"Okay so guys, where do y'all want to go?" Namjoon smiled widely.
It's our second day in LA and our professor is still knocked out in his room so we decided to just roam around on ourselves.
"Let's go to the shopping center! I need to buy shoes." Jimin beamed in which Hoseok immediately scoffed. "Your underwear barely fit in your suitcases and you still wanna buy more shit?!"
"I just want to walk around the city, like a fine tourist." Seokjin breathed.
"I want to try some good burgers!" Jungkook excitedly mentioned. This kid and his love for food.
"Let's go to the sea. Not to swim, but to just relax." Taehyung suggested. Yoongi immediately nodded. "I like that. It's a good place to sleep."
"What about Chunyoung and Hyerin?" Namjoon asked.
"I think I'm gonna go with Jimin. I want to buy stuff too, for myself and my family." Chunyoung fixed her long hair in a ponytail.
"I'll go with them." I said pointing to Jimin and Chunyoung.
"Well okay we'll split up in groups later but first let's have lunch!" Namjoon announced and Jungkook was already running to the huge burger place.
"Remember to meet up here in the burger place again after two hours so we can all ride a bus back to the hotel. Stay safe and enjoy!" Namjoon said before dispersing the group.
They split up in groups of three. Jimin, Chunyoung and Hyerin to the mall. Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook just walking around the plaza. Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung to the beach.
The trio reached the mall quickly. Lots of stores lined up on each corner. The atmosphere is nice and there's not much people around so it truly is the best time to shop.
"Do you think my stupid little brothers would like these?" Chunyoung asked Hyerin and held up a huge box of toys.
Hyerin nodded. "Kids will like any toy so yeah."
Chunyoung was the first one to finish shopping. Hyerin didn't buy much, just a stylish cap and avenger shirts. And Jimin took the longest just to buy a pair of shoes.
"Why the fuck did you take so long to just choose a pair of black shoes?" Chunyoung asked, tilting her head to the side.
Jimin just smiled. "My mother's getting married with her new husband so of course I got to pick the right attire to look good."
"Aww. Congratulations then. I'm sure they'd like your new shoes on you." Hyerin's expression softened. They know that Jimin's father died a long time ago, so they were happy he'd finally have a dad again.
"Yeah thanks, my stepfather always compliments my fashion. He's such a nice guy." Chunyoung and Hyerin smiled at him. "Let's buy gifts for their wedding too!"
"Oh my gawh oh my gawh he on x games mode." Hoseok exclaimed. He and Seokjin were watching Jungkook ride a skateboard for rent.
"How long are we gonna watch this kid? I want to take a picture of the plaza there." Seokjin mumbled.
"Namjoon said we should stick together. I know you just wanna test if you'd gain fans and if they would want to take a picture with you." Hoseok rolled his eyes.
"Bitch I don't need fans." Seokjin smirked. "I'm my own biggest fan."
"Bet you have a shirt with your face on it."
"Better." Seokjin snickered. "I have a face with my face on it."
Hoseok just looked at him with disgust before walking over to Jungkook.
"Aye Jungkook you were really cool doing those tricks." Jungkook smiled shyly. "Thanks, hyung."
"You know you could die while doing those parkour tricks but well, you're still alive so good job."
"Geez, thanks Seokjin-hyung."
"Geez? What does geez means?" Seokjin frantically asked.
"Well hyung it's a popular word for the young people well I guess you wouldn't relate because you're old." The oldest and the youngest started bickering because of that. Hoseok was facepalming himself.
Then Seokjin stated. "Anything that comes out from your mouth is stupid!"
"Seokjin-hyung." Jungkook bluntly replied.
Hoseok could only laugh his ass off as the two continued bickering again.
"This is nice." Taehyung smiled while looking at the sea.
"So Taehyung, if you have anything to say to me or to the group.. just say it now." He looked over at Namjoon who seems to be pretty absorbed in the moment.
"I know you still have your insecurities and doubts, considering you're the newest addition to our group." Namjoon let out a small smile. "But you proved yourself that you're talented and you're really doing great so I hope you know that you deserve to be with us."
Taehyung smiled softly, tears brimming on the corners of his eyes. "Thanks, hyung. You guys are the best and I'm glad I met you all."
