Platinum haired ferret boy
I was exiting the Great Hall after dinner wondering what exactly happened in Moody's class when I collided with someone. I hit my nose hard on the boney shoulder of that person. “Watch wher- oh! Hey Fred!" I said rubbing my nose which had collided with his shoulder. He grinned.
“Sorry babe! Didn't see you." he replied clutching a letter as I signalled the others to walk away without me.
“What's that?" I asked. He looked down at his hands and frowned. “That?" he asked. I nodded. “It's a letter. You know... er- kinda personal...." he trailed off uncertainly and I raised an eyebrow.
“Fred Weasley who is that letter for? You don't have some secret lover or something outside the school do you?" I growled my eyes aflame with jealousy. He chuckled and I glared at him.
“No. Why would you think that?" he laughed.
“Who is that letter for then?" I asked eying it suspiciously. He smirked.
“Oh Merlin! You are actually jealous!" he said a grin spreading across. I crossed my arms against my chest and straightened up. Am not jealous. Of course not. Any idiot would see that am not jealous.
Okay maybe just a little. “Am not." I scowled.
“Oh but you are." he said in a sing-song voice. I snarled.
“No. Am not." I insisted but his grin widened.
“Are too." he said crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“Oh shut up! Am not." I hissed.
“Okay I will shut up but that does not change the facts. You are jealous." he grinned. I stuck out my tongue. He laughed and I slapped his arm.
“Okay can I borrow your owl?" he asked and I remembered the note Nins brought me in the afternoon. I raised an eyebrow.
“If you tell me what for....certainly." I replied with a smirk. He sighed.
“I need to send this letter to Bagman." he said.
“Ludo Bagman?" I asked. He nodded. “Why?"
“He duped us of money. He owes us a hundred and fifty galleons of betting money." he said frowning and pinching the bridge of his nose. I started laughing.
“You actually believed that idiot?" I asked. His frown deepened as he nodded.
“What are you going to do?" I asked.
“Oh I don't know ask politely I suppose for starters." he said shrugging. I narrowed my eyes but nodded. “Fine take Nins. But give him a small treat or something before you send him. Or he won't go. Okay?" I said.
“Isn't your owl as rude as you?" he asked stroking an imaginary beard. I slapped his forearm playfully.
“Thanks!" he replied giving me a one arm hug.
“No problem." I muttered pecking his cheek. He chuckled and pecked my lips. I smiled as we separated and I was walking away when he caught my wrist and pulled me back. I collided with his chest.
“What th-" I asked but he leaned down for a kiss. My surprise soon dissolved and I grinned against his lips as I slapped him and tangled my hands in his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me up slightly. He grinned as our lips parted and-
Someone cleared their throat behind us. We instantly separated from our embrace as I turned to see Dad standing there glaring down at us with the coldest expression on his face. I gulped. His cold glare settled on Fred who I dared not to look at even as my cheeks flamed.
“Back to your dorms Mr. Weasley." he ordered and Fred hesitated lingering by my side. “Now." he growled and I was pretty sure listening to just his voice that he was trying hard to keep it calm. Fred turned to leave. I looked up at him. He was as red as his hair. He started walking away slowly. “Oh...and Mr. Weasley, if you value those long fingers of yours you will make sure that I do not find your hands all over my daughter again or I swear to you, I do know of a few potions that require human fingers." he snarled coldly as his face slowly turned even whiter with his rising anger.
“Y-yes sir." Fred stuttered and walked away. He turned after a few steps and gave me an apologetic look. I smiled back reassuringly and he walked away.
“Uhm... hey Dad! Nice weather, yeah?" I said uncertainly as I observed his expressions. There was actually notjing nice about the weather. It was cold. It was windy and it was raining. He hissed angrily.
“My. Office. Now." he said pronouncing every syllable as he spat slightly while speaking. I gave him my puppy dog eyes but he paid no heed and started walking in the direction of the dungeons with his black cloak billowing behind him. I shrugged and followed him preparing myself mentally to deal with a lecture.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?" he snarled as soon as we were in his office and he had closed the door placing the regular silencing charms.
