19. Liar (Mikasa x Eren)
Highly recommend you read chapter 14 or else you'll be confused.
(3 months ago)
-At the New Years party-
Mikasa's POV
"10... 9..." I walked away to look for Eren. "8... 7..." I pushed through the crowd of people. "4... 3..." I felt a hand grab my wrist... Eren? With force, the hand pulls me towards him. "1" We kiss and I wrap my arms around his neck.
I pulled away and smiled, "Happy New Years, Ere-.... LEVI?!" I pushed away and looked around the crowd. Across the room, I saw Eren, and he was looking right at me.
I looked back at Levi, his breath reeked of alcohol. "What the hell-" Before I could finish, Eren's strong grip pulled me behind him and punched Levi across the jaw. Everyone gasped and backed away from the chilling aura that was radiating off them. Levi looked up slowly, with a cold look in his eyes. He touched the blood on his lip and looked at it, he then gave an unsettling smile.
I looked at Eren expecting him to be afraid but he wasn't, his ears were red from anger and I saw his fists shaking from rage. "Eren.." I touched his hand. He pulled his hand away, "Don't touch me."
Levi took his opportunity and striked him. Eren tried to keep his balance but before he could collect himself Levi kicked him in the ribs, causing him to fall. I screamed for Levi to stop and went to Eren's side. "Let's go. We're making a scene." I said gently, trying to help him up, but stopped when I felt him stiffen under my touch. I backed away.
Sasha whispered something to Jean and he grunted. Not too long after, Jean helped Eren up and offered to give him a ride home. "You're leaving?" I said.
Without looking at me, Eren said "Sasha, make sure Mikasa gets home safely. Im leaving."
Sasha and I exchange looks.
The rest of the party my emotions were all over the place. I wanted to call him, explain myself, but another part of me was pissed and prideful. How could treat me like that in front of everyone. How could he treat me like that in general. He didn't even give me a chance to explain.
I sat on the sofa biting my nails. The more I thought about it the more angry I got. "Stop thinking about it! Eren will calm down and realize its all a misunderstanding." Sasha handed me a drink. Not even giving a second thought I chugged my drink, which tasted like a mix of vodka and soda.
Sasha took the drink from me, "Whoa there, aren't you a lightweight?"
"I don't care."
Sasha looked at me with concern in her eyes, "Maybe I should take you home now." Jean overheard and shook his head disapprovingly, "Noooo. Stay a little longer." Jean drunkly held both of Sasha's hands and pouted. Sasha laughed at how cute Jean was acting but shook her head no, "I need to take care of Mi-"
"It's okay. You can stay Sasha, I'll have Armin take me home."
"Are you sure?"
I hiccuped, "Yeah yeah. Go have fun. Not too much fun though."
"Okay.." Sasha eyed me. Jean hugged Sasha from behind resting his head on her shoulder, "Pay attention to meeee-"
"Okay fine fine!" Sasha laughed. "Mikasa text me when you get home okay?"
I wandered around the house. I already knew Armin left. I didn't know what i was doing.
While stumbling through the crowd I saw Reiner caring handfuls of beers, he was laughing obnoxiously. I was too dizzy to get out of his way, but before he could run into me a hand pulled me out of the way. "You okay?" Levi said.
"Y-yeah." I hiccuped.
Levi guided me to the couch, "Hey.. I'm sorry about earlier." Levi was sober now and his eyes were genuinely sorry. "I'll explain to Eren later that it was all my fault. I don't know what came over me. I wasn't thinking straight."
"Fuck Eren." I said with slurred words.
Levi chuckled, "What? You're really drunk right now." Levi came closer to my face and laughed, "Your face is so red!"
"No it's not."
Christa came over smiling, "Smile for the picture!" I put my arm around Levi and threw up a peace sign. This will make Eren jealous. He pissed me off.
Levi removed my arm but it was too late the picture was already taken. "Mikasa what're you doing."
Before I could reply everything went dark.
I woke up in my room with a massive hangover. How did I get home?
I went downstairs to get a glass of water, it was eerily quiet.
Eren was sitting on the couch looking at his phone. He must still be mad about last night. "Eren can I explain myself.." I said.
Without looking up at his phone he replied, "Let me hear it."
