Jackiplier- Billy
~Sean's (Jack) POV~
I just got done with another recording. I was bored so I decided to play some Happy Wheels without recording it. About twenty minutes into the game a human hand came out of the screen. "What the..?" "Sean! C'mon! Grab my hand!" The voice sounded female "Uh.. I don't really trust hands coming out of a computer screen..." I said "C'mon! Please! If you do it'll be the best thing you ever did!" "And why is that?" "Just trust me! Please!" "Give me one good reason" "Mark trusted me" "Mark? My best buddy? Yeah right" "Also you can kick Billy's ass" "... Ok I'm in" I said as I grabbed the hand. The hand pulled me through the screen and everything went black.
~Time skip~
~Sean's POV~
I woke up with a pain in my head and in my back. I groaned and held my head. "What happened?" I looked around. I'm in a familiar clearing in a forest. "How did I get here? And where is here?" I heard a groan from besides me. I looked in the direction of the groan to see my best friend, Mark, lying in the grass, passed out, and by him was a tiny box. Wait a minute. Did the box just move?! I felt something hop in my lap and I looked down to see the SepticEye. Wait. How did it get here?! I thought it was just my little stuff animal! The thing is, it moved. How? I don't know. It just looked up at me and it was adorable! It's so cute! "Well hey there little guy" Sam's (The SepticEye) gaze turned into a glare. "Little girl?" It made a motion that I took as a nod. "Ok. Why don't we wake Mark up?" I pointed at Mark. Sam hoped off my lap and walked, well hoped, over to Mark and the box. The box moved again, "Is the box alive or am I just imagining it? " "You're not imagining it" A heard a voice say. I looked around but there was no one around but me, Sam, Mark, and the box. "Sean you're going crazy" "Look down here!" I looked at where the voice was coming from and what I saw made me yelp in surprise. The box, it had pale blue eyes, a mouth, and arms, not human arms, like cartoon arms for things that don't usually have those, like couches! "Hi! I'm Tiny Box Tim!" "Um... Hi? I'm Sean or Jack" I said "Oh... So you're Sean? Mark talks about you all the time!" I blushed a little "Speaking of Mark... Should we wake him up?" I asked "Yeah but be careful, he doesn't like getting up very well" I chuckled "Yeah.. That's Mark for ya!" I looked over at Mark and started to shake his shoulder "Hey.. Mark! Mark! Buddy! Wake up!" "Five more minutes..." He mumbled tiredly. I sigh and smirked when I thought of an idea. "WAKE UP THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!!!" I screamed in his ear. He jolted up "What?!" He yelled and then looked at me "Sean?! Where are we?" He asked "I have no idea" "Well.. How we get here?" He asked. I thought for a moment "I got here because I grabbed a hand out of my computer screen while playing Happy Wheels" I said "Now that I think about it... Wasn't my best idea" Sam did a motion which I took as a nod in agreement. "Actually.. Same" I laugh a little "Then I guess we're both idiots" I said "Yeah.. I guess we are" "Well.." I stood up "We aren't gonna find out where we are just be sittin' here" I held out my hand for him to take "Yeah! Jack's right!" Tiny Box Tim said "Tiny Box Tim?!" Mark looked at Tiny Box Tim "My little biscuit!" He picked up Tim and took my hand to pull himself up. I pick up Sam and put her on my shoulder. "Which way shall we go?" I asked "There's a cabin over there" Mark suggested "Yeah but if horror games taught me anything is that cabins are bad" I said "He's got a point" Tim said. I looked around and then heard a growl. I looked around to be met with a pair of red eyes. "You know what..? The cabin doesn't sound so bad anymore" I said as I grabbed Marks wrist and ran to the cabin. Once there I quickly opened the door and pulled Mark and me in there, along with Tim and Sam. I locked the door and slide down it. Sitting on the floor with my arms around my knees, trembling in fear. Sam snuggled into my chest, trying to comfort me, it worked a little. I felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around me. "Don't worry Sean.. We'll get through this.. Together" I heard Mark say "I-I know we will but I-I'm scared that we won't ever get back h-home" I whispered "Sean, I promise you that we'll go back home.." I snuggled into his chest "C-Can we sleep here for t-the night?" I asked "Of course Jackipoo" I blushed at the nickname. "Night Mark" "Night". (Hey)
~Time skip till morning~
~Sean's POV~
