Anika immediately wipes her tears and comes out of Shivaay's ward.
A(thinks) - Am I doing this right with Shivaay? He has already lost his memory and now I am giving him false hopes. But why did Anu called him 'Pa'. I never told her something like this. Then how? (Again some tears flow from her eyes) What an irony! Her own father doesn't love her and wants her so that he can take revenge on me and a person who is not even related to her is loving her like his own daughter.
Anika cries badly. Suddenly Shivaay's doctor comes there.
D- What happened Mrs. Oberoi? Are you fine?
Anika quickly wipes her tears and gives a fake smile.
A- I am fine doctor. Actually I can't see Shivaay in this condition, that is why, I got little emotional.
D- Its ok, Mrs. Oberoi. But you have to be strong for Mr. Oberoi.
Anika nods her head.
D-I have to do regular check-up of Shivaay. Come.
Anika follows the doctor inside the ward.
As soon as they enter the ward, they saw Anu giggling while Shivaay was tickling her.
D- Oh my, my! Who is this Cutie pie here?
Shivaay looks at the doctor and smiles.
S(Proudly) - This is my daughter, Anaisha.
Anika smiles at him.
D- Wow! She is really very cute.
Doctor pulls Anu's cheek but she makes an annoyed face and glares at the doctor.
Shivaay and Anika smiles at her antics.
D-Ok. Ok. Sorry. The little lady has got some temper.
Anu gives a half teeth smile to the doctor.
D- Mr. Oberoi, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling any pain?
S- I am feeling very good, doctor. In fact, after meeting my daughter, all my pains went away.
D- That's good.
Doctor checks him.
D- You are totally fine, Mr. Oberoi. If you want then I can discharge you by evening. But you have to take complete care of yourself and don't stress your brain.
Shivaay nods his head.
D- Ok. So I will complete all the discharge formalities. Mrs. Oberoi, please come with me to take the discharge papers.
Anika nods her head. She was about to take Anu with her but Shivaay stops her.
S- Anika, please let her stay here. I will take care of her.
A-But Shivaay, you should take rest.
S- Please.
Shivaay makes a puppy face and Anika finally agrees. It was totally a new feeling for her as she has not seen Shivaay like this ever.
She shrugs her thoughts and leaves to complete the formalities.
After she came back, she saw that Shivaay was all ready to leave the hospital.
A- Shivaay, you got ready so soon?
S- Yes Anika. I want to go home as soon as possible. I want to see our home.
They leave for Anika's home.
After reaching their home, Anika unlocks the door and Shivaay was the first one to enter the house. He was looking around and observing everything. Anika enters and makes Anu sit on her baby chair. She went inside kitchen to bring water for Shivaay.
When she returned, she saw that Shivaay was holding Anika and Anu's photo frame in his hand.
S- Anika, why am I not there in amy of the photos?
Anika gets stunned after hearing his question.
A- Wo...Wo..
S- Say something Anika.
A- Wo.. Shivaay, you didn't like getting clicked.
S-Oh! So stupid of me. I should have got clicked at least one photo with you and Anu as a memory.
A- Its ok, Shivaay. I think you should rest now.
Shivaay nods and Anika takes him to her room.(Its a 1BHK flat)
She makes him lie down on the bed and Shivaay drifts into sleep due to effect of medicines.
It was evening, Shivaay opened his eyes and saw that Anu is sleeping beside him. He smiles and gently kisses her forehead. Anu smiles in sleep as if recognising his touch. Shivaay then looks for Anika in the room but he doesn't finds her so he moves towards hall to look for Anika. Suddenly he hears someone humming in the kitchen.
He moves towards the kitchen and looks at Anika who was kneading the dough.
A naughty idea strikes his brain and he slowly moves towards Anika without making any noise and back hugs her. Anika immediately jerks his hand and stand at a distance from him. Shivaay gets shocked by her behaviour.
Anika looks at Shivaay and sighs in relief and suddenly she realises her act.
A- I am sorry, Shivaay. I got scared when you suddenly held me. That is why.. I..
S- Its ok, Anika. I shouldn't have held you like this.
He makes a sad face and Anika feels bad for him.
A- I am really sorry Shivaay.
S- Hmm.
He was about to leave from kitchen when Anika stops him.
A- Shivaay, I made Shahi paneer, especially for you. Will you taste it and tell me how is it?
Shivaay smiles widely and nods his head.
Shivaay tastes the dish and he moans in delight.
S- Umm. Its so tasty. Anika, you are such a good cook.
