Promeposal week Day 1/morning after part 1
Luna's p.o.v
I told Taylor everything about Gray and how it was my fault that everything went wrong with her when everyone else went to sleep. I made her promise to forgive him. She pinky swears and said the girl code anthem- that I came up with on the spot. I can't believe there can be so much forgiveness in her after what I did to her. I guess life is too short to hold grudges. I was replaying the forgiving smile Taylor gave me when I was fully awaken by her singing in the shower. I lay there peacefully when I hear the smoke alarm go off. I jump up and run to the kitchen. Taylor runs from the bathroom upstairs in a robe a towel wrapped around her hair and bunny slippers. "THATIANA WHAT DID YOU DO!" Taylor yelled. (Y/N) was viciously beating down the flames forming on the counter. "What are you doing trying to burn my house down?!" Taylor continued. "I was just trying to make waffles." Thatiana stated." Man you really are fire hazard's girlfriend huh?" ( y/n) asked." Meant to be." Taylor said sarcastically." Who taught you how to make waffles?"
Jalynn said dying of laughter. "Levy and I can cover breakfast." I said to them." Already reading cook book!" Levy yelled from the quiet corner where she was oddly not being disturbed. "No need I am pretty good at this NOT burned waffles coming up!" I shouted." Thank you so much Luna I am going to get ready it is promeposal week and I have to be at school to take in orders for promeposal this week." Taylor said." Hey can I help you this year?" (Y/n) asked." Duh!, I can use all the help I can get!" Taylor said and was about to run upstairs when there was a knock at the door. "I GOT IT!" Taylor yelled. She must be unaware that she is still on her robe and bunny slippers. I went right to work teaching Levy how to properly make waffles.
Taylor's p.o.v.
"I GOT IT!" I yelled and walked to the door. I opened it up and there were all the boys that had crashed at Gray's house. Malachi and Chriswon quickly stepped in Gray's view of me because I was still in my robe." Oh yeah come in make yourself comfortable." I said." Outta my way losers going to the kitchen!" Gajeel shouted." Don't eat everything in my fridge Luna is making breakfast." I yelled at him as he ran into my kitchen. "Hey I was assuming you guys needed a ride to school." Levi said." Yeah that would be cool but I am not ready. Just give me a minute." I said to him. My brothers ran upstairs to get dressed for school. I ran up after them and came back down in a leather pair of jeans a baby blue shirt and Gray's obvious grey sweatshirt plus his necklace." Hey Fullbuster come here." I called to Gray. He followed me up the stairs, we walked to my room. I stopped him in the middle of the room and stared at him. I trusted him a lot I just couldn't bring myself to do what I wanted to do. After all I was technically with Hanabusa but I guess you can't decide something like that after one date, and he is a little too distracted with other girls so u let him loose.
Gray's p.o.v
I was brought upstairs by Taylor probably because she wanted to murder me, but the look in her eyes didn't say murder. They said more of I'm sorry. As much as I just wanted to kiss her and beg and plead for her back I didn't want to sound desperate. Just they way she was looking at me was enough to paralyze me. Finally she walked up to me and grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled me into the sexiest kiss we have ever had I wrapped my hands around her waist while she played with my hair. I was happy that this is what we were again but I had to ask." So does this mean that we are us again?" I asked her." No it doesn't mean us but it means I forgive you and u am really sorry."
she said. I was about to kiss her again when Sting yelled breakfast." I gotta get going we all have to get to school." Taylor said to me then walked downstairs. I followed her and sat down next to her at her island counter while Luna passed out non burnt chocolate chip waffles while Levy poured apple juice into everyone's glass." Whoawethoughtyouweredeadstripper!" Natsu said stuffing an entire waffle in his mouth." Stoptryingtotalkwithyourmouthfull!" Thatiana tried to yell with waffle stuffed in her mouth." Hypocrites!" I said. Taylor Sting and Gajeel had all disappeared and I wonder where they went. Probably somewhere socking each other in the face playfully. If not uh oh. I think I have to come up with the best promeposal ever. I started thinking about it while trying to steal Taylor's waffles. She came back in and swatted my hand away then gave me the waffles and filled a travel coffee mug with apple juice and yelled, " 20 minutes then I am with or without you! I really don't care!" She went to gather her back pack.
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