I woke up to the sound of familiar voices "Where.. Where could those idiots be?!" A man- no boy-'s voice said, "They've gotta be around here somewhere" A girl's voice said "Maybe in the cabin over here" The boy said. I held my breath, afraid that they'll hear me. I shook Mark to wake him up, "Mark! Mark! Someone's outside!" I whispered yelled. He woke up and tightly wrapped his arms around me. "We know you're in there! Come on out! Before we come in!" The boy yelled "Mark! What should we do?!" I whispered. He looked at me "Let's fight whoever they are" I smiled "Ok" He got up and pulled me up with him. "Ready?" "Ready" We walked out of the cabin, with Sam on my shoulder and Tim on Mark's, to be met with a teenage girl around 17 and a boy about 11 or so.. But I know that boy. "Billy" I growled "Ah! I'm so glad you could make it Jack! Or should I call you Sean? Hmm?" "What do you want Billy?" "Oh..? Just to destroy you! That's all!" The girl bit her lip nervously and Mari stepped in front of me "Listen here Billy. If you want to destroy Sean, you'll gonna have to get through me" Mark said "Ah! Mark! Jack's favorite person in the whole world! Would you still protect him if I told you his deepest, darkest, secret?" I saw the girl behind Billy eyes go blood red as she made a purple orb in her hands "I will always protect him! He's my best friend! And nothing will change that!" "Oh.. Really?" Billy laughed "What if I told you he was gay?" He laughed "So? That doesn't change him from the Sean I know and love!" Mark yelled and I blushed, even through I knew he meant it in a friend way. "Billy" The girl said and Billy looked at her "I've had enough of your shit" She through the purple orb at him, making him fly into a tree. The girl looked at us, panting. "Sean. You and Mark are the only ones strong enough to defeat Billy! I only took away some of his power.." "How?!" I asked. She looked me straight in the eye "You know how.." She glanced at Mark then at me. I knew what we needed to do. I heard Billy groan and I white light surrounded him. "We don't have much time!" She yelled. I looked Mark straight in the eyes, while Billy stood up and ran after the girl. "Mark.." "Yeah Sean?" The girl teleported behind Billy and kicked him down "Hurry Sean!" She yelled as Billy got up. "I have been in love with you ever since I met you!" I felt something in my hand and a hand grabbed my other hand. "Sean.." Mark said in disbelief "Hey! Guys! Can you hurry up!" The girl yelled as she punched Billy in the gut. "Sean.. You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that.. I love you too!" He kissed me and I kissed back. There was no sparks, no, there was something better. I warm feeling that went around my body as we kissed. It was perfect. "Hey! I hate to break the moment! But we kinda have a mad Billy to take care of!" We broke the kiss and saw that we have swords in our hands. Mine was light green with a dark green outline. Mark's was a blood red with a black outline. I looked at Billy and smirked. I ran to him, but.. I seem super fast. Like, sonic the hedgehog on drugs fast. Well.. Speed is key after all! I stopped running and felt lightheaded. "Hey! Sean!" The girl said and I looked over at her. "Welcome to Boss Mode" I smiled and looked at Mark, who looked a bit buffer and.. Evil.. The girl saw what I was looking at and gasped. She ran over to him as he passed out. Her eyes turned blood red again and she glared at Billy. "You told me he would go to Where's The Blacksmith Mode!" She yelled and Billy laughed "I lied! He's in Darkiplier Mode. Not even your healing powers can help him now!" I gasped and glared at Billy. "You can hurt me. You can kill me for all I care! But once you've hurt the ones I love!" I yelled as I glared at him and my grip on my sword tightened. "Love? Ha! There's no such thing!" Billy yelled "Yes there is!" Billy laughed "Really? What does it feel like then?" "It feels like.. It feels like.. Well.." I looked back at Mark "Everyday they don't know you love them kills you a little inside.. And once you finally do.. It feels like a whole bunch of weight has been lifted off your shoulder.. When they say they love you back.. It makes you feel like a war inside of you has just been ended... When you two kiss.. It feels like someone lit fireworks inside your stomach.. It's taking a bullet for them even when you don't have to.. (Stepping on a Lego for them.. Sorry! I had to!)" I looked at Billy "That's what love feels like" I said, smiling. Billy looked at the ground "I never experienced that.." I sighed "Billy.. You probably won't for a couple years.. You're just a kid.. I mean, it took me a couple years for me to admit that I am in love with Mark.." Billy sighed "I know how to help Mark.." My eyes widened "H-How..?!" "Love... If what you said is true.. Then only you can help him.." "Why are you helping me..?" I asked "Well.. Seeing you care so much for Mark.. I don't know.. I guess.. I want you to be h-happy.." I smiled "Billy.. Even though your a little shit.. That was