"Not to be dramatic or anything but I would die for Thor."
They both looked at Yoongi who's busy watching something on his phone while laying down on the ground.
"You're watching Infinity War again?" Namjoon stifled a laugh.
Yoongi deliberately nodded. "I can't seem to get over it. It's difficult."
They all agreed.
"Ugh I'm so thirsty. Where's the damn vending machine when you need it?" Chunyoung groaned in annoyance.
"Where even the fuck are we? I don't see the main street." Hyerin looked around and noticed they weren't in the mall anymore. After buying stuffs, Jimin insisted to turn into a shady street full of vandalism because it was "instagrammable".
"Oh wow very handsome. Jimin you nice, keep going." Jimin proudly said in English while taking a lot of selfies.
"You asshat, when are you gonna finish taking pictures?! I'm thirsty!" Chunyoung exclaimed.
Jimin lowered down his phone and winked at Chunyoung. "If you're thirsty, you can have a drink...on me."
"Yo miss me with that gay shit." Hyerin shook her head at the two. "Just go find us some vending machine or something."
Just in time, two American guys turned to the street so the girls both nudged Jimin to ask them where they can get a drink.
"Bitch I don't know how to say it in English?!" Jimin whispered but the girls still didn't stop pushing him to the Americans. "Just use hand gestures!"
The two Americans looked at Jimin confused. "Can I help you, man?"
"Um, so... where's drink?" Jimin was getting red because of embarrassment. The Americans didn't understand until Jimin used his hand and put it in front of his mouth in a jerking motion.
"Drink. I want drink." Jimin repeated. The Americans were confused as fuck but they decided to play along. "You want dick? Oh man, you're very lucky I like Asians."
Then the two guys brought Jimin somewhere, leaving the girls by themselves.
"Um what the fuck, where are they taking him?" Hyerin asked, confused.
"I don't know but we gotta hurry, it's almost time for us to go back and meet the others." Chunyoung mentioned and her phone suddenly rang.
"Hoseok? Oh yeah, we're just about to go back there but this bitch Jimin—HNNF WHAT THE—" she dropped her phone when a white van suddenly stopped in front of them and a group of masked men suddenly took the girls.
The abductors thought no one saw what happened but there was Jimin hiding in the corner after he ran off from the Americans who tried to lead him to a motel.
His eyes were twice as wide as before. He fumbled on his pocket and reached out for his phone.
"Namjoon hyung, the girls they— they got kidnapped!"
Ten minutes was it all took for all the boys to arrive to where the girls where last seen. They were all panicking and walking around the area.
"Shouldn't we be calling the police already?" Seokjin asked.
"I've tried, and they fucking said we'll have to wait because they have a lot on their plate at the moment." Namjoon massaged his temples.
"What are we gonna say to our professor?" Taehyung was shaking slightly.
"We can't just tell him we lost the girls, he'll fucking kill us!" Hoseok panicked.
"We'll tell him after we find them ourselves. Fuck the police." Yoongi firmly said.
"I'm getting really worried, what if they hurt them?!" Jimin frowned. "It's all my fault."
"It's not your fault, Jimin." Namjoon placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Yoongi how long before we can trace Hyerin's phone?" Namjoon asked Yoongi who was busy concentrating to know where the girls are. It seemed like the abductors didn't see Hyerin's phone that was kept in the pocket inside of her coat.
"This will take a while, I'm not that good at this but I'll try my best. We need to save them fast."
The boys nodded. Jungkook unknowingly looked at the vandals in the street and saw a huge turtle sign.
"Hyungs, I think I have an idea."
"Fuck.." Hyerin felt a sharp pain in her head when she woke up. The men put a drug in the handkerchief that covered their mouths.
She looked around and saw that they were like in a basketball court. Her hands were tied and Chunyoung was still unconscious behind her.
She immediately nudged Chunyoung. "Hey Chunyoung wake up you bitch!" Hyerin whispered. Chunyoung woke up and immediately groaned. "Ouch, my head hurt more than a break up."
"Where are we?"
"Some creepy abandoned covered court, apparently."
"What do they want from us?"
"Money, obviously. And we're fucked because we're broke as hell."
The sound of the door opening made both the girls gulp.
