Next day at school we both pretended that we don't know each other. As time passed, it was little weird at first. Seeing him in the afternoons with Gunjan then at school the next day pretending I didn't know who he was.
It was a weekend, and I was at home by myself. I sit in the living room with my feet propped up on the sofa watching TV. The knock at my door startles me , getting to my feet I make my way to it.
" Yeah" I open the door
My eyes grow to the size of baseballs as I look at the guy that stands on the other side of the door.
" What are u doing here " I spat at him
" Did you miss me"
"Daksh leave me."
He was tall and big for his age . We had broken up 2 years ago, and I really didn't want to see him. Not now , not ever, he had messed up my life bad, and it took a lot to get back together.
He runs a hand through his thick curly blond hair.
" You're not supposed to be near me, " I tell him
" Oh come on baby, I just wanted to see you."
" You're not welcome here, leave, just leave," I tell him pushing him out n trying to close the door.
" And what if I don't want to leave" he smirked and said pushing door back
He pushes past me stepping further into the house.
I turn to him
" Please, Daksh just leave."
" I think I will stay a while."
" My dad will be home soon, " I told him hoping he will leave.
" You're not good at lying Annika , you never were . "
" Please just go" I beg
He steps towards me , and I take a step back
"Don't be like that Annie ." He says I can hear the anger in his voice.
Once more I step back only for him to trap me against the wall.
" I don't want you here." I tell him looking away as tears cloud my vision
" I didn't see his hand when he raised it up, but I felt when it hit my face. I cry out from the pain of the impact.
" Please Daksh" I plead to him once more but to my worst luck he didn't budge instead he came more towards me.
Lights from a car hit my window, and he backs away.
" I'll be back for you baby , " he tells me then leaves me standing against the wall.
As Soon as the door closes behind me, I run to it locking him out. I sink to the floor crying as he begins to pound on the front door. I knew he wouldn't break it because then my father would know he had been here.
When the pounding stops, I make myself get up and go to bed. The next morning I stayed home from school, I didn't want anyone to see the bruise he had left on my face. I had told my dad I wasn't feeling good and locked myself in my room until he was gone to work.
I spent my day cleaning house and watching Ishqbaaz on hotstar😉😉😉😉. Dad called two - three times checking on me. I told him I was fine not to worry.
A little bit before time for Shivaay to drop Gunjan off I go up to get dress I pull on a long white sundress then head down to wait for them.
Annika's dress 👇
had hoped that Shivaay wouldn't say anything about the bruise but when I opened the door, and he took one look at me.
" Who hit you " he asks
I shake my head looking away
" I fell and hit my dresser " I like
His expression says he didn't bought it, though I think so.
" You wasn't at school today."
" I wasn't feeling too good, then," I say
" I'm okay now."
I moved out if the doorway for them to come in
" You sure you are alright to keep Gunju," he ask
" Yeah"
I bend down helping Gunjan with her stuff.
"You know u r bad at lying," Shivaay tells me
I look up at him
" I didn't lie."
" Who hit you," he asks again
" Why do u care."
He nods
" I'll be there at ten for Gunjan."
" Bye daddy," Gunjan tells him
He smiles
" Bye baby, love you"
He looks back at me
" See you at ten, " I tell him
He nods again, then heads out.
" Hey Gunju u want to play this cool game I got, " I asked her with a smile
" What is it ," She asked with excitement
It's called snake and ladders."
I dug out the game, and we both sit on the floor.
" Can I go first " she ask
" You can"
We sit and played snake and ladders for about 2-3 hours then we did some finger paint and then her favorite hide n seek. Then I fixed her dinner and after that, I gave her a bath and tucked her into bed.
I changed into some pants and a tank top for the night and then sit flipping through the channels.
I had just dozed off when the knock comes; I set up looking at the clock ( ten o'clock) is it really. I don't know where the time went, getting up I stretch then go and answer the door. Shivaay a in the porch.
