H y e r i n
After 20 minutes of scolding us, Ms. Wang went back to our class to continue homeroom.
She said that instead of going home when the bell rang, we're supposed to stay one more hour in this goddamn detention room.
I was like fuck no! But we couldn't complain anymore or else we'll get more detentions.
So instead, we're just sitting our asses here while looking at the board in front of us saying 'Think what you've done' and I'm like why should I think about it again? Bitch it already happened, thinking what I've already done won't change any fucking thing at all. It could prevent me from not doing it again but where's the fun in that? Smh.
Yoongi and I just stayed quiet for the next minutes. Without anything to do, I looked at Yoongi and I just noticed his mint green hair. Like damn, he looks good with that hair-I mean his hair looks good.
I was about to compliment his hair when someone came through the door. It was Ms. Wang again. "I forgot to tell you guys, you need to write something and fill the board with it. If you two didn't finish til dismissal you'll have to stay one more hour here so good luck!" She said and dashed off outside.
My eyes grew in realization that we only have 30 minutes to write on the board.
In a snap, we grabbed a marker and started scribbling on the board. I picked the front whiteboard and Yoongi worked at the spare board at the back.
I hurriedly wrote 'I will never hit someone again' We used to do things like this a lot. So I'm kinda expert at this but wait we're so low on time!!!
After a few more scribbles, I was finally on my last one when shit happened.
"GODDAMMIT!" I yelled in frustration that made Yoongi look at me.
I hurriedly grabbed his marker to finish my last one. "What the fuck bitch give it back!" He shouted. Using my sanic skills I finished it in a flash. I then gave it back to Yoongi and he mumbled more curses at me.
5 minutes left and he still had 3 lines to write. Fuck!!
I didn't know what else to do so I just cheered at him. "Go Yoongi you piece of shit, you can do it!!!" I cheered for a couple of times.
"You're not fucking helping man!" He said still writing one more line.
Once he finished, the bell rang. Just right in time!!
"That was fucking intense!" I beamed.
"Hell yeah!" He replied.
We both went out of the detention room with smirks in our faces like we won some lottery shit.
"You know your hair looks good." I spilled. Shit that was supposed to be in my mind only. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
"I know. I look good, always." He answered with a smirk.
"What the fuck. I bet your hair will look better without your fucking face with it!"
"Woah bitch, you're just jelly cuz I look better than you." He replied with a grin.
"Yeah cuz you're a fucking gay!"
"It's not called being gay it's called being fab-" Before he could finish I smacked him in the arm. "Don't copy pewdiepie, motherfucker!"
"Who the fuck is pewdiepie?" He bolted. I literally facepalmed when he said that.
"Bitch, shame on you. You're like Jon Snow, you know nothing!"
He just scoffed and asked again. "But who really is pewdiepie? Sounds like hentai to me." With that I bursted out laughing while he just looked at me weirdly.
I stopped laughing when he continued walking until he passed the school gate.
"YAH YOONGI! I'LL INTRODUCE YOU TO PEWDIEPIE SOMETIME. JUST YOU WAIT!" I shouted at him. He just waved his middle finger to me.
I waited for a few more minutes until Chunyoung appeared. "Let's go, bitch." She said.
"Okay, bitch." I replied.
I was chilling in my bedroom when Mom barged in. "Clean the kitchen." She commanded. "But mom I-"
"You've been in your room all day." She cut me off.
"No, earlier I went downstairs." I countered.
"You've been in your room all day!" She repeated.
"Earlier -"
"Don't talk back!" She shouted.
"Okay fine, dammit mom." I whispered.
I lazily dragged myself until I reached the stairs. With me being clumsy, I stumbled on the third step so I went rolling like a buffalo down the rest of the steps.
"Fuck!!" I winced. I saw Dad sitting on the couch. "Dad, I think I broke my leg!" My voice hoarse because of the pain.
Dad looked at me kneeling on the ground. "Woah okay, well did you finish your homework?"
"No!" I shot back.
"Well finish it first then we could get that checked-"
"I hate you dad!"
"Love you, too!"
I sighed as I tried to stand. I cleaned the kitchen like mom told me to do.
After that, I did my homework and was currently on the last question when I decided to ask Dad.
"Dad, where do babies come from?" I grinned mischievously.
"Well you see-"
"Dat pu$$y!"
"Dammit Hyerin, you dirty hoe!" Dad scolded me but laughed afterwards. He patted my head. "I taught you well. I'm proud of you!"
Dad and I always joke like this. But we just do it secretly. When it's just us two. We both know that Mom would beat us if she caught us joking and saying things like this.
We chatted for a while when I excused myself saying that I was gonna sleep but that was just a lie.
I'm gonna marathon kdramas! Oh boy!
You see those vine references? I love you!
I dedicate this to BTSunshines cuz her comments are always on point. Ily fam ♥
Happy 200 reads ♥ em so happy i cri :>
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