Part 2
Leaning in slowly, Mark pressed his cheek against Jack's flushed one. Jack remained still but rubbed his cheek against his in a loving gesture. Mark brushed his lips lightly along his skin to whisper sweetly in his ear. "You don't have to do this, if you don't want to." Jack moved his cheek off of him to nuzzle his head into Mark's neck as he answered a bit muffled. "I know... but if this means that much to you. Then I want to see if I can enjoy it with you." Mark let a small smile spread across his face, before wrapping a comforting arm around Jack's shoulders to rub his back. He adored Jack whenever he got embarrassed or shy like this. It made him want to keep Jack in his arms where he was safe. Jack let Mark rub his back until his confidence came back. Once it had, Mark let him sit up more. Jack released his grip on Mark's wrist, lowering his hand down to one of the shock collars and dragged it across the bed to his lap. Picking up from there, his fingers fumbled with the collar as he tried to unclip it. Mark carefully intervened by unclipping the collar and telling him coolly. "Put this on me first. Take your time." The slightly relieved smile that formed on Jack's face made Mark feel good.
He could clearly see that the collar intimidated Jack. Jack always claimed that he was afraid of being shocked... but he didn't want Jack to fear it. Therefore, he'd have to slowly work Jack into it. He'd go first to show him that there was nothing to fear. He didn't want to hurt him. Jack lifted the collar up to his neck, leaning in to give his throat a quick tender kiss where the blunt prongs would go. Mark closed his eyes, savoring it. Jack could be so affectionate sometimes that it was pure bliss. Clipping the collar around his neck, Jack began adjusting it until it fit snuggly against his throat. With a slight smirk of pleasure, Jack wickedly teased out. "Shall we test it? Say my intro... I dare you." Seeing Jack so cocky got him to smile despite himself. Trying to take it a bit more seriously he pointed to the remote, telling him smugly. "You've got to turn it on first, genius." Jack quickly searched the end of the bed, snatching up the remote as he exclaimed curiously. "Oh... How do you turn it on?" Mark pointed to a button on the top, trying to explain it to him. "This turns it on. This one below it turns the level up. Just don't press the-AAAAAAAAH!"
Mark doubled over on the bed, clawing at his neck as the volts ran through him! Jack froze to the spot in surprise, dropping the remote in a panic. Worry ran through Jack's voice as he stated aloud. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. What did I do?! You said the ones below raised and lowered the level?!" When the volts stopped, Mark swallowed and adjusted the collar a bit. Taking deep calming breaths, he answered Jack in a slightly strained voice. "The red arrows raise and lower the level. The BLACK BUTTON shocks me with the highest setting. While the yellow button puts it on vocal trigger." Jack covered his mouth with his hand, giving him his best puppy eyes as he apologized through his hands. "I'm sorry, Mark. I didn't know. Are you alright?" Mark reached out to slide his fingers up the back of Jack's head, pulling him in to kiss his forehead with a reassuring grin as he told him. "It's fine. I'm ok." Leaning back on his ankles, Jack picked the remote back up and asked him nervously. "You want it on vocal trigger, right?" Mark nodded, watching Jack push the yellow button. The smirk returned to Jack's face as once again as he asked more cautiously. "Should we test it?" Mark rolled his eyes, pointing to the remote and then holding up five fingers.
Jack nodded in understanding, repeating aloud. "Level five. Got it. Are you sure you don't want to test it?" Mark cleared his throat, giving him a thumbs up. The collar was working just fine and he already knew what level he liked it at. Picking up one of the muscle stimulators, Mark took his time attaching the pads to his torso. One on each of the biceps of his arms and one on either side of his abs. Jack was more familiar with this one, having used one in a few videos of his own. Jack fiddled with the remote, while he finished attaching the pads, asking him casually. "I set it on level 15 for you. Is that alright?" Mark nodded. Jack set down the remote, rubbing his collarbone now as he asked a little confused. "How is this going to work exactly?" Mark wasn't sure Jack had asked that to see him get zapped, or if he was genuinely concerned. He decided to go with the later and cleverly answered in a soft deep voice. "Hook on your stimulator. I'll show you." Jack's face turned into one of surprise as he sat down firmly on the bed, scooting back a few inches as he shot out a little put off. "That's not fair, Mark! I can't do that! My voice doesn't go that low!"