" You Know u should seriously ask who's at the door before answering" he scolds me
I smile
" I knew it was you."
" And what if I had to work over."
" I hope you would call if ever you had to work over."
" Alright, smart ass".
Shivaay's message tone plays, he looks at phone then text something, then puts it back into his pocket.
" Who's always texting u " I ask him as we head into the living room
" Tia"
I nod
" So are u ready to talk about that bruise," he asked
" Talk about being nosey"
" I let out a breath
" My ex- boyfriend paid me a visit yesterday."
" I see, I take it , things didn't go we."
" He wasn't supposed to be here; I thought he was still in jail ."
"Jail" he questions
" Two years ago, he came over one night when my dad was at work. We got into a fight, but instead of him using words he used his fist and I ended up in hospital. They arrested him for child abuse."
" How old was he?"
" At that time, he was seventeen."
" How old are you?" He asked
" I'm sixteen now."
" Wasn't you a little young to be dating a seventeen years old."
I smile
" I was little rebellious when I was fourteen."
" Well I'm glad u grew out of it."
" Sometime I'm not so sure I did " I start up to get Gunjan
" Tomorrow after school I have to go shopping, is it ok if I take gunju with me . "
" Sure"
" Would u get mad if I get her something...... If she's good?" I asked
" Like what"
" A toy "
I hear him snicker
" No I won't get mad if u bought her something, but u don't have to."
I turn to him as we reach her room
" I want to."
" So you're boyfriend, will he be coming back by anytime soon."
" I hope not" I turn towards the door
" Hope not" he questions raising his brow
" As long as my father's car is in the driveway he won't come , he is afraid of my dad."
" Why, did your father beat him up or something."
I smile opening the door; Gunjan still fast asleep in the bed.
No, my dad is a big man, and Daksh is a wuss. "
" So I guess, He is a man enough to beat on women but not men humm."
I watch as he goes over and kifts Gunju off the bed with ease .
" Yeah"
" Will see you at school tomorrow" he ask
We stand at the door now
" I don't know."
O Jana starts playing in bg
He touches my cheek, and I flinch, then my eyes find his as he rubs his finger against my face. And I'm lost in his oceanic eyes.
" It looks better than it did earlier, he tells me .
I give him a weak smile.
" Yeah, I'll be at school."
He nods releasing my face.
" Good night Annie."
" Good night."
I stood and watched until his car backed out of the driveway then turn closing the door behind me . Later in night my phone rang, I turn over in my bed answering it on third ring.
" Where were you today" Gauri inquired
I smiled at the sound of my best friend cum sister
" I had a visitor yesterday ," I tell her
" Oh, u started your monthly."
I snicker
"Noooo, actually Daksh came by."
"Daksh? I thought he was in jail."
" Well apparently they let him go, because he was here just to smack me around like the good old days "
"Oh Annie I should have been there, ur worst nightmare was there " she sounds concerned
"Don't worry about it Gauri; there was nothing u could have done."
" You need me to come and stay with you tonight."
" No, I'm alright, my client just left, I'm going to watch a little TV now then will go to bed"
" Alright, I'll see you in the morning." She said
"Yeah, love you."
"Love you."
She hangs up first. As I told her I watched TV for some more time then went to bed.
Hope this satisfy your expectations and u vote this time n not before 25 vites I will update whatsoever it is. As I told u from next it is going mature so I can't give u what u want without my reward😉😉😉yaar this much I could ask for please I'm not getting any comments also so how I will come to know what is wrong in my story or where I'm lacking neither I'm getting vites which could show that I am being going perfectly so help in either way.
Don't forget who have heart problem or problem if a crab pulling others leg down by reporting the story kindly be away from my story if not I have other ways so don't worry 😉😉😉😉😉😉 so don't worry just vote.
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Watching Ishqbaaz on the TV at 10
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Next is the part from where this story turn the way in which it's title says😋😋😀😀😁😁👻👻👻👻👻😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙊🙊🙊🙈🙊
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