10. Long Distance (Ymir x Christa)
Chapter 10 - Long Distance (Ymir x Christa)
(Christa's Point of View)
I impatiently clicked my pen in class looking at the clock. One more minute. It felt like hours.
One more minute and I get to talk to her again. The bell rung and I quickly left the classroom ignoring the classmates who tried to talk to me. I heard voices behind me, "Ah, she's probably excited to talk to Ymir again. Why did she have to move anyways?"
I ran to my room and shut the door. Without wasting anytime I opened my laptop and checked my email, "I miss you." I hugged my pillow turning red. Wow it's so rare for Ymir to say sweet things like that. I couldn't stop smiling under my pillow. I quickly replied back, "I thought about you the whole day :)." Once I pressed send I got embarrassed. I hope that wasn't too weird. What if she thinks that's awkward!
I kept refreshing hoping she replied. I turned, laying on my back now. This wouldn't have happened if I had just stopped her from telling my parents about our relationship. I hated my parents for forcing us to be apart. Theres nothing wrong about this relationship, love is love. What's wrong about that?
We skyped late at night when my parents were asleep. "I miss your touch," she said. "I miss your face," I laughed. We kept going back and forth saying what we missed about each other.
Our laughter died down and she gave me a serious look, "I miss you saying I love you."
I turned red, and hid myself under the blanket, "Fine I'll say it first, I love you." She smiled. I felt like my heart was going to explode. I want to kiss her so bad right now.
"No matter how many miles apart, how many years we can't be together, I'll always love you," I mumbled under my blanket. I peeked to see her face in her hands blushing, "You're killing me Christa. I just want to hold you right now"
We talked for hours. She fell asleep before me, but we stayed on Skype together. She looked so gentle and peaceful when she slept. I listened to her faint breathing. She's absolutely perfect. I'm so lucky to have fallen in love with her.
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