Hetalia Ships
I figure there are too many of these little hell spawn to grant individual chapters, so I've elected to dump them all into one. Hilariously, these are just the few I can articulate as to why I ship them.
I'll go over my justifications for each ship, canon elements (if there are any), and fanon contributions. I'm adding fanon contributions due to the fact that the very nature of Hetalia and the inconsistencies within it leave interpretations open. Plus, fanfics and fanart have their own intrinsic value, because although they borrow ideas from other sources, that doesn't mean they are inherently lesser. Occasionally, fanon creations improve or correct the canon. I'm looking at you RWBY. Do note that these are my opinions, so if one you like doesn't show up, then a requested chapter is required for it to ever see the light of day. Also note that given the nature of Nyotalia, I have decided to throw out all precautions and presume male and female versions of all nations exist simultaneously so I can mix and match at my pleasure. Why? Because I'm not into yaoi, that's why.
Prussia x Nyo!Austria
Starting off our list is PruAus with a femAustria. On the surface, such a pairing is ludicrous as the two countries have been at odds for such a long time that a Wikipedia page is devoted to their rivalry. Through further inspection and no small degree of fanfics, however, I've come to the conclusion that this ship is nearly perfect.
How is it nearly perfect? Well, Prussia as a state has only ever expanded it's territory after the Personal Union of Brandenburg through war and conquest. The Kingdom of Prussia established its dominance through iron and blood. An 'army with a country' indeed. Austria, meanwhile, has largely increased their territory and influence through marriage. The Habsburgs were famous for that very tactic. Austrian princesses were offered and married to a vast number of heads of Magistrates, Duchies, and Kingdoms. Hell, Maria Theresa was almost married to Frederick II. Prussia won through war, Austria through love. On a classical level, we could regard them as the deities Mars and Venus. Anyone remember the relationship between these two Roman gods?
The Mars and Venus comparison can also be applied to the characters themselves. Gilbert (Prussia) is, like Mars, proud, boastful, and something of a bloodknight. Sophia (Nyo!Austria), meanwhile, is similar to Venus in that she is very proper and eloquent, yet expects to get what she wants because... reasons. She doesn't like losing.
On the fanon side of things, there are two general representations of the ship. First is a very standard, by the books love affair. Nothing too serious, but certainly nothing ridiculous. You'll be satisfied with what you receive. The second comes primarily from a fanfic series on AO3 that is, shall we say, intense. The author named the series "mars may sell you kingdoms, but venus crowned me queen." It is not an exaggeration to say that I haven't the words to properly express how brilliant this series is. The fanfic is very well written, boasting a vocabulary that even made me pause to read through a dictionary, and qualifies as the best smut I ever read. Not that I usually read smut. Also, it's rated M, so I suggest that my younger readers wait until they're older. This suggestion will be enforced by pain of death.
Needless to say, this ship is probably my favorite out of all of these. It's only competitor for the best Hetalia ship, in my opinion, is PruHun, for obvious reasons.
Nyo!Prussia x Austria
This is a complete sex inversion of the previous ship. That does not, however imply they present themselves similarly. My personal reasons for shipping them alter the personality of Austria, and therefore I can promise absolutely zero canon basis.
Nyo!Prussia in this scenario is her typical self on her own. A bit out of touch socially, strict about cleanliness and discipline, and outgoing, she is basically the same as male Prussia. The difference comes with Austria. I should offer a word of caution in advance, this is a one sided and very dark ship.
Austria, in my preferred version of the ship, is an obsessive stalker. Historically, I can place this scenario with him on most of the countries of central Europe. Czech, Hungary, Bavaria, Northern Italy, etc. So long as it was in the influence of the HRE, Austria could take it. All except Prussia. That was the one state that successfully defied the Empire time after time. So, in Hetalia format, who else would an unstable and controlling Roderich (Austria) obsess over?
Note that this is an extremely unhealthy scenario. I'm talking mind games, stalking, and even potential kidnapping. Privacy will be violated and captured victims will be treated like a doll in some sick fantasy. Naturally, femPrussia wins out, escaping his clutches and continuing to be awesome, but between the start and finish: disturbance incarnate. In case this wasn't clear from my word choices and warnings: this scenario must remain fictional. It may be neat to read, but it's not to be replicated in reality. (I don't trust humanity enough without making that clear.)
Now in general fanon, this ship is actually fairly innocent. Julchen (Nyo!Prussia) is typically set up as making pitiful attempts at flirting with Roderich who either gets flustered or pointedly ignores her. I can't say I've delved too deeply into this area of the fanon, so I can't say for sure what else to expect. If you're interested, fish around for it. You'll find something to tickle your fancy.