“Did anyone ever tell you your office is kinda creepy?" I asked staring at the eyeball floating in yellow liquid behind him. He crossed his arms against his chest waiting for my answer. I sighed knowing now that I won't be able to distract him. “Sorry. I know that was inappropriate and all b-" he raised a hand to cut me off.
“But we thought why not have some fun!" he said in a mock cheery voice.
“Actually not we, I thought. And no I wasn't thinking about fun. Funnily enough I wasn't even thinking!" I said remembering the kiss and the sweet minty flavour of his soft lips on mine. He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.
“I am talking to you." he said in exasperation.
“Oh! Oh yeah right! Sorry I-"
“You will break up with him. First thing tomorrow morning. You will go and tell him you are through." he said calmly in a tone of finality but I had slipped back yet again into my lost reverie and I muttered an okay.
“Wait what? Why?" I shouted suddenly realising what I just agreed to.
“I said you are not to date that Weasley boy. He is not at all good for you. Doesn't even have a future that idiot boy! Tommorow morning the first thing you do is tell him you are through." he declared sitting down in his chair and pulling out a quill.
“No." I said defiantly. He looked up with narrowed eyes.
“Pardon?" he hissed softly.
“I said no." I repeated.
“You will. I am the parent and you will listen to me. This is your OWL year. I don't want that idiot affecting your grades." he said dipping his quill in the ink well.
“But Dad-" he raised his quill and looked up from grading his papers with one raised eyebrow.
“I love him Dad. Please." I whispered. He smirked shaking his head.
“You are too young to understand love." he replied starting to grade his papers as he dismissed my point as if it meant nothing.
“I am too young, am I?" I asked and he looked up to see my smug expression.
“Remind me what age you were when you were madly in love with Lily Eva- oh sorry! It's Lily Potter right? Will you now remind me what age you were?" I asked smirking. He growled and hit the paper with the quill too hard as he made a zero.
“Don't compare yourself to me and Lily. What you have is nothing but lust and childish infatuation." he hissed. My smirk widened.
“Yeah? Why do I think this is a very common dialogue? Something that everyone says? Me and her were different. It was special. Maybe before you advise me you should take time to consider that this could be just as special for me." I retorted.
“I don't care how special this is. You will stay away from him and you will tell him you are through tommorow morning or I will fail him in Potions this year. That's all I wanted to inform you. And I do not want any further argument on your part about that. So you are free to leave." he said and waved his wand once. The door opened. I got up from my chair as anger coursed through my veins.
“I don't believe you!" I said exasperated as I huffed out. I stopped at the door peered in again. “I don't know why I started talking to you again, it is way better when I don't." I announced angrily before stomping my way back to the dorms even as the door slammed shut behind me.
The next morning we had half day. The first Saturday of the month. I woke up with a really heavy head pounding like someone was banging up an orchestra of hammers in my head. Wondering what could have caused that I got up rubbing my eyes and stretched to find everyone already dressed or dressing up.
“Good morning?" I asked.
“Get up and out fast you idiot. You did something wrong wake up charm last night and I guess you went into heavy snooze or something. Or that is what Vegs says at least. We were just about to get Madam Pomfrey or Prof. Snape when you woke up." Fels said but I didn't quite catch all of it properly.
“Yea? Thanks! What time is it?" I asked blinking to avoid the artificial sunlight hurting my head even more. But I couldn't stop it and I was feeling slightly nauseous.
“You are already late. Go you have only-" but I didn't hear exactly how many minutes I had left as I darted into the bathroom with the sudden wave of nausea that overcame me and threw up all of my stomach's contents.
“Shine? Are you okay?" Vegs pounded on the door. I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me as I did not have the strength to say yes. Another wave of nausea and I threw up yet again. And then I felt pretty fine. I flushed it all off and cleaned up before rinsing the taste out and brushing.
I walked out of the bathroom. “What happened?" Fels asked with a concerned expression. I shook my head.