I sat on the couch next to him and he moved away. "It was all a misunderstanding okay? Levi was drunk, he wasn't thinking straight."
"Oh really?? It was just an accident? Then why did I see you talking to him before the countdown and not looking for me?!"
"Eren! I was looking for you but you left me all alone in the party?! What was I supposed to do?"
"I called you 8 times.. I even called you after the party but you didn't pick up. Probably doing, god know what else!"
"Are you calling me a cheater?.." I couldn't believe what he was saying right now.
"Yeah. Youre a cheater." Eren shrugged looking back at his phone.
I felt tears beginning to fall, Eren looked at me confused. The last time he has ever seen me cry was when we were kids.
"Don't try that on me, that doesn't change how you cheated on me. "
"And you made a scene in front of everyone, treating me like that!!!"
He faced his phone at me and on the screen it showed pictures of Levi helping passed out me out of the party.
"First of all I didn't kiss him.."
"Youre a liar! A LIAR! You kissed him back! I saw you wrap your arms around him, I saw it all. Admit you're a liar!"
"STOP CALLING ME A LIAR! I thought it was you! It wasn't my fault!"
"Okay and explain those pictures on Christa's facebook. You were clearly enjoying yourself. All smiley and shit. I bet you were enjoying yourself."
My tears were now flowing uncontrollably, how could he be saying all of this to me.
"Is that what you're like Mikasa?! Someone who plays games? Someone who cheats?! A LIAR-
I slapped him across the face and the room went completely silent after the loud smack echoed the room.
"I don't ever want to see you again." I struggled to get the words out.
"Mikasa i'm sorry. I went to far-"
"Get out."
After crying for 5 hours I finally dried my swollen eyes and looked at my phone. It was already 2 in the afternoon.
Yesterday 11:40pm 8 Missed Calls
Yesterday 11:52pm 3 Text Messages
Eren: Hey where r u?
Eren: Answer ur phone pleasee
Eren: Countdown soon! Find me :p!
Today 1:44am 3 Missed calls
Today 1:45am 5 Text Messages
Eren:I'm sorry.
Eren: When are you coming home? Can we talk?
Eren: I'm just hurt right now.
Sasha: Levi took you home safely right?
Eren: Get home safely
I began to cry again. I went onto facebook and looked at the pictures from last night. There were multiple pictures that showed me and Levi close to each other and me walking out with him. They looked so bad. I must've embarrassed Eren so much.
I shouldn't have tried to make Eren jealous. This is my fault.
I hurt Eren and he hurt me.
I clenched onto the scarf that was wrapped around my neck, "You said i'd never be alone again. You promised me.."
(The next day)
I've ignored all his calls and text messages. I wasn't ready to face him or even hear his voice. I was too hurt and knew if I talked to him I would just start crying again. A part of me was also guilty. I cheated.
I am a liar.
After building enough courage I finally decided to listen to the voicemail Eren left me.
"Hey" I heard him breathe deeply on the phone. His voice sounded strained and distressed, "Please. Just please come talk to me. I'm so sorry. I miss you. I love you. I've been waiting outside of the house to get a glimpse of you. Can't we just talk about this please? All I want is for us to talk."
He paused, giving me a chance to calm my whimpers so I could hear more clearly, "I'll wait outside okay. If you really don't want to see me again then please tell me, I just need confirmation. Every minute a piece of me is breaking knowing this might be it. I love you, bye."
This was from 2 hours ago.. He can't possibly be still outside.
I peeked out the window and he was sitting on the curb facing the street. He was shivering.
I walked outside with one of his thicker jackets and gave it to him.
Within a second he took me into his arms. His ice cold cheeks were pressed against mine and he held me so tight I was barely able to breathe. "You're not a cheater Mikasa." I looked into his eyes and they were swollen, he must've been crying.
"I am a liar."
"Youre not!" Tears were running down his face. He placed both his hands on both sides of my cheeks. "Mikasa, I love you."
I began crying, "Exactly. You love me and I hurt you. I kissed someone else and because of my anger I tried to make you jealous on purpose. I feel so ashamed to be your girlfriend." I looked down. "Eren I will suffer everyday if I get back with you. I hate myself too much."
"No.. No.." Eren whispered.
"Eren I need some time.. I love you so much but I can't do this."