Anika smiles at him.
A- Thank you.
Anika was cooking while Shivaay was standing beside her lost in his thoughts.
Anika observed this.
A- What happened Shivaay?
S- You know I really hate that moment when I lost my memory. I forgot all the moments which I spent with you and Anu.
Anika feels guilty and she looks down.
S-Anyways, leave all this. We will make new memories and that will be more beautiful than the old ones, right?
Anika nods with tears in her eyes. She turns her face to the other side and wipes her tears. She then looks at Shivaay and smiles.
A-Shivaay, please wake up Anu. Its dinner time.
Shivaay nods and moves towards 'their' room.
A-I am sorry Shivaay.
Shivaay looks at Anu who was sleeping with her mouth slightly open.
Shivaay gets awe on his little princess. He slowly sits beside her and caresses her head.
S(whispers in her ear)- Wake up Princess. See its dinner time.
Anu stirs in sleep.
S- Wake up baby!
Anu slowly opens her eyes and looks at Shivaay.
An- Pa!
Shivaay smiles and kisses her head.
S- Yes baby, papa is here. Now be a good girl and get up.
Anu slowly hugs Shivaay by his waist.
Shivaay picks her up in his arms.
S- Now papa, Anu and mumma will have dinner.
Anu squeals in joy.
Shivaay takes her to the dining table where Anika was arranging food on the table.
Anika looks at Anu.
A-Aww! My baby woke up. Come lets have dinner.
Anu goes in Anika's arms and Anika places her on her baby chair in between her and Shivaay's chair.
Anika was feeding Anu. Shivaay was about to eat but he frowns.
S- Anika, you also eat while feeding Anu.
A- No Shivaay, I'll eat after feeding her, till then you start eating.
S- I'll eat when you'll eat.
A- Shivaay don't be stubborn. Please have your dinner.
S- Ok. I have a solution. You are feeding Anu, so I will feed you and I will also eat with you. Like one morsel for you and then one morsel for me.
Anika looks at him amazed. Shivaay makes a morsel and forwards it to Anika. Anika eats it and a lone tear escapes from her eyes. Shivaay gets tensed on seeing her tears.
S- Anika, what happened? Why are you crying?
A- You know you are best. I just never felt so loved.
Anu also gets tensed and she wipes her tears with her tiny hands. Anika smiles and kisses her tiny hands.
S- Look, Anu also don't want to see you crying. Please stop crying and I am always there to love you.
Anika looks at Shivaay with a shocked face.
S- What? Now have some food.
He forwards another morsel to her. Anika eats it and Shivaay also eats the next morsel. Like this, they completed their dinner.
" Time flies but memories last forever".
Likewise, Fifteen days passed. Shivaay got his solace. Anika got all the love and care which she craved for years. Anaisha got her complete family. Her Pa and her mumma. But happiness is not always constant.
It was one fine morning. We can see three souls cuddling with each other while sleeping.
Anika's sleep broke and she looks at her side and gets awe on the view. Anu was sleeping on Shivaay's chest and he was holding her securely. Both had a look of satisfaction on their faces.
Anika looks at them and smiles. Then she kisses Anu's and Shivaay's forehead and leaves to freshen up. In these days, Anika has not once realised that Shivaay is not related to them. She grew very comfortable with him.
After freshening up, Anika moves towards kitchen to prepare breakfast. She was stirring something in the pan when Shivaay came and back hugs her. Anika smiles at his presence and keeps her head on his shoulder.
S- Why did you left the bed?
A- Because I had to prepare breakfast. Why did you woke up so early?
S- You know na I can't sleep without your warmth.
A- Hmm.
They were enjoying their moment but unfortunately it was broken by doorbell.
A- Wait here. I'll go and see.
Shivaay nods his head and Anika leaves to open the door.
After sometime, she come backs to kitchen.
S- Who was it?
A-It was Mrs. Sharma. Actually her daughter is getting married so she came to give this wedding card.
She says while giving the card to him. Shivaay takes the card and looks at it keenly. Anika gets busied in cooking breakfast. Suddenly Shivaay asked her something which shocked her out of her wits.
S- Anika, how did we got married? Was it Love marriage or Arranged?
Shivaay shakes her to bring her out of her shock.
S- Anika, say na? It must be so beautiful, right. When Anu was born, where was I, in the OT with you or outside the OT, getting all panicked? Tell na?
A- Shivaay, please stop it. I have prepared breakfast. Come lets have it.
