H y e r i n
It's been a few days since our bizarre trip in L.A.
Everything is back to normal.
"Hey, you know what time is it right now?" I nudged Yoongi.
"It's currently half past idgaf." He replied.
This bitch really.
We both turned our attention to the boys.
"The best part of the Oreo is the black cookie part not the frosting part. Deal with it." Jimin said, crossing his arms.
"Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side." Namjoon explained.
"Yo Socrates, it's a fucking cookie." Yoongi barked. That earned a laugh from us.
Dismissal came pretty fast.
"Hey guys do you all wanna go to McDonald's or something." Hoseok looked at us. We just shrugged before walking with him.
"How much money do you have?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.
"69 cents." He replied.
"You know what that means." Taehyung threw him a wink.
"I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets." Jungkook answered with tears in his eyes.
omg he's so cute :(((
"Goodbyes are so awkward like do I go in for a kiss or a hug or what?" Seokjin said with a nervous laugh.
"Sir, please just take your food." The cashier guy sighed. Jin cracked up before taking his order.
"Meant to be together, you know we're the same, bitch." Chunyoung started singing.
"Ordered the same lunch, call it a Samewich." I sang along before we both laughed and ordered a chicken sandwich.
We ate for a while and then went home because Hoseok had to take a shit.
I walked with Yoongi in a long uncomfortable silence.
"You good?" I asked him. He's been like that since I saw him crying on the balcony on our hotel back in L.A
"Yeah." He replied.
"You know it's okay not to be okay, Yoongi."
He looked at me with a small smile.
"Thanks." He said but he didn't talk again until I reached my house.
I wonder what's wrong with him?
"After you." Taehyung said while holding the door for Jimin.
"No. After you." Jimin said back.
"I insist, after you." Taehyung replied.
Then Seokjin pushes past both of them. "After me."
I instantly laughed at the scene.
I kinda arrived to school early for some reason.
I reached my table and looked beside it.
Yoongi's still not here? That's strange. He usually arrives early and I would always see him sleeping when i get here.
Classes went by and Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.
Something obviously happened.
Taehyung then walked up to me. "Hey Hyerin, do you know what happened to Yoongi?"
"No. Do you?" I asked back.
He shrugged. "I messaged him a couple of times asking where he is but he's just saying he's swag."
Swag? I think I now know where he is.
Yoongi's at this abandoned warehouse just about near the forest.
Yoongi named it SWAG because it stands for Soap Warehouse Affordable Groceries. He is a dumb fuck, I know.
Teens like us used to hang out there.
Of course Taehyung wouldn't know since he just moved here.
With that, I immediately went to the warehouse.
I was right. I saw Yoongi sitting alone on top of some rock.
"Hey bitch." I called him.
He turned his head to face me. His eyes slightly widened in shock. He obviously didn't expect I'd find him.
"Take a risk and sit there. I think im scarred." He gestured to the rock beside him.
"They call me a risk taker." I grinned before sitting next to him.
"Seriously, Yoongi. Tell me what's wrong so that I can help."
He tightened his lips for a second. But eventually, he spoke.
"My dad wants me to study business for college. And I don't want to. I want to fucking make music. When will he ever understand that?"
Yoongi's dad seldomly comes home from what I heard from him. And I know his dad is pretty strict. He must feel so shit.
"Have you tried telling him what you truly like to do?"
"Yeah and he almost beat me up when I did."
I frowned. "That's not good." He only nodded.
"Well if it makes you feel any better." I started. "I think you're a music genius, Yoongi."
He finally cracked a smile. "Thanks, Hyerin. That really made me feel better."
I returned the smile. He said he'll just stay there for a while so I just let him be.
I walked home quietly. Thinking of Yoongi's situation. I wish I could help him.
And just by that, I almost stumbled upon Yoongi's dad who just got out from his car.
His serious face made me nervous but I had to try.
"Uh hello Mr. Min." I waved. He barely gave me a glance.
"I was just wondering why don't you like Yoongi being a musician? He is pretty good at it, you know."
He almost scoffed. "That's ridiculous. He is a man so he should take up business and follow my steps."
I gritted my teeth. "It's not ridiculous, sir. He likes what he's doing and he's good at it. Shouldn't you be proud?"
"I will only be proud if he grows up to be a businessman like me. If he doesn't, then he'll be a huge disappointment for me."
"He will not be a disappointment!! I don't know if you even notice it because you're mostly not by his side, but he's really working hard. He's trying his best and you should be proud."
"So you have to let him do what he wants, sir. Or he'll never be happy." I almost pleaded.
I think my speech kinda worked because his look softened.
"I'm— I'm really not the best father, am I?"
"You could still change that, sir." I smiled. "Yoongi loves you so much, I'm sure."
Mr. Min smiled at that. "Thank you, Hyerin. I never thought I would get scolded by a kid like you but it's really time to snap out of it. I'll talk to him, don't worry."
He tapped my head before heading inside his house.
