Author's Note
Out of all the millions and millions of books on Wattpad, thank you for giving your precious reading time to this one. This is my first time of writing a fantasy story and also I am still in the process of editing this story, but I want to share it with you in all its raw glory.
So, please, read on if you love your YA fantasy story with a side of sci-fi, suspense, mystery and adventure! You will find it all within the pages of this tale! Though I should warn you, it's going to be a bumpy ride, fill with plot twist.
New chapters will be posted every day 5pm (Nigerian Time). If you want to be notified when new chapters go up, add this story to your reading lists or follow my profile.
I now leave you with some words from my own muse that inspired this story:
"I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say. I say if I'm beautiful, then I am beautiful. I say if I'm strong, then I am strong. You will not determine my story, I
Amy Schumer
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