“Just felt like I was having a hangover or something. Better now. Non alcoholic too that hangover!" I said and she looked at me uncertainly.
“Are you sure you are okay? You don't need us to take you to the hospital wing?" she asked. I shook my head.
“Fine get ready then. We will wait for you here just in case." she said and settled on the bed pulling out some book. “You two go ahead if you want." she told Vegs and Perry and they left.
“I guess I will get ready." I said and got in the bathroom. I was done in the next fifteen minutes and we both left to go directly for the first lecture skipping breakfast.
“I guess it was just the charm going wrong." she said walking with me as we left the hole in the wall. I nodded.
“Yea I guess. What do we have first?" I asked.
“Charms." she said. “So Snape got you or something last night?" she asked. I rolled my eyes.
“Yea...why?" I asked. She shook her head.
“Last night you came in muttering and swearing under your breath and you messed up your spell with that distraction. And we presumed..." she trailed off.
“Oh! Actually me and Fred were kissing." I said and she oohe'd and nudged me with her elbow. I blushed slightly.
“And?" she asked excited now.
“And he caught us. So now he wants me to break up with him." I sighed.
“What?" she said pretty loud and the fourth years walking in front of us turned back to stare at us.
“Shhh.." I said silencing her turning red. “Don't be so loud. Everyone's staring and probably wondering what I asked or told you as well."
“So what did you say?" she asked even as I knocked on the door of Flitwick's classroom.
“Come in." came the squeaky reply and we entered proceeding to our regular places on the last benches.
“Nothing actually. I told him I will not." I replied pulling out my books and wand as we settled down.
“So what did he do?" she asked in a low voice pulling out her books.
“Who did what?" Terry asked leaning back on his chair's hind legs as he heard bits of our conversation.
“What are you doing back there? Pay attention. We are practicing the Summoning charms today and they are sure to come." Prof. Flitwick said sternly as he stood on his tiptoes, brandishing his wand at us, to get a better look at us. We stopped our conversation abruptly.
He resumed with his lecture on the importance of Summoning charms and I copied down the finer points I had missed last year in silence for the rest of the class.
“You. Are you gay or something?" Fels asked Terry as soon as class ended. I looked up to see his offended expression. To be asked if you are gay by the girl you have a crush on.... well I did rather not say anything on how sad that is.
“You think am gay?" he asked her in an annoyed tone.
“No am confident you are. Why do you have to get into every kind of gossip? Are you a girl?" she asked irritated that she was pulled up right on the third day of school despite being prefect. He stared back at her completely shocked by the reaction. “Oh wait don't answer that! Course you are! Why else are you so feminine!" she huffed and I looked up to say something but thought better not to say anything. She was very obviously being rude but if I said anything now it would only make her angry at me as well. And trust me I don't need that right now. I sighed and looked down again continuing to pack my bag.
“Shine do you too think am feminine?" Terry turned to me. He was staring hopefully at me as Fels glared defiantly crossing her arms against her chest as if challenging me to disagree with her.
I sighed. “Guys please am really in a horrible mood. Don't drag me into this." I pleaded
“No. You have to answer. He is so obviously feminine." Fels insisted.
“That's enough Fels. You are crossing your lines!" I said simply not giving much of my opinion.
“Fine but you agree with me?"
“So you agree with me?"
They both asked the same question at the same time. I shook my head and chose to answer them together.
“Yes." I said and they both looked confused.
“Yes what?" Fels asked first.
“Conclude yourself. I thought you were smart enough for that." I replied flinging the bag across my shoulder and walking out of the classroom for Potions.
“Bitch!" I heard Fels swear and I raised up my mid finger in response. I could practically hear her roll her eyes before they resumed bickering. I walked out of the classroom to catch up with Vegs.
As I was walking to Potions with Vegs I noticed some crowding in the Entrance Hall. We looked at each other with raised eyebrows and tried getting ahead to see what was happening.
“Oh you were staying there this summer weren't you Potter? So tell me is his mother really that porky or is it the photo?" Draco's voice floated over to me as I reached the scene. He stood there holding an article from the Daily Prophet in his hands a smirk forming on his thin pale face as his silver-gray eyes glinted with malice.