sweet.." "I'll take that as a compliment. Now go. Go save him" "Thank you Billy" I said and ran to Mark. I sat by him as he was passed out and held his hand. "Mark.. Mark! Say something! (Say something I'm giving up on you!!)" I shook him "Sean.." I heard him say. I smiled and gently squeezed his hand. "Yeah Mark.. I-It's me.." I choked out. I hated seeing him like this, so helpless and scared, it just made me want to cry. "S-Sean.. R-Run.. Before Dark comes.." I felt a tear run down my cheek. "N-No! I-I'm not leaving you!!" "Y-You need to.. I-It's the only way you'll survive.." "B-But you might die!" "I-It doesn't mater" "Yes (2000 words!!! Yeah!) it does!" He smiled weakly "I-If you live.. M-My life will be complete.." "But if you die I'll have no reason to live!" I cried and felt a hand cup my cheek. I looked at Mark "I love you too much to lose you Mark" I sobbed out and laid my head onto his chest, crying into it. I felt arms wrap around me "And I love you too much to give up on you" I heard Mark say and I looked at him. He didn't look evil, no, he looked with only one emotion, love. I leaned up and kissed him and he kissed back. The kiss was full of love. We broke away after a minute or so. "Let's go beat up Billy now" Mark said. "No" I said, which even shocked me, "I thought you hated Billy?" I looked at Billy, who was starring at me shocked. "He might be my enemy, but my Happy Wheels videos wouldn't be the same without him.." I smiled "So let's just go home.." I looked at Mark "How? I don't even know where we are!" "I can help.." I heard the girl said. I looked at her and she made a portal thing. "Thank you" I said "It's my pleasure" She smiled. We got up and walked to the portal and I looked back at Billy and the girl. "Bye" I waved goodbye "See you later" Billy said "Peace out" The girl said. I smiled and walked through the portal with Mark.
~Time Skip~
~Sean's POV~
I woke up in front of my computer. Happy Wheels on the screen. Was it all a dream? I asked myself in my head. Does Mark really love me back? I sighed and looked at my computer screen. It was a fan made Happy Wheels game. I smiled and looked at the surroundings, a forest like the one we were just in, and a cabin.. Ok.. Weird.. It's just like my dream.. Maybe I was playing this level and I fell asleep. I sighed, So it was a dream.. Mark doesn't love me back..
~Time Skip to Two Weeks Later~
~Sean's POV~
I heard a knock at my front door. I wasn't expecting any visitors.. Maybe it's the old lady next door! She probably needs help again! I walked to the door and opened it, but it surprised me at who was at the door. "Mark?" I asked, pure shocked filled my voice. "Sean! I really need to talk to you, like, face-to-face and not in a Skype call" He said "So you flew all the way here to?" He nodded, wow, this must be important. I stepped out of the way so he can come in. I shut (Literally wrote shit the first time) the door behind him. We sat on my couch in silence until Mark spoke up, "Sean I fell asleep while playing Happy Wheels for fun and I had this dream and you were in it, so was Tiny Box Tim and your little Sam dude, and we were in this clearing in a forest where we slept in a cabin and in the morning you woke me up because you heard people outside and when we went outside we saw a teenage girl and a boy that you said was Billy and the girl took some of Billy's power away and we, um, s-said that we, uh, l-loved each other which gave you Boss Mode and I started to turn into Darkiplier. You ran to my side and wouldn't leave me until Dark was gone because of h-how much we loved each other and I was going to beat up Billy until you told me not to and that your Happy Wheels videos wouldn't be the same without him. So the girl made a portal and we walked through it and that's when I woke up.." My eyes were now wide with shocked. "You're gonna think I'm crazy but.. I had the exact same dream.." He smiled "Really?" "Yeah.." He hugged me, catching me off guard, making fall onto the couch to where Mark was on top of me with his hands on either side of my head and mine on his waist. Well this just got awkward.. I thought, blushing like mad. So was Mark. He leaned in and kissed me, I melted into the kiss. He pulled away and said "I love you Jack-a-boy" I smiled "I love you too Markimoo" He smiled back and kissed me again.
~The Girl's POV~
I smiled as I saw Jackiplier kiss and looked over at Billy. "Y'know.. I kinda happy they didn't kill you.." He looked at me in shocked "Really? Why?" I smiled and looked at Sean "Because Sean wouldn't be the same person without you.." I looked back at him "Now I gotta go get a guy named Jin and my brother together! Bye Billy!" I waved goodbye "Bye!" I teleported away.
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