Chapter 3: ☆Crushing☆
There was chaos everywhere, there were explosions, destruction, and injured people, and everybody was panicking. Minions kept on coming from the ships, while some of the freedom fighters tried to run away, some fought against them the best they could.
Xolum was swinging his mace everywhere, knocking the attackers out, "Everybody, retreat!" Jentorra screamed, and soon, machines started landing on the ground. Everybody rushed towards them, running away from the destruction.
Scott and Cassie were dodging and running away from attacks, they hid behind a wall and looked at the battlefield. "Phew we're safe...wait." Scott froze, "Where is Y/n?!"
Y/n was running around, with an amethyst person holding their hand, "Come on! We're almost there!" Y/n held onto its hand.
Veb was trying to run away but he could just wobble around, while he was running towards the machine, he tripped, but Xolum held his hand and threw him to the machine.
Y/n was still running with an amethyst man, struggling to keep balance, they were so close to the machine but, they tripped. Y/n tripped on a rock, "Oh no no no no." Y/n thought she was about to die, Y/n closed their eyes, embracing the fall.
Suddenly, she felt a cold metal hand catch her, "Huh?", they looked up and saw Xolum, before they could say anything, Xolum dragged them and the amethyst man into one of the machines.
Xolum went in and the door closed, the machine skyrocketed up the sky.
"Phew, thank goodness." Y/n wiped of the sweat of their face, but they remember something, "Wait. Where is Scott and Cassie?!" Y/n looked around, there was only Xolum, Veb, and a few quantum people.
"Oh goddamit."
Xolum's POV
I looked around, it wasn't only me who was in distress, of course.
Y/n was panicking, probably because they got separated from the other humans, I still can't believe our base got fucking destroyed, what do we even do now? I looked at the chaos happening below, our base was burnt and tattered, why did this shit have to happen?
Should I have just left them to die? If I did, our base camp would still be thriving, I should've killed them right there, I'm such a fucking idiot.
I look at Y/n, they where still panicking. I felt weird whenever I saw them, whenever they looked at me, it feels....nice? What the fuck am I even thinking about? I just want to punch something now.
But, I can't stop thinking about them, what the fuck is happening to me? What are they doing to me??
"Uh Xolum, are you ok, you've been staring at Y/n for a long time." Veb asked. "What?!" I look around and see Y/n sweating, ok, I HAVE TO STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM AND FOCUS.
Y/n's POV
Oh my god what just happened?! I got sucked into the quantum realm, kidnapped by some strange creatures, and attacked by really advanced soldiers. i don't even know if they're soldiers, but I do know they will murder us. I can't believe this-
I calmed myself down, Scott and Cassie are probably fine right? He's Antman, they're definitely fine. I wiped the last drop of sweat away and looked around, there was the amethyst man I saved, there was a fighter that looked like a human, there was the red blob called Veb, and there was many other quantum people here.
And there was one that stood out the most, Xolum. His peculiar torched glass head and his muscular, robot like body. He looked very bulky and durable, no wonder he got rid of most of the minions.
Xolum looked, very interesting, I have never seen anybody look like him, he was truly amazing, cool, strong and....different?
While the other freedom fighters have others of their own species, like the amethyst man and others, Xolum stood out as the odd one out of them. There wasn't one that looked somewhat like him, there was a few examples, like a man with a glowing ball as a head, but that was the only example I could find.
I just can't stop thinking about him, he's just too interesting, so I have decided that, I would learn more about him, and I will know more about him.
Sorry, I can't help it, I hate myself-
As I was thinking about this, a voice echoed through the machine.
"Our next destination, Altev."
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