16. Truth (Levi x Petra)
Chapter 16
Petra's Point of View
It has been 3 months since the Levi and Mikasa situation happened on New Years.
3 months since I gave up on Levi. Did I? I don't know anymore. I really don't know what these emotions are.
I walked up to Levi's desk and smiled, "I can't walk home with you today. I'm going out somewhere with Hanji."
"Okay, where are you going?" He wondrously glanced up at me from his seat but maintained his usual bored mask.
"Oh. Uh, Hanji just invited me to go study with some friends." I nervously bit my lip, cursing in my head. I should've just told the truth, he can always see right through me.
He stared at me and I stared back for a good 30 seconds. He focused deeply into my eyes and I sought as if he was reading my mind. Levi broke from this staring contest first and looked away, "Okay, If you change your mind I'll be on the same route we always walk on."
I nodded and turned away, sighing in relief.
"This group date is going to be awesome!" Hanji linked arms with me while we walked out of the school gates together. "Hanji... Do you even know who these people are?" I began to worry.
"I don't know. My friend just invited me. I agreed cause she said they go to THS" (Titan High School)
"They're students from our rival school?! How can you agree to go on a blind date with Titans?!" I jerked away from her grip, refusing to walk another step towards the meeting place.
Hanji sighed and spun around towards me, "First off, I love Titan boys. They're the best! And secondly, this is our last semester of high school. Do you really want to remember your whole high school life not going on a single date?"
I frowned and felt ashamed, "It's only because I wanted my first date with... Never mind."
"Okay, then let's go!" Hanji went behind me and pushed my shoulders.
Hanji sung out of tune with this boy she seemed to get along with. I scanned through the karaoke book searching for a song. A boy sat down next to me. Feeling awkward, I kept my eyes on the small book. "Hi" I slowly looked up. He was tall, had ash-blonde hair, good looking, but not my type. He handed me a clear drink, I looked down at it eyeing it. He laughed, "It's water."
I began to sip, but it tasted strange. Lemon water? "So you go to SNHS?"
"We're supposed to hate each other, but you seem cool."
I was almost done with my water, this tasted really good. I felt the room beginning to spin, "S-same."
He laughed again, "You look like you need some air. Want to go outside?" I nodded stumbling to get on my feet. He got up and held me under my elbows leading me outside. In the corner of my eye, I saw his friends watching us, cockily giving him a wide smile. It gave me chills. It was a smile as if... they ready to devour me. I shook off the thought and continued to trip through the hall, but the tall boy helped me.
We made it outside, but it was quiet. The streets were dark, eerie and there were barely any lights. There were no cars driving on the street. The only sound I could hear were my soft breaths and the one street lamp that flickered continuously.
I took in a deep breath, struggling to hold back my nausea. "The thing about SNHS girls is that they're absolutely weak and helpless to us Titans." the boy whispered into my ear. His hand grabbed me with great force and pushed me into the ground. I caught myself and lifted myself back up. He suddenly grabbed me by my collar almost lifting me off my feet. I let out a scream, but I knew nobody would hear me. I continued to scream.
"Shut up, Bitch!" he raised his fist and gave me a blow into my stomach, knocking the air out of me. I felt myself beginning to lose the ability to breathe, I tried to catch my breath but it felt like I couldn't even grasp a single breath. He punched me across the face, stinging my cheek. I felt it already throbbing with pain. I struggled desperately in his grasp, but caused him to punch me again. It didn't hurt much the second time, I felt my body beginning to numb and give up anyways. Blood trickled from my mouth and dripped down to the floor. My legs gave out under me and I fell. His hands wandered throughout my body, aggressively taking off my jacket.
I can't move. My eyes began to close.
I sensed something strange, he stopped.
Slowly, I attempt to open my eyes and I notice Levi standing above me. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a white handkerchief. He gently pressed his handkerchief on the side of my mouth. Struggling to make out a few words, I muttered, "I thought you said you were going on the same route we always take. Why are you here?"
His hand froze for a moment. Hesitantly and carefully, he lifted me into his arms. "This is the same route."