Eren's POV
"I cant take this anymore!" Armin yelled. "Make up with Mikasa already! You cant stay at my house forever! You cockblock me and Annie all the time and most importantly you distract me from studying!!"
I sighed, "It's not like I can. She hates me."
"No she doesn't, she cries everyday about you."
I lied down staring at the ceiling. Mikasa doesn't cry about me anymore, she's over me. She looks a lot happier now with her friends. Instead of following me around, she's with her friends smiling. And now that she's back on the market so many guys have been going after her, its killing me.
"I don't deserve her."
"Eren... You lost your temper and it's understandable. All you have to do is say sorry and really mean it."
"I am sorry but.. I hurt her so much and I hate myself for that. I can't even forgive myself how am I going to get her to forgive me."
Armin was half listening and half studying now, "I don't know but can you go to the convenience store and buy some snacks, you ate all of mine."
I threw a pillow at his head. "Why start a conversation with me when you're not even gonna listen," I laughed.
On the way to the convenience store I passed by my old street. I stopped in front of my- I mean Mikasa's house. Her lights were off. That's good she's getting her rest.
No matter how much I tried to stop thinking about her I couldn't.
A man's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I went closer to where the sound was coming from.
"C'mon go on one date with me please." A guy who seemed to be a student from Titan high school, was pulling at Mikasa's wrist.
Every inch of me wanted to go in and punch the guy but I knew Mikasa didn't want to see me again..
"No." Mikasa said trying to yank her arm away but his grip wouldn't allow her. "I don't want to hurt you so let go now."
He let go of her immediately, he must've heard stories of her.
"Why do you wear this ugly scarf?" The annoying kid chuckled. He took it off her.
Her expression changed from annoyed to furious, "Hey give that back!"
The boy teased her and held the scarf above his head, "Not until you go on a date with me!"
I came up from behind the boy and grabbed the scarf from his hand. "Leave."
The boy rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend.." And left.
After being left alone, there was a few minutes of silence. "You still wear this?.." I awkwardly laughed, handing back her scarf.
"Yeah why wouldn't I?" Mikasa said.
"Aren't they bad memories?"
"All our memories were good, except that last one.." She smiled weakly.
I felt tears already beginning to form. The memory of me yelling at her flashed into my head. I miss her so much.
I still care about her so much.
I still love her so much.
And I need her so much.
I cant live without her. I was the liar.
We said it at the same time and both laughed.
"You first," I said.
"Can we make more.. more happy memories again?"
In less than a second I took her into my arms. "Lets start all over okay? New Years never happened."
"We celebrated New Years together?" Mikasa said jokingly. I missed her smile.
I wrapped her scarf around her neck, and rested my forehead against hers and whispered softly, "You'll never be alone again. From now on, we'll keep on being together." This seemed all too familiar. "Part two," We both laughed.
I looked at her, her eyes were slightly teary but so so beautiful. I stroked my thumb over her pink cheeks. I closed the space between us and pressed my lips against hers. Warmth traveled from her lips to my entire body. "I miss you." I whisper between our kisses.
"I miss you too," She quickly replies, as if she's been waiting so long to hear those words.
Authors note: Finally updated WOOOOO!!! It's been exactly a year since I wrote the last Eremika story. So here you go!! i made it extra long bc you guys deserve it for waiting so long. I hope you enjoyed it, tbh this was a really hard chapter to make. I started at 1pm and its 6 now. And im sorry its not that good. I started getting really tired so i feel like i could've done better than what I just wrote. But yea from now on its gonna be really fluffy. I HATE ANGST SO MUCH but it wouldve been wrong if i just left the mikasa eren story without giving it the angst the ppl expected.
Well from now on the stories will be A LOT cuter and fluffier.
I read all your comments so please feel free to comment!! I love them so much and they encourage me to write a lot more. Tell me what ship you want next!!
It would be nice if you requested in this manor. Heres an example:
Sasha x Jean Sasha is Drunk and jean is taking care of her (fluff)
Armin x Annie Armin is sick and Annie is taking care of him (fluff)
Ymir x Christa jealous argument (angst)
shopping/ school/ beach/ christmas / summer
Stuff like this ^
Btw dont forget to follow my instagram : Mikasaackermann
and tumblr: moe-kasa.tumblr.com
But thanks for reading! Bye <3
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