I looked at the article closely to notice it was about the Weasleys and the photo showed Mrs. Weasley standing outside the Burrow looking all threatening. Ron had gone all red in the face.
“You know your mother Malfoy? Why does she always have that expression like she's got dung under her nose?" Harry asked him holding on to Ron's robes with Hermione to stop him launching at Draco. “Has she always looked like that, or is it that you were with her?" he retorted. Draco looked completely insulted. He went pink in the face as his eyes stopped glinting with malice and his expression turned angry.
“Don't you dare insult my mother Potter." he shouted pulling out his wand as Harry turned away with the other two.
“Shut your fat mouth then." Harry replied walking away as they dragged Ron. Suddenly Draco pulled out his wand and BANG!! a white hot light flashed past Harry brushing his cheek and slightly missing him. I pulled out my wand and Harry turned just as another bang issued.
“Oh no you don't LADDIE!" Mad eye Moody came up on the scene clunking along. I looked to see where Draco was but in his place stood a snow white ferret who looked just as confused about the events and realization struck home. He just transformed Dray into that ridiculous ferret!
“What the- he can't do that, can he? At Hogwarts you don't punish students like that, right?" Vega asked going hysterical. She moved forward determined to tell Moody to transform him back but I caught her arm and pulled her back shaking my head.
“Don't interfere." I told her and she looked confused.
“It may be hurting him dumbo." she said annoyed at me. I looked at Dray again. Yes, it could be hurting him and he was my friend but he shouldn't have insulted Mrs. Weasley. She is the nicest woman on the planet!
“LEAVE IT" Moody shouted in the middle of talking to Harry and I jerked back my attention to him. Crabbe had bent to pick up Draco.
“Leave what?" Harry asked him. He shook his head.
“Not you- him!" he said jerking his thumb over his shoulder at Crabbe. It seemed like he could see through the back of his head. As he started to move towards Crabbe, Goyle and the ferret, it gave a terrified squeak and started streaking off in the direction of the dungeons.
“I don't think so." he growled in his gravelly voice as the ferret shot up ten feet and landed with a smack and again flew up. It entered Goyle's pants who started jumping to get him out. And the ferret scrambled out. He made to escape again but he bounced up yet again into the air.
“I don't like people who attack their opponents when their back is turned." Moody snarled. “Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do..." he growled even as the ferret continued bouncing higher squealing in pain. My eyes widened but I wasn't going to try and stop him especially with Dad's warning. And Vegs was struggling in my grip to go ahead and stop Moody.
“What's going on?" Fels asked reaching us in the crowd. With her short height the girl couldn't see the scene I suppose.
“Moody's torturing Draco." I whispered. Her eyes widened.
“Is he mental?" she asked. I nodded.
“Stop it!" Vegs shouted suddenly so loud every head turned to look at her. Even Moody turned to look at her with one eyebrow raised in amusement. I let go of her feeling half the eyes settle on me as I slapped my forehead.
“Stop what lassie?" he asked in a soft dangerous growl even as he continued torturing the ferret who flailed helplessly through the air.
“Don't you see? You are hurti-"
“Professor Moody!" said a shocked voice. I turned to see Prof. Mc'gonnagal walk down the stairs. Cool! More drama.
“Hello Prof. Mc'gonnagal" he greeted calmly still bouncing the ferret.
“What are you doing?" she asked him.
“Teaching." he replied so coolly you did actually belive him.
“Teaching! Well thank you for teaching me that Proffesor!" Vegs shrieked as I stared unbelieving at her. “Now let's see what animal you transform into when I do that, yeah?" she said pulling out her wand and pointing it at his chest. Good Merlin! You don't attack your teachers. Somebody please stop her.
“Ms. Lupin!" Mc'gonnagal said in a shocked voice even as I tried to pull her back.
“I am sorry Proffesors I swear she didn't mean it." I said giving them both an apologetic smile.
