Chapter 4- Detention
The rest of the day went kimd
of quickly. Someone made me call home. My foster brother answered the phone ( thank goodness) I pleaded for him not to tell our foster parents. He Said we would talk about it when I got home. I whined for an insane amount of time and capitulate d to my older brother. All of a sudden I heard someone with a bored voice say "you are kinda cute when you whine and beg." Levi said with a stoic expression on his face." Thanks." you say with a lot of confidence and no blush. Omg where is my blush!? You thought after talking to Levi.
Levi p.o.v
I walk into the office to see (f/n) on the phone with her folks. Her folks must've said something she didn't like because she started to whine and beg in an insanely cute way. I told her " hey you're kinda cute when you whine and beg." All she said was thanks turned around and sashayed out of the room without a blush. Where did the blush go??!!
(F/n)'s p.o.v
I walked down to the basement took 3 rights and 1 left. I arrived at the 9th grade detention hall. Armin was sitting in the back looking ashamed of himself. I was walking in with Eren down the hall and we were talking about how I looked kind of upset after calling my parents. We stopped right before we went into the class room he said "I hope everything goes well. I wouldn't really know what it is like to get into a whole world of trouble because all I have is my sister Mikasa. I think you have seen her the girl with the red scarf?" "Oh yeah the one that was death glaring me?""Yeah sorry about that she is really protective over me. And I still hope everything will be ok." With that said I gave him a hug and walked into the classroom . I looked back at him to see him not even trying to hide his wild blush." This might be the beginning of a new friendship." I said. I took my seat in front of Armin and Eren took a seat next to me and Levi was sitting in the front by eyebrows. He shot Eren a glare and Eren just smirked back. I took out some wires and a empty box and started to fix some broken places in the box. "Hey, listen up. I will be back in a few minutes. I must go to the bathroom." you think he would've learned not to leave us alone. I guess not. He got up and left the room. "Yeah he'll be gone for more than a few minutes." Levi said happily."That burrito is starting to take its toll out on him." He continued with a smirk. Levi got up and walked to the back of the room and pushed Eren all the down to the end of the row pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and ran back to the front room where he was. The paper said
This is my number
(317)-261-8470 call me. (sorry if this is your number).
Eren must've have been looking because he asked"
You two gotta a thing or what?" "Why you wanna know?" you ask suspiciously."I just do." he said like child. I smiled at our childish ways and then went back to fiddling with the box."If you don't might ask what are you doing with those wires and that box?" Eren asked timidly. "Well I really don't know." "She does this all the time."Armin blurted out!" Yeah yeah she takes so old junk parts and then bam it turns into something like a paint bomb or a mini taser!!" he said getting all excited about nothing. "Oh calm down Armin tinkering is no big deal." "What are you talking about what you are doing is amazing!" When he said that I suddenly looked down and realized that I had tinkering turned into a little clock without a face. It was a cool beeping thing that said the time."See wh-" Armin was cut off when Levi suddenly said " shut up blondy! He's coming back." I quickly disconnected a wire so the box wouldn't beep and shoved it into my backpack. "Well that took longer than expected." I laughed at this statement and the rest of detention dragged on forever.When we detention let out I called my brother to see if I could still hangout with Armin today.This is sorta how that conversation went. Pretty on sided." So Tyler are you going to tell mom and dad that I got detention?" I asked slightly worried." Well I am going to tell Armin you two can't hangout for awhile."" Oh please no we I am suppose to meet his new dog today! Please Tyler let me stay! We were also planning on going to the arcade and the movies!!! Tyler please."" You can stop all the whining and whisper shouting. I capitulate I won't tell but you have to help me tell my girlfriend something."" Ok ok ok what do I have to tell her!"" We'll talk about that at home."" Ok
bye love lots." I said then hung up." Who ya talkin to?" I turned around to see Levi standing right behind me." Ahh. Sorry you startled me. I was talking to my brother."" Oh. I overhea-"" ease dropped"" again overheard that you and Armin had some plans tonight and I was wondering if I could join in since I have none." "Oh don't you wanna hang with your adoring fangirls?" "Hecky no they're too clingy unlike you." "Ok you can hang with us,but no inviting unauthorized people." "I wouldn't dare.""Good let's go find Armin and Eren." "Huh!" "I said let's go find Armin and Eren."" Why wold you want to do that?" " Because they're my friends and I like to hangout with my friends." " oh I see." " You see what?""You have a thing for that Eren kid huh?" "Like I said before we are friends." "That is how it starts."" Oh shut up." We walked down the hall and found Armin and Eren standing at the front door of the school. "Hey." Armin and Eren said at the same time." What up!"I replied." Can you hang today?" Armin questioned me."Yeah my brother let me off the hook. He is the best!" "I invited Eren to hang this afternoon if that is ok?" Armin said sheepishly. "Yeah that's cool I guess. Oh yeah I invited Levi because he claims he has no other plans." I said." What the Levi Ackerman doesn't have screaming fangirls that desperately need his attention!"" Why does everyone think that of me?" Levi asked." High school stereotypes." me Armin and Eren said at the same time. "Well anyway I guess it is cool that he hangs with us. But we're going to have to take the bus everywhere we go." Armin said."Nope!" I replied to his foolish statement." What do you mean Nope. How else are we going to get where we need to go?" I just gave him a smirk and he automatically knew what I meant. "Can you two tell us what you are thinking so we can hey out of school on this wonderful Friday night?" said Levi impatiently."She brought it." Armin said kind of evilish. "What is it?"Eren asked obviously confused. "You'll see. Follow me boys." I said then started walking towards the student parking garage. When we arrived I said " behold the Miss (l/n). It was a gorgeous (f/c) (favorite car).
Author's note
Hey guys I want to say don't be afraid to tell your fans and followers about this book if you are enjoying it. Don't be shy to leave comments on what you think should happen next.
Love you all-
The author ratherbereading45
go and follow.
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