A group of men came inside and the sight of them was enough to put chills in their spines.
The tallest and biggest guy in the middle who looked like the leader grinned at them. "Asians, huh? I bet they're filthy rich."
The leader moved closer and scanned the girls. "Mhm they got looks, what about we have some fun first?"
Hyerin strongly bumped her forehead into the man causing him to let out a yelp. "You bitch —" He immediately hit the girl. Chunyoung gasped and struggled hard to free herself in the ropes.
"Hyerin! Hyerin!" Chunyoung cried out. Hyerin was still fighting to stay conscious on the ground.
The leader was about to hit her again when the door blasted open.
Hyerin who was struggling to stay awake looked at the door and saw someone familiar.
One hour ago
"That's a fucking stupid idea, Jungkook." Namjoon grinned. "Let's do it."
The boys approved.
"Okay so lemme explain the plan again." Jungkook cracked his knuckles. "We'll try to pretend we're the Asian gang called 'Black Tortoise'. They're one of the most powerful gangs in L.A and you can easily identify them by their unique black tortoise tattoo on their necks. Moving on with our plan. I suggested Yoongi-hyung plays the role of the leader who has silver hair. There's no pictures of the leader but it was rumored that he's a bit short and has silver hair so Yoongi-hyung fits him the most."
"Wow finally Yoongi isn't useless." Seokjin commented.
"I swear you're the first one I'd kill, Jin." Yoongi growled. Seokjin just faked a gasp and acted scared.
"When the fuck did you dye your hair again, baldie?" Hoseok laughed.
"Last night when we got drunk, I took a bath and thought it was shampoo." The boys laughed.
"Sooo what's our roles, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.
"Hoseok-hyung, Jimin-hyung and I will act as Yoongi-hyung's bodyguards. We'll be behind him and we'll try our best to act tough and all."
"We be throwing gang signs like it's nothing." Hoseok joked. Some of them laughed.
"Taehyung-hyung and Seokjin-hyung will go on a higher place to hide as back-up. You guys should keep watch and call the police if things will get sour."
"I have an idea too, come here hyung!" Taehyung smiled widely and pulled Seokjin on the side.
"Oh God I hope those two make it out alive." Jimin silently prayed.
"And then Namjoon hyung will go back to the hotel in case the girls come back, and also to inform our professor when he wakes up." Jungkook explained. "Do you guys get it?" The boys nodded.
"Oh shit I better practice my English quick man! We all have to!!" Jimin shrieked. They laughed.
They formed a circle and placed their hands on top of each other. "Bangtan Bangtan Bang Bangtan!"
"Who the hell are you guys?!" the gang leader spat.
"B-Boss, i think they're the Black Tortoise Gang. Look at their tattoos." one of his lackey said.
"Black Tacos what?!" Their leader was getting angry.
"They are the most powerful gang in this area and I think those Asians are their friends." He shuddered. "We shouldn't have tried to claim their area!"
One of the thugs laughed before stepping closer to the boys. "Hah. They don't look that strong though. Just a bunch of sticks who has tiny dicks—"
Jimin took the chance and landed an uppercut to the man's jaw. "This dick ain't little though." He even cracked a grin with his new favorite English phrase Namjoon taught him.
That was the cue to start the fight.
"RASENGAN!" Jungkook screamed before beating up some thugs.
"What the fuck?!" their leader exclaimed. Yoongi glared at him.
"This is for taking away our girls." He said in fluent English then threw a hard punch at his face causing the leader to collide with the floor.
"Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick." Yoongi softly yelped and caressed his fist.
"Hyerin! Chunyoung!" Hoseok hurried to the girls and enveloped them into a hug.
"I'm glad you two are safe!" He cried. He then noticed something was dripping on Hyerin's head.
"Hyerin your fatass really— you still got some ketchup on your head girl."
"Bitch I'm bleeding." Hoseok then fainted after hearing her reply.
The gang leader and his men started to get up again. Yoongi and the boys were surprised.
"The fun is over kids." The leader started to come closer to them.
Yoongi then smirked. "You guys are idiots if you thought we'd have no back up." Laser beams were suddenly pointed to the leader and his men.
"This rice freaks really have snipers oh man we're fucked!" Some of them already ran away.
