Pewdiepie x Stephano
Felix sighs as he sits in his chair, bored, he just got done uploading videos for the day, and he edited a new one. He sighs and looks away from his computer, then hears a staticky noise, he looks back at his computer to see it was glitching, he tilts his head, then, something strange happened, a piece of paper came through the screen and into his lap, slowly, he grabs the paper and looks at it, it was a letter, he reads it:
Ellos Pewdie,
It's been so long, you probably won't get this, or remember me, but it's worth a shot. I'm still on the cold, hard, floor of the cold, dark castle where you dropped me.. Did I do something wrong? Why did you never come back?
I miss you, you idiot.. Nothing has been the same without you here. Nothing at all.
Mr. Chair hasn't came out of chair mode. Piggeh isn't pumped anymore. Jennifer won't talk to anyone. The Barrels.. They never changed, they try to attack me, but I fend them off. The Bro, he's been bored, wanting to chase people again, but, has no one to chase.
As for me? I wish I could say that I'm the same, but that's be lying. I don't trust anyone except for my small group of friends, Piggeh, Jennifer, and Mr. Chair, heck, if you ever came back, I probably wouldn't even trust you. After all, you did leave me without a warning, you idiot. But yet, I'm still trying to talk to you, guess that says something about me, huh?
I'm already regretting writing this. I also regret the day you gave me a soul, a heart.. I regret having that guy, a sorcerer I think he said he was, turn me into a real person, stuck in this castle, for you. I thought you'd come back if I was real, if I could move, if I had flesh like Marzia, if I had eyes that could move like her's. If I was a human like her, guess I was wrong.
How is she, anyways? She seems to care about you a lot, are you two still together? Do you guys still love each other? I remember when you said you'd always love me, I guess you were lying about that too. You forgot about me, left me, it hurts, badly.
Anyways, I think I've bothered you enough. Sorry, again, I miss you. Farewell Bro, if you still consider me that anymore.
Felix's eyes widen at the name. "Stephano.." He whispers. He looks at his computer again, if the letter came through that.. Can he go into it.. Can he see Stephano again..? It's worth a shot..
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