“Moody is- is that a student?" Mc'gonnagal asked.
“Draco Malfoy to be specifc." grumbled Vegs struggling against me even as Moody replied with an uncaring 'Yep.' Mc'gonnagal dropped her books in shock.
“No." she cried as she flew down the stairs pulling out her wand. A moment and a loud snapping noise later Draco Malfoy stood in place of the snow white ferret. Tears of pain and humiliation glistening his pale eyes he sat on the ground looking shocked and very much pink in the face.
“Moody we do not use Transfiguration as a punishment at Hogwarts." she said sounding angry. “Surely Prof. Dumbledore told you that?" she asked. He looked at Draco with his magical eye as he recovered and got to his feet wincing.
“He might have mentioned that, yeah." he said scratching the stubble on his chin unconcernedly. “But I thought a good sharp shock-"
“We give detentions Moody! Or talk to the offender's Head of House." she said sternly. Moody looked away not bothering.
“I will do that then!" he growled looking at Draco with utmost dislike.
“My father will hear of this." he muttered and I rolled my eyes. This is it. Done for!
“Oh yeah?" growled Moody as he limped forward his fake leg clunking along. “Well I know your father of old... tell your father am keeping a close eye on his son.... you tell him that for me... Now your Head of House will be Snape will it?" he asked.
“Yes." Draco nodded resentfully. I narrowed my eyes. Great! Now that idiot is going to spoil his mood and make me suffer for it.
“Ah! Another old friend!" he said smiling a lopsided smile that twisted his odd face. “I have been looking forward to meeting him. Come on you..." he growled dragging him away. I furrowed my eyebrows and released my grip on Vegs.
“And Ms. Lupin that will be twenty points off Slytherin for your aggressive behaviour. That was entirely inappropriate. You do not attack teachers." she said sternly as Vegs stared at her in shock.
“Bu-" she tried to explain but Mc'gonnagal cut her off.
“Outrageous behaviour! You will be serving detention with me today evening after dinner. Do not be late." she said with an air of finality before walking away as Vegs glared after her retreating figure.
“I never knew you were such a coward! I don't even want to talk to you." she shouted suddenly turning back on me. I backed off away for a minute too shocked to respond. Am not a coward! Well great if she doesn't want to talk to me for stopping her from attacking a maniac and getting transformed into some rat! I don't want to talk to her as well.
But I did not say anything to her for she looked like she would punch the first person who told her anything. Instead I walked without her into the dungeons. I shook my head at Fels who looked pretty shocked by her reaction and was wondering whether or not to say anything. So she shut up as we reached the dungeons and entered the Potions class.
I pulled out my stuff as I settled on the first bench and set up my cauldron. Dad walked in a minute later looking pretty annoyed and slammed the door behind him.
“Turn to page 54 of your textbooks. You will find the list of necessary ingredients and steps to start your salve for longer lung capacity. You have exactly an hour at tge end of which your potion should be ready for consumption." he growled in a voice angrier than usual.
“What are you waiting for?" he asked in his low dangerous voice when no one moved. And everyone scrambled to get their ingredients. I had decided ignoring Mc'laggen would be the best strategy so I did exactly that and got my ingredients and began work. He sat at his desk breathing flames.
Suddenly he got up and began prowling the classroom and sneering down at potions as he ridiculed everyone. He reached our desk soon enough and put a ladle into Mc'laggen's potion and brought out some fuschia coloured stony gel hardening rapidly into cement.
“What have you made Mc'laggen? Some special cement to decorate your walls with?" he asked. He turned red as he took a look at my black liquid.
“No." he replied.
“No sir. You will call me sir." Dad corrected him. He nodded.
“Yes sir." he said.
“And this is of no use. You will be receiving a zero for today's work." he said with a satisfied smirk as he vanished the tenth potion of today including Vega's and Fels'.
“Your potions should be deep blue by now. If you have managed to turn them black they are even more excellent. However I doubt any of you have achieved that." he drawled around in a bored tone “And each one of you will be writing an essay on properties of kappa nails. Two parchment. Label your vials and place them upon my desk for grading."