Before Jack could retreat any farther, Mark calmly reached out to stroke a hand up along one of his legs. Jack playfully pouted, starting to scoot away more as he mumbled out with a loosely suppressed smirk. "What are you doing now? You stay away from me, you hear? Damn it, I'm upset with you. Don't." Mark continued advancing up onto the bed, until he was crawling after Jack on all fours. Jack shook his head, but he was grinning now as he told him with a chuckle. "Mark, no. Down boy! Sit!" Mark hooked his arm under one of Jack's long legs and pulled him beneath him with little effort. Jack was so light, but he was lean. Which made holding onto him very difficult. Jack yelped, sensing what was coming and rolled over to try and escape before that happened. Mark sprang forward, dropping over Jack's back and wrapping his arms around his slim waist. Jack squirmed and struggled in his arms, belting out loudly between fits of giggles. "No, Mark! Go away!" Even with all his strength, Jack was still able to wiggle free. Clawing at the mattress and pleading out to him. "Don't you do it, you son of a bitch!"
Mark couldn't help himself. Scrambling to get back overtop of Jack, he moved his hands into his armpits to stop him in his tracks. Jack was extremely ticklish. Wiggling his fingers, Jack buried his face into the bed comforter to muffle his ear splitting screams. Thrashing uncontrollably in place, Mark kept tickling him until Jack was gasping for air. At which point, Mark shifted Jack's weight around to lay him with his back down against the mattress again. Jack didn't try to stop him, he knew Mark had him pinned. So, he simply took the time to catch his breath. Jack's eyes soon narrowed in on him in playful frustration. He knew Jack hated when he did this to him, but he knew that deep down Jack kind of liked it. He'd just never admit it. The sudden smile that spread over Jack's face confused him for a split second, before Jack's hand shot up between them to tenderly fondle his balls. Mark hadn't expected it and let out a moan just loud enough that the collar shocked him for it. Doubling over Jack, he jerked as his pleasure mixed with the soft voltage. It felt good. When it passed, Mark slowly lifted his head off Jack's shoulder to look him straight in the eyes. His voice reduced to a deep lusty purr as he told him. "Do it again."
Mark adjusted over Jack to start grinding his hips against his, causing Jack to moan involuntarily from the contact. As Mark moaned very quickly to himself, Jack rose up slightly to cup his face in his hands and take claim over his lips with a hungry kiss. Normally Jack reframed from using tongue in their kisses, unless he was eager to get going. So when he felt his tongue flick teasingly over his lips, he knew that he was hungry for so much more. Parting his lips, he let Jack slide his tongue into his mouth. It was hard to focus on the kiss and grind on him at the same time, but for the most part he let Jack control the kiss. Allowing Jack to drive him crazy as his tongue moved over his in the same rhythm that Mark was using to grind on him. When Mark had to brake the kiss for air, he instead tilted his head to playfully nibble on Jack's slightly pointed ear. Nibbling on it lightly, Mark listened to Jack's guilty moans of pleasure. It was a good distraction as one of his hand discreetly removed the stimulator pads from himself to the same spots on Jack. Jack didn't seem to notice as he arched back against the mattress and let his hands wonder over him.
Once they were in place, Mark set the remote. Releasing Jack's ear from his mouth, he pressed his lips to his ear and whispered into gruffly. "Wait for it." Mark tilted his head back as the collar zapped him, but he got to see Jack's confused expression just before the muscle stimulator kicked on. The setting was on pretty low, but in Jack's lusty state it was just enough to get him to cry out. "OH, FUCKIN HELL! OH! OH, SWEET JAYSUS!" To Be Continued...
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