Prussia x Nyo!Poland
This ship here is best enjoyed by those who study the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or the Deluge. It can be tasted in multiple flavors and I shall go over them as best as I can.
Canon interaction is what you might expect. They were enemies for a time, though Poland's carefree attitude didn't much show it. I haven't explored all of the official Hetalia strips, so I may have missed some details, but generally the canon follows a textbook reading of their history. They fought, Poland won. They fought again, Prussia won permanently. The end.
Speaking of which, some background is required to fully grasp what each flavor of the ship entails. The Teutonic Order was originally brought to the region of Prussia by the Kingdom of Poland in an effort to eliminate the local Baltic tribes. The relationship between the two changed drastically when pagan Lithuania converted and tied itself to Poland. After a series of wars, Prussia was put under the vassalage of Poland and would remain that way until the then Duchy of Prussia betrayed and then forced Poland to grant it Kingdomhood.
I summarized the history poorly.
Within fanon, there are two flavors I've found a liking for. First, there is the purely positive relationship. In this scenario, Prussia and Nyo!Poland get along swimmingly, with a rather friendly understanding since both of them are weird. Think two friends jokingly mocking each other while fighting over the last cookie. The second flavor has a more bitter taste to it. Primarily, it is based on the aftermath of the Deluge, with Prussia acting as "the one that got away" for Nyo!Poland. Admittedly, there is very little to explore with this route other than reminiscence.
Prussia x Belarus
Oh look. Another Prussian ship. If I keep this up, then maybe the German Empire can finally get a proper fleet.
Honestly this stems from a more aesthetic appeal than anything substantial. Both wear cold colors, are pale, and can probably kill you.
Needless to say there is no canon evidence, nor any notable historical interactions. In fanon, the most you're likely to uncover is a double tsundere instance and the occasional fluff along with the pair teaming up to make Hungary and Russia jealous. In general terms, their personalities are compatible in that while Prussia displays obnoxious pride, Belarus would likely just roll with it. If she likes him, we'll all know. If she doesn't, we and the nearest hospital will know.
Personally, I prefer for them to have platonic interactions. Particularly if Prussia consoles her in her failed attempts at 'becoming one with Russia'. Of course, after a fanfic or two applying a more romantic touch, I found myself on board with the concept. The primary fanfic where I took interest into the ship is by Slovenskych on fanfiction.net. The author wrote several extremely well written stories creating a mini universe regarding Eastern Europe to the point where one of them has an official paperback book and, as nightmarish as certain scenes are (concerning the Holocaust), I still find myself enraptured in the thought of Prussia and Belarus getting together through reading them. Also, their Poland was an Arschloch.
Prussia x Nyo!England
There honestly isn't much to say on this one. Growing up, I was huge fan of the Seven Year's War. As a result, any team up between Great Britain and Preußen gets my blood pumping. It's always been my favorite alliance.
Historically speaking, any support for the ship begins and ends with the Seven Year's War. There is an argument that the relations spiked at Waterloo and during the rise of the Second Reich, but they are arguments, not conclusions. The British and Prussian royal families, while related, didn't get along very well. This is showcased with Kaiser Wilhelm II, who suffered under the stress and expectations of his British mother, growing a deep dislike of all things English whilst idolizing the masculine Prussian military culture. Converted into Hetalia, it isn't far fetched to suggest Prussia being extraordinarily protective of "Willy" and thereby resentful of England.
There is no canon evidence. Furthermore, the fanon seems restricted to the occasional one-shots. The quality of these one-shots vary from author to author. Fanart is similarly limited, of course. Though I must say, there is one fanfic that explores a Nazi NyoEngland and her relationship with Nazi Prussia. To be honest, much of the enjoyment of the fanfic is derived from the fine uniforms. If nothing else, Evil has style.
America x Confederacy
What can I say? I've got a soft spot for the American Civil War. This pairing is void of any canon evidence, as Himaruya seems to be either oblivious to the War or entirely indifferent to anything not tied to Europe. Historically, given the Confederacy began and ended in war, I don't think a pairing would work well. After all, even today there is something of a rivalry between the North and South.