"Boss let's retreat for now, we have no chance against them Asians. They're good at everything!"
"Godammit let's bounce!" Their leader shouted before disappearing.
Jimin confirmed that they're all gone after going outside.
"I can't believe we survived that." Jungkook panted. He took out most of the guys with nothing but just his strength. They were lucky that the gang only had metal rods as weapons and not guns so they just dodged.
"I can't believe you're not in WWE yet." Jimin laughed.
Jungkook chuckled playfully. "Don't fuck with me I have the power of God and Anime on my side."
"Good job boys." Seokjin applaused after coming down from the small space in the second floor they've hidden. "But this guy right here is the real winner." He grabbed Taehyung and smiled proudly.
"This headass really thought of using laser pointer pens at the thugs and they fucking fell for it." They all were amused at Taehyung's smart move.
"What the fuck happened to Hoseok?!" Taehyung only asked in between his laughs. The girls just laughed it off and thanked the boys.
"I'm glad you two are fine." Jimin went closer to the girls with a frown. "It was all my fault.."
Hyerin and Chunyoung quickly pulled him into a hug. "Oh shut up, it ain't your fault." Jimin only smiled thankfully.
"You guys should sign up to Avengers or something." Chunyoung even mentioned.
"I really don't know how many times you've saved me, Yoongi. So I'm fucking convinced you must be a superhero or some shit." Hyerin genuinely said.
"I'm not a superhero. Don't expect too much." He lightly smiled. "But I can be your hero. Is that okay with you?"
"And yeah that's the whole story, professor...." Namjoon quickly reassured him. "But we're all fine though, no serious injuries—"
Few of them tried hard not to laugh at their professor's red as a tomato face from all the anger.
Their professor eventually let out a huge smile. "Y'all are the best fucking students I ever had." he grabbed them all and pulled them into a big hug. "I'm just glad you're all alright." They all smiled.
It was their last day in L.A already. The group didn't expect that their little trip would get so complicated with the abduction of the girls but it all went okay in the end and that's what matters.
They spent their morning buying all the gifts and souvenirs they can take home and also walking around the city for the last time.
Although it was hard to leave, they carried all their suitcases and walked to their assigned plane slowly.
Jungkook, who was busy carrying all of his bags, wasn't looking on where he was going and crashed into someone.
"Whoa sorry!!" He quickly apologized at the guy with sunglasses. Jungkook suddenly shook his head as he remembered he said it in Korean and the stranger probably won't understand it but he was surprised when the stranger answered in Korean as well.
"It's no problem." The guy replied with a smirk. "You guys did well in that abandoned covered court."
Jungkook's eyes widened as he realized who he was talking to.
A guy with gray hair and a familiar black tortoise tattoo on his neck that they've had a hard time copying with just a marker for their plan to save the girls, was suddenly in front of him.
"Y-You're the leader of Black Tortoise." He stuttered.
The mysterious guy only smiled before putting a finger on his lips, signalling Jungkook to just keep it to himself. Jungkook nodded and watched in awe as the guy went back to his group of men with the similar striking tattoos.
Hyerin didn't know how she ended up sitting in the middle of Yoongi and Taehyung again but she didn't mind. She was tired but still happy their trip went fine.
Taehyung was already sleeping on her side hugging a small pillow while Yoongi looked very annoyed for some reason.
"You okay?" Yoongi only groaned in annoyance. "Seokjin took my neck pillow. And I'm too tired to fight him to take it back."
Hyerin actually chuckled for a bit before grabbing Yoongi's head and rested it on her shoulder. "It's the least I can do for saving me back then."
Yoongi slowly closed his eyes and let out a small smile. "I suddenly don't mind not having my neck pillow around for a while..."
this is the last update for now, this is the last draft ive got so i hope y'all can wait for me again. i've decided to focus on myself since i am in college already but i promise once i get an inspiration, i'll write it immediately and post it for u guys. thank you for all your support and love. you guys truly are the best!
+advance congratulations to us since this book be hitting 100k soon, thank you my lovely shitheads <3
++ive got some stories sitting in my drafts so watch out for a surprise. (it includes bangpink fics because i love blackpink and bts and you should too!)
+++that's it for now, see you all again soon <3
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