Shivaay was now getting annoyed by her ignorance towards their past. Anika was about to leave the kitchen but Shivaay holds her hand tightly and pull her towards him and she bangs on his chest.
S(shouts) - What is wrong with you, Anika? Why do you always ignore this topic? Its been fifteen days that I am asking you same questions but either you avoid them or you change the topic . Why don't you tell me about our past? I want to recall all our happy moments, our marriage, Anu's birth, everything. Why can't you just tell me everything?
A- Because I won't tell you anything and please stop asking me about past.
He leaves the house in anger. Anika calls out his name from behind but he doesn't stop. She slumps down on the floor and cries.
A- I am sorry Shivaay. I can't tell you anything. If you will get to know the truth, then you will leave me and Anu forever and I can't bare this. After a long time, I have a happy family and I don't want to destroy it with my own hands. I know I am acting selfish but I don't want to lose my happy family. I have started falling for you Shivaay and I can't live without you.
She cries hard.
On the other side, Shivaay was walking on the road side in anger. He was trying to calm down his anger.
S(thinks) - I think I have overreacted. I shouldn't have shouted on Anika.
Suddenly he saw a building and felt something weird. It was OBEROI INDUSTRIES.
S(thinks) - Why this building seems so familiar to me? Do I know it?
Suddenly he starts getting some past flashes. He closes his eyes tightly and holds his head with his both hands.
He opens his eyes and his eyes were blood shot red.
He immediately leaves towards Anika's flat.
As he entered the house, he saw Anika sitting with Anaisha in her lap and was lost in her thoughts. Shivaay closes the door with a bang. Anika instantly looks at him and makes Anu sit on the sofa and runs towards him.
A- Shivaay, where were you? I was so tensed for you.
S- Jhooth.
S- Everything was a lie. The life which I am living from last fifteen days is a lie. Me being your husband is a lie. Me being Anu's father is a lie. You kept telling me lies and I believed everything like a fool. My existence for these fifteen days was a lie. How could you do this to me Anika? Why did you do this?
Anika gets horrified after listening him. Tears starts flowing from her eyes.
A- Shi.... Shivaay... Plea... Please.. List.. Listen to... Me...
S- What more lies you want to tell Anika? My life.. My feelings.. Everything was a joke for you right. Why did you took advantage of my situation? Do you want to take revenge on me for firing you from job or you want to snatch my property?
Anika cries badly.
A- Please Shivaay, believe me, my intentions were not bad.
S- Really! so what were your intentions?
Anika tells him everything from start.
Shivaay feels pity on her but he doesn't react.
S- You know I always wanted a happy family from my childhood but I never got it. In these fifteen days, I felt so peaceful that I have my family with me. But I didn't knew that this is a beautiful dream which is meant to be broken.
Anika sits on her knees and was crying badly. Shivaay was about to leave when-
An- Papa!
Shivaay immediately turns back and looks at Anu. She was looking at him with tears in her eyes while her hands were spread in air indicating him to take her in his arms.
Shivaay runs towards her and picks her up in his arms and starts kissing her face.
Anika was admiring their bond. She slowly goes towards them and joins her hands in front of Shivaay.
A- I am really sorry. I know I used you for my benefit but please don't leave us. I got to know the real importance and love of family by living with you. You were the missing piece of our puzzle. Please don't punish Anu for my faults. I don't want anything from you. Please don't leave us. I will die without you.
Anika says while crying badly. Some tears roll down from Shivaay's eyes. He spreads his arm and signs Anika to join him in the hug. Shivaay hugs both most valuable ladies of his life.
S(whidpers in Anika's ear) -I Love you!
Anika looks at him shocked.
Shivaay nods with a smile. Anika smiles amidst her tears.
A-I Love You too.
Shivaay kisses her and Anu's forehead.
Anu giggles loudly.
S-Anu say Mumma.
Anu looks at Shivaay.
An- Ma.
Anika looks at her stunned.
A- Anu baby, say it again.
Anu looks at Anika with a mischievous smile.
An- Papa.
A- Anu say mumma.
Anu gives a naughty smile.
An- Papa!
Anika and Shivaay got know about her mischief and starts tickling her.
S-My naughty princess.
Anika smiles and they share a family hug.
Finally their family got completed. Shivika found their soulmates in each other and Anaisha got a happy family.
They lived happily ever after. (Thoda cliché ho gaya but this is the truth😉).
Hello lovelies. 🤗🤗
So here you go with the last shot.😀😀
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