Mission Accomplished. I smiled.
The next day, our shit school suddenly held a marathon for the students.
I fucking hate this.
Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok were all in the front line getting ready for the run.
When the flare was fired, the students all ran.
As much as I didn't want to, I ran along with them with a much slower pace.
I saw Namjoon and the other boys huddled around the corner of the street playing cards.
Damn I'd rather play than run for this shit.
So I joined them.
"Damn Hyerin you are so good this, you bitch." Seokjin exclaimed.
Namjoon only chuckled. Jimin pouted.
"I'm sick of being a big loser."
"Aww come on." I patted Jimin's shoulder. "You're not that big."
The boys laughed at that.
Later that evening, we have finished preparing for Jungkook's surprise birthday party.
"I got the birthday cake for our maknae." Jin announced while holding a huge cake.
"It says Happy 18th birthday Jake." Namjoon frowned.
"Oh shit, he's gonna be 19 isn't he?"
"His name is Jungkook." Namjoon face palmed himself.
"Jin you are a dumb fuck." Yoongi muttered.
"Eat my ass, Yoongi."
"Suck my dick." Yoongi shot back.
"But I'm allergic to shrimp." The two glared at each for a while before Hoseok stepped in.
"Guys let's just fix the cake. Taehyung and Jimin said they can't distract Jungkook for a long time."
We then proceeded on fixing Jungkook's name on his cake.
"What the fuck, Namjoon?" Chunyoung blared. "Stop drawing dicks on the cake."
"Nice hoodie by the way, Yoongi." I complimented him.
He just looked at me weirdly. "Thanks, bitch."
After a few minutes, Jungkook finally arrived at Namjoon's house.
We all shot the party popper right at his face.
"What the fuck??!" He yelped. We laughed.
We showed him the cake.
"Why are there dicks in my cake?"
"Thank you guys. I'm so happy." He's so cute :(((
We presented our gifts to Jungkook. Namjoon got him some book. Jin got him a toothbrush. Yoongi gave him a condom. Jimin gave him a lapdance. Hoseok gave him a bunny plushie. Taehyung gave him an anime body pillow that really looked straight outta hentai. Chunyoung gave him a cute ballpen. And i gave him birthday se—
I gave him these really cute Iron man socks.
"Thanks, Noona. I really like it." He smiled, showing his bunny teeth. I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks because of that.
The party went well I guess. We sang karaoke. Hoseok and Jimin continued giving sexy dances to Jungkook. Seokjin was filming it looking really proud. Namjoon broke the mic and the coffee table. Yoongi took a nap on the couch. Taehyung and Chunyoung were singing the opening of Naruto Shippuden called Silhouette.
And I was looking fondly at all of them. It's just so fun to be around these idiots.
"Guys we ran out of ice. Somebody go get some from the store." Jin said while drinking his diet coke.
Hoseok nudged the sleeping Yoongi and Yoongi immediately cursed at him. "I'm not fucking going out when it's raining. This hoodie is new."
"Calm your tits, Yoongi. It's not that serious." Seokjin sniggerred.
"You're right, this is beneath me." Yoongi growls. "Like your mother was last night."
He demolished Jin like that. Goddamn.
"You know I had a weird dream last night." Hoseok said.
"Oh shit what happened?" I asked.
"Some guy held me at gunpoint and was like "Give me both of your nipples"."
"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed.
"I don't feel so good, Mr. Stark." Jimin suddenly muttered.
"Shut up, Jimin." Jungkook said, tearing up a bit. We all miss the Avengers ):
"The doctor said you need potassium so just eat yogurt then." Chunyoung said to Jimin. Jimin let us know that he was sick yesterday so.
"Yogurt is just fruit sperm and I'm not gay." Jimin replied. I laughed at that.
"I had salmon for lunch today." Taehyung mumbled out of nowhere.
"The l is silent, idiot." Namjoon pointed out.
"Haha I knew that, I meant unch."
We all laughed at him.
"Hey, Hyerin." I heard Yoongi call me. I faced him and arched a brow.
"I don't know what you did but Dad finally talked to me about it and he said I can do whatever the hell I want now. And it's all thanks to you so you know, thanks for that."
I smiled at him. "I got you, bitch. Don't worry." He returned the smile before sleeping on the couch again.
When it was around 8 pm, we finally got ready to leave.
"Damn, I don't have a fucking umbrella." I cursed. The rain still hasn't stopped.
"Here." I felt a heavy fabric land my head. Then I saw Yoongi running outside with just his hand to cover his head.
I turned to look at his new hoodie that he was protecting hard earlier.
"I thought he didn't want it to get wet?"
happy 4th anniversary to shitmate!!
4 fucking years, can you imagine??!
i just wanna say thank you all for still reading this shit and i'm happy to announce that i finally got my shit together and i plan to finish this story this year. it's about damn time.
that's it for now, see you all on the next chapter. i love you bitches <3
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