No it's not. I smiled, pressing my face against his soft shirt, smelling the light laundry detergent in his clothes.
Feeling myself drift off into sleep, I closed my eyes again. Before I fell into complete darkness, confused if this was my imagination or reality, instead of hearing his usual sharp tone, I hear a soft voice instead, "You made me worry, idiot."
My eyes jerked open as I woke up. A dark figure was sitting beside me on my bed. I let out a scream, but the figure swiftly covered my mouth. The moonlight from my window showed his face and it was a face I was more than happy, but afraid to see, an angry Levi.
"Shut up, it's me." he let go of my mouth rubbing his palm on his jeans. Levi fell back onto the bed turning the other way.
"What are you doing here?!" I whispered.
"I wanted to wait 'till you got up, but I fell asleep."
"Well get out," I felt myself turning red.
He groaned and turned to face me, making me feel more embarrassed. "I wanted to scold you for hanging out with those Titans and almost getting raped." he sighed, but I could hear the anger in his voice.
I sat up and leaned against the wall. Lying in bed with our faces so close is something I can't handle. I hugged my knees, "Sorry..."
"Saying sorry doesn't fix anything. What if I wasn't there, what wouldv'e happened to you."
"But you were there... Why?"
He was silent. I couldn't see his face expression in the dark lighting. "Can you tell me why you agreed to go. This isn't like you."
I felt embarrassed, but I knew I should tell the truth, he would be able to tell if i'm lying anyways. "I just wanted to... Go on a date at least once."
"Some first date. Tsk." he layed on his back facing the ceiling now, he put one hand behind his head and stared up at the glow in the dark star stickers above us. Since I've kept them since I was in elementary, they were beginning to fade.
I heard him mutter something under his breath. Sounded like 'If only you waited a little longer?' What?
"I'm going to go downstairs to get some water. Want anything?" I swung my legs off the bed and started to walk out the door. I saw his head shake 'no' and I closed the door behind me.
When I returned, I saw Levi sitting down in a chair with his legs crossed over my desk, holding a small book. My heart suddenly dropped. I quickly put down the glass of water and snatched my diary away from him.
He uncrosses his legs and leans toward me. I backed away, feeling beads of sweat run down my neck. He fowarded his eyes toward me and smiled slightly, "You sure are interesting, Petra."
I swallowed, "H-huh?" How much did he read?
"Inhale, you look like you're about to pass out." I forced myself to breathe. He watched me, making it even harder to remember how to breathe. "Don't worry I didn't see much."
Levi stood up and straightened his shirt, "Well it's almost 4. I better go,"
I felt myself slowly but barely beginning to relax. My heart began to slow down slightly. He picked up his school bag from my bed, and walked toward the door.
I felt relieved he was finally leaving. Being around him just makes me...
He stopped at the door and quickly turned around. Before I could even blink he was already in front of me and gently pressed his lips against mine. I don't remember if it was long or short... my head was spinning, trying to function what just happened.
He backed away and saw that my eyes were wide open. Levi frowned, "You ruined it." And he kissed me again.
(Author's Note: If you're wondering what happened to Hanji, not long after Levi saved Petra she came outside and saw a half dead boy lying by levi, who was wiping the blood off his knuckles. She later kicked the rest of the creeps asses with Levi but one got away... ooh maybe something is going to happen in the future with the Titans and SNHS kids. (Tbh im just making all this up while im typing this. Might make a good story who knows.)
Also some asked for the second part of the last story and i never gave it to you guys -.- im so sorry hahaha. I just finished finals and i think if i wrote it now it would be boring. So no more second story im sorry gomenasai x100920192
Alssooooo I know you're all wondering what happened to Eren and Mikasa? Weeeell i have no idea either i still need to plan this out too... Hmm break them up orrr, jkjk they're my otp, i won't do that.
I wrote the Rivetra story first because I feel really inspired to write this more than the Eremika, because i have a very nice ending planned out for them (evil laugh). Get ready for feels. So i think I'm going to finish this mini series, then continue with the usual stories.
Okay I'm talking too much. Bye)
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