Fanon, however, paints a lovely picture indeed. I personally have always considered NyoAmerica to be the representation of the American South and, by extension, the CSA. Luckily, I am not alone in that preference. The Confederacy, as NyoAmerica, is commonly presented as a mother figure to the States, a concept I frankly adore. The exact manner of the ship is debatable. Some display it as star-crossed lovers who have to fight irregardless of their reluctance. More than a few offer a darker and more vindictive hatred during the war whilst maintaining the decades approaching the war as the worlds longest relationship deterioration and subsequent break-up. Whether or not the Confederacy survives the war is up in the air and depends on personal opinion. Quite a few people prefer to have the Confederacy stick around as America's no nonsense roommate in similar fashion to Germany and Prussia.
There are a few fanfics I can recommend on this subject. The first, Call Me Connie, is sadly unfinished. The second, which is finished, is called Angel with a Shotgun. It can be found on AO3 and, while I question the dull ending and would have liked more Mama South, is demonstrably one of the best Confederacy fics out there.
Switzerland x Lichtenstein
Do I really need to explain? Just look up canon interactions. Nearly every strip that includes the pair could advocate for the ship far better than I can. If you require further indulgence, there are more than a few fanfics and fanart that star the two of them.
Japan x Taiwan
I'll start this entry by admitting I know very little about East Asian history save for the introduction of the Western Powers. As far as I'm aware, Taiwan was the ideal Japanese colony, designed so that they could show off to the world by introducing a miniature Meiji Restoration on the technologically backwards island. They succeeded, but would lose Taiwan to China after WW2. Taiwanese opinion on the Japanese occupation appears to be split. On one hand, the island was modernized and Japan did put in the effort to oversee Taiwan, unlike the Chinese. On the other hand, this is Imperial Japan we're talking about. Imperial Japan isn't known for good treatment of local populations. Of course, in contemporary times, the Taiwanese and Japanese seem to get along rather well.
In Hetalia, the pairing is hinted at, for the most part. Nothing is confirmed, but Taiwan seemed keen on the prospect of hanging out with Japan during the Halloween special. At the time of writing this, I have yet to uncover further canon evidence.
In terms of fanon, Taiwan and Japan make for a very popular pairing. Although I have yet to find a completed fanfic that satisfies my interest, there are plenty to choose from. Currently, I'm following a historically based fanfic between the two that is sadly unfinished. Called War Bride, the story is by now considered dead as the last update was in 2011. Lucky, fanart evidently flows out of this pairing, which is a nice touch all things considered.
Spain x Belgium
Much like the previous addition, I can't claim to be familiar with the history of the lowlands. What I do know is that amongst the lowlands, Belgium remained with the Spanish for the longest amount of time.
Within canon, Belgium is actually rather difficult to find. It took delving into Drama CDs to find any notable interactions between her and Spain. The Drama CDs seem to give an impression that Spain and Belgium act as pseudo parents to South Italy, an impression that is reflected by fanon by being dubbed the Tomato Family. Furthermore, Belgium is confirmed to make, shall we say, excited noises while eating Spain's cooking. Make of that what you will.
Germania x Britannia
Perhaps I'm merely biased due to my Anglo-Saxon roots, but I really like this pairing. While Rome always did have influence in Britannia, England itself is Germanic by origin. The Saxons were, after all, Germans. Therefore, I always thought it ridiculous that England in Hetalia was considered a descendent of Rome and not Germania.
As for the two themselves, Germania and Britannia have, in my opinion, marvelous chemistry. The creator of Hetalia is rather lax on describing Britannia, but he mentioned she exerts strong tsundere tendencies. Given what we know of her children, it's rather obvious. Germania, in contrast, appears stoic and indifferent to just about everything. They do have a major similarity, however. Germania in canon and Britannia in fanon (since there isn't much else) both are doting parents. Presuming that an interaction will play out like your dime a dozen anime, I'd predict four weeks before the wedding.
I've only found two fanfics underneath the worrying number of Germania x Rome ones. I forget the names and, at the time of writing this chapter, I don't much care to search for them to check. One is in-depth but far too quick paced. The other is a one-shot that revolves around Britannia's death. The pairing is in desperate need for more contributions, but I doubt that will be rectified any time soon. After all, until Britannia is officially introduced into the anime, there won't be many fanon creations.
Amazingly enough, that is just the tip of the iceberg. If there are any you wish for me to cover, please let me know. Although, I ask you to be aware any potential yaoi or yuri ships will automatically be sex changed at my disclosure.
Finally, since I never thought about it before hand, I'm leaving one more fanfic recommendation for PruHun shippers. I recently finished one called Not Your Ordinary Fairytale. There are equal amounts humor and romance for our favorite pairing.
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