Part 1
The sunlight streamed in through the window, bathing Jack's pale skin in a golden glow. Mark leaned his shoulder against the bathroom door frame, drying his hair as he watched Jack continue to sleep. He loved watching Jack sleep soundlessly. It made him look younger than he was. More innocent. Or maybe it was because it was out of Jack's character to be so calm and quiet that intrigued him. Mark pulled the towel off his shoulders, tossing it to the bathroom floor before crossing the room to Jack's bedside. Jack was laying over the comforter, wearing only a pair of soft dark grey sweatpants. His head resting more on his own bent arm than the pillow. Marks eyes slowly trailed down Jack's lean frame, taking in every curve like it was a masterpiece to behold. He looked so fragile. Stepping closer to the bed, Mark lightly laid a hand on Jack's bare ankle. Then took his time slowly sliding his hand up Jack's leg. Even when barely touching Jack, he could feel his slender frame and the warmth that resonated off of him. Moving over the curve of his hip, he laid his hand flat against Jack's bare side to keep from tickling him, before continuing up along his side to his shoulder. Jack shifted his head farther into the crook of his arm with a soft moan, his acid green bangs falling over his eyes.
Mark savored the look a moment. Carefully brushing Jack's bangs away from his eyes. Mark didn't want to wake him, but couldn't stop himself from wanting to touch him. Bracing one arm behind Jack and the other on the edge of the bed, Mark leaned down over him to give his bare shoulder a tender kiss. Keeping his lips close to Jack's skin after, Mark softly whispered to him. "What do you dream about that makes you so calm when you sleep?" He didn't expect an answer, but a smirk spread over his lips, when Jack sleepily replied. "You." Mark lightly nipped Jack's shoulder playfully, still whispering to him as he asked. "Did I wake you?" Jack remained still as if he was trying to go back to sleep, revealing only a small smile as he sleepily stated aloud. "No. I've been in and out." Mark sat down on the edge of the bed, resting his forehead down on Jack's shoulder. After which, his voice took on a deep husky tone as he curiously asked him. "Were you in or out, before I kissed you?" Jack blush as a smile spread across his face, giving him the answer without words. Shifting his weight, Mark carefully guided Jack's shoulder back until he was lying on his back. Mark's breath hitched, watching Jack's eyes finally open to reveal those beautiful icy blue eyes of his. If Jack knew the kind of sway his eyes held over him, he didn't show it. Subconsciously, Mark licked his dry lips and let himself stare longingly into his eyes for a moment.
It was only when Jack's attention shifted to his hair, that Mark forced his attention down to look at the red hickie forming on Jack's throat. While he was admiring it, Jack's hand rose to touch his damp hair, purring out. "You showered already?" Mark trailed his fingertips lightly along Jack's throat, answering a bit distracted. "Ya. Why? Were you hoping to join me?" Jack huffed, starting to stretch beneath him as he yawned out. "No. But I was hoping to take a hot shower." Trailing his fingers down Jack's chest, he began to trace fleeting circles that caused Jack to jerk from the tickling sensation of it. Swatting his hand away to make him stop, Jack playfully muttered out to him in a whiny voice. "Don't, Mark. It's too early." Mark chuckled softly to himself, reluctantly obeying his wishes. Beneath him, Jack let out a contented sigh, before telling him. "We really have to find a way to see each other more often." Mark reached out to brush a strand of green hair away from Jack's eyes again, answering in a buttery voice. "We see each other all the time." Jack lightly pushed his shoulder, grumbling out. "That's not what I meant. Skype doesn't count. I'm talking about right now. This. Don't you want to have more than just a Pax fling?"
Mark brushed his fingers along the side of Jack's face. Sliding his fingertips under Jack's chin, he tilted his pouting face up, before answering sweetly. "You know I do. It's just that there are some things about me that I'm just not sure you are ready to know." Jack rolled his eyes, moving his chin off Mark's fingers as he retorted grimly. "Like what exactly? At this point, I think I know more about you than you do." Mark turned Jack's chin to look at him again, before stating out casually. "On camera, certainly. Off camera, no." Jack crossed his arms over his chest, giving him a doubtful look as he sarcastically stated out again. "Like what exactly?" Mark clenched his jaw to keep himself from answering. He didn't want to scare him off like he had with so many others. He even looked away to keep Jack from trying to bribe him with those puppy eyes of his. Instead, Jack put a comforting hand on his jaw, turning Mark's head back to look him as he seriously told him. "Come on, Mark. You know what I like, but you never share what you like. Please?" Mark became lost again in Jack's ocean blue eyes, until he exhaled with defeat. Jack would never let this go. So, reluctantly he mumbled out. "Alright. Are you sure that you really want to know?" Jack nodded without to him without braking eye contact.
Mark took a shallow breath, leaning in to kiss Jack's tender lips for a minute. He wanted to do it just in case he didn't get a second chance later. Jack favored him with a few more short kisses, then relented to watching Mark slide off the bed. Pulling his suitcase from the closet, Mark carefully set it on the hotel chair. Just before opening it though, Mark turned back to read Jack's expression a moment. Internally he debated with himself if Jack was able to handle what he was about to show him. He just couldn't tell. Jack would either love it or hate it. Jack sat up in bed, resting his back against the headboard to see him more clearly. When he noticed that Mark was being reluctant, Jack encouraged him sweetly. "Trust me, Mark. There is nothing you do that is going to surprise me." Mark huffed, finally turning toward his suitcase as he shot over his shoulder. "Sure. We'll see about that." Flipping open the lid, he removed two remote controlled shock collars and two muscle stimulators. Casually turning around, Mark approached the bed and laid them out at Jack's feet for him to take in.
Jack stared down at them with a confused look. He didn't seem to understand what he was showing him. So, Mark told him outright in a voice that cracked a little. "Alright... So, this is it. I have a minor S&M kink that involves the use of these during... Well, you get it." Jack's slowly eyes widened in shock as he swallowed uncertainly. When Jack finally found his voice, it hitched as he squeaked out. "You're not thinking that I'd...?" Mark lowered his gaze to the floor as Jack trailed off, quickly trying to salvage the moment. "I wasn't sure what you would think. So, I've never brought it up. I've tried thinking of ways to tell you... but I was just... I was afraid that you wouldn't want to stick around after finding out." Mark couldn't bare to look up at see Jack's face. He was probably disgusted with him or afraid of him. Shaking his head shamefully, he started to reach for the items on the bed to put them away. When Jack suddenly grabbed his hand to stop him. Looking up to meet Jack's eyes, he saw that his face was flushed with embarrassment behind those green bangs of his eyes. Mark waited patiently for Jack to say something and when he did... It gave him goosebumps. Jack stared into his eyes unblinkingly, asking him calmly. "I'll try it... but only if you do it with me." To Be Continued...
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