I will marry you Lyanna, one way or another we will be together. I promise you" he whispered and she nodded slowly
As he smelled her hair he felt pleased. He knew he wasn't like the rest of the Starks, Eddard was cunning and he took everything he wanted and he wanted Lyanna and the crown. He didn't care that she was his sister, half sister. The desire he felt clouded any other sense he had and the truth would remain hidden, forever.
Last night
Robb had finally mastered the courage to talk to his son, after dinner and after all these touched between the princess and him he thought of it necessary for him to know the truth
"So what are you telling that Lyanna is actually a bastard? And your daughter?" The young man asked shocked and Robb sighed
"I loved her mother more than anything in this world, I would have kept Lyanna if Jon wasn't so devastated and so desperate to have a part of Maegal close to him" he said and sighed sadly "Lyanna is your sister Eddard" he said
"I...I can't believe it" he said surprised and glanced at the sad man in front of him
"You see now why you can neither marry her nor form any kind of intimate relationship with her?" He asked
"Yeah....does she know?" He asked curiosity getting the best of him
"No, of course not. Jon insist on not telling her, but my son. You know, you have to do the right thing" he said and put a hand on his shoulder "you can be friends but only that" he said
"I see....you are right father, I have to do whatever is best for the family" Eddard said and looked at Robb.
And he would, he wouldn't tell Lyanna anything. But he would keep on loving her and he would keep on courting her. He would eventually marry her and become the king all while he would pretend to follow his father's wishes and commands. But the fact that his father had once chose to give his heart and soul to a Targaryen and leave her pregnant, that wouldn't mean that his plans would be put aside for that.
Riverrun was beautiful as always, the small river around the castle made it look much more beautiful than it already was. For Robb the memories were painful as in that place his mother was killed by the Boltons and that day in that wedding Maegal had left him and went with Herastus South. As they got off their carriages he and his men were greeted by Edmund Tully and his wife and eldest son before Lyanna got off her and Jon's carriage and greeted them along with Aegon.
The young princess hugged her friend Edward and he hugged her back. They were childhood friends and she hadn't seen him in two years since he and his father had left King's Landing.
"By the gods Lyanna, I missed you so much" the young man said and hugged her again when they left alone
"I missed you too Edward, the gardens of Red Keep are not the same without you" she said and giggled as she remembered all these pranks they used to play to the guards
"I am sure they aren't" he said and laughed "so how have you been?"
"Oh the last three weeks have been dreamy" she said with a grin
"Another boy?" He asked and chuckled
"Well....yes. But not just any boy, Eddard Stark" she said
"wow...um, I am glad that you like him" he said and shrugged
"I am in love, Edward. I think" she said
"You know how many times you have told me that? Remember when you had met that boy from Volantis and you told me you wanted to marry him? Yeah poor Eddard you will probably forget him in a week" he said knowing his friend really well. She just laughed
"Ugh Edward why do you always have to spoil it for me?" She said playfully and smiled "what about you?" She asked
"Well I am engaged now, to Catelyn Baratheon" he said and smiled "she is beautiful and sweet and kind and she is great in archery"
"Sound like wife material" Lyanna teased and patted his back "I am happy for you, Edward" she smiled
"I am happy too, I hope you find the love you are desperately seeking and avoiding at the same time" he said with a small smirk and they laughed
He was right, she was seeking it but the moment she would find it she would toss it aside like an old and overly used toy.
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