Shoes of Shame and Gucci Models (Jatori)
"I'm done with this!" Piper yelled, throwing a dinner plate straight at Jason's very handsome face. Luckily for him, he had the power to control the winds, or he would've had to go to the hospital and leave with 30 stitches, which would've made him slightly less handsome, although ladies like a bad boy, so no harm done.
"I'm sick of having to treat your stupid injuries after every battle! Jason, all I want is for you to make me feel special! Is that too much to ask?"
"I gave you a MASERATI!!! What the hell, Piper?! I have to balance work, camp AND you!"
"In what universe am I just as important as camp AND work?! I'm a freakin' model at Gucci, I should be the most important person in your world, the centre of your universe, where EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND ME!!"
Obviously it didn't go like that, but Tori's friends wrote this and they kinda wanted a plausible reason for Jason to have left Piper, because if she sounded like a reasonable person, you'd all be sad that we broke the ship. Here's how it actually went:
"Piper, I'm dumping you. I found a chick who makes me feel awesome. She's your sister, by the way."
"Oh, okay. That's fine. I'd been cheating on you with Percy anyways."
"What! How did Annabeth take it?"
"She was too busy making out with Leo to respond, but I think she was okay with it."
Just at that moment, Claire used the magical author powers to teleport to Camp Half-Blood and surprise her boyfriend. Annabeth gasped. Leo looked up at Claire, his face red from blushing. Or maybe that was Annabeth's lipstick all over his face? It didn't matter, because Annabeth was soon dead on the floor. To spare you the gruesome details of the following Hunger Games, we'll use the Author Powers to put things back how they were, with Annabeth alive, nobody eaten by cannibals, and all the ships intact. Haha, except Jiper. Nobody liked it anyways.
Anyhoo, just as Piper slammed shut the doors of Cabin One, a beautifully swag-a-licious chick named Tori walked in.
"Hey, babyyyyyyy!!!" she yelled, clicking down the marble entrance in her swag-a-licious Calvin Klein boots, every single piece of her outfit meticulously planned to be the latest fashion from every country. It wasn't any wonder her name was Tori Paris.
All the boys and girls she passed by would swoon, kinda like how plants turned towards the sun. Tori was the sun. Everyone else was an insignificant plant. Except of course, her friends. They were a little more significant. And the guy in front of her... she was determined to make him hers for ever. She was already in a great relationship with him, but a little more time and he'd be a puppet on her string. The power of winds, storms, the son of Zeus... would be HERS!!! She laughed maniacally to herself.
What? Sorry, Tori. Forget that last paragraph. Tori is not an evil, power-hungry maniac (wink wink). She's just a normal child of Aphrodite.
Jason had fallen in love with her the moment he'd seen her. His heart hurt like he'd been shot by Eros, and although that might've been equally possible, nothing about this love was forced. So natural. He felt like they knew each other for years, although the reality was that they'd basically only just made it to two weeks dating. That didn't matter to Jason, or Tori. They completed each other. Whenever Tori looked into Jason's eyes, she saw a whole storm- a strong, beautiful force of nature, not unlike Jason himself.
So, finish it off, wrap it up tight with a bow, whatever, Tori was in love.
Luckily for both Jason and Tori, everyone thought Piper was a terrible girlfriend and cabin counsellor, so they all had a revolt, led by Drew, and hunted Piper down and made her wear the Shoes of Shame for the rest of eternity.
(*Claire takes a bow*)
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