“And Ms. Lupin take thirty points for Slytherin because you were not talking in my class for once." he announced before going and settling in his chair. I smirked. That guy sure knows how to gain back lost points.
We exited the classroom. “What for did I get those points?" Vegs wondered aloud. I walked away to get to lunch as fast as I could. I was too hungry as I had no breakfast.
I reached the Great Hall and was one of the first people other than first years who had been let off early, it being first week and all.
I started doling beef casserole onto my plate when I heard people mutter about Draco Malfoy the bouncy ferret. I rolled my eyes and started eating just as the others settled down beside me.
Vegs settled opposite me as I finished off faster than the others and gulped down my pumpkin juice. “Are you angry with me?" she asked in a small voice just as I was getting up. I shrugged and walked out of the Great Hall. I still had the Fred situation to worry about.
As I walked out I signalled him to meet me outside. I perched myself over the Entrance hall window ledge as I waited for him. I was getting nervous about his reaction and my palms were sweaty. I looked outside to notice the rain had stopped. Five minutes later he walked out with some chocolate muffin.
“Hey beautiful!" he said as he hugged me.
“Hey!" I replied pushing him off. He raised his eyebrows but did not say anything. I took in a deep breath and exhaled calming my nerves.
“What's the matter?" he asked cupping up my chin with his finger to look me in the eyes.
“I er, I think we should not date each other anymore." I stated frankly. Disappointment crossed his features as hurt filled his eyes. But he kept a smile on.
“You are joking, right?" he asked shoving his hands into his pockets. I looked down at my crossed feet. I shook my head no.
“Why?" he asked. His voice was easy no trace of the hurt clearly visible in his eyes but that just made it easier for me to handle. Not looking him in the eyes and listening to an easy voice meant I could do this without any drama.
“Dad says you are not good for me. Especially in the owl year when I need to study. I don't agree with him actually but you know... and-" he cut me off with a peck on my lips. I looked up to see his happy expression.
“It's just your old guy! I thought you... you idiot you just need a break so you can study or so he thinks. Well he gets that!" he announced.
“Wait a minute you want to break up so I can study?" I asked even more confused now.
“Of course if that means he will let us get together next year. Sure." he replied. I frowned as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
“And I was worried about your reaction!" I chuckled shaking my head.
“Hey how about we make him think we are not together anymore?" he asked with a grin to match mine. I tangled my hand in the roots of his hair and pulled him closer with his collar as I kissed his forehead.
“Great idea!" I whispered kissing his nose. He shuddered and pulled back.
“Very well then, that means no pda for starters and a huge public argument with a lot of drama." he said removing my hands and placing them in my laps. I groaned playfully and he grinned.
“YOU HORRID WOMAN HOW DARE YOU!" he roared at the top of his voice. “You will never get anyone better than me Snape!" he shouted loud enough for everyone in the Great Hall. By now everyone lingering in the corridors was staring at us. And everyone inside was looking up and craning their necks to get a look at us.
“Oh really! Does nothing enter that thick ginger head of yours then Weasley? You think you are the king do you?" I asked pulling out my wand and he raised an eyebrow. I winked. “Well get this clear. You. Are. Not."
He grinned and pulled out his wand. “You think you are better do you? Duel with me then." he hissed. A small crowd had gathered around us.
“Duel you?" I snorted. “I don't think so. How many spells other than the tickling charm do you know Weasley? It would be unfair if you were to duel with me." I laughed a cold laugh.
“Why do I think I smell cowardice in the air?" he asked sniffing around with his nose in the air.
“Don't. Call. Me. A. Coward." I shrieked. He smirked and raised his wand in response.
“Then agree to duel." he said. I raised my wand as we backed away from each other and at respectable distance bowed and getting up instantly shot hexes at each other missing slightly.
“Ms. Snape! Mr. Weasley!" a shocked Prof. Flitwick came up separating the crowds accompanied by our heads of houses.
“Thirty points from both of your houses for such immature behaviour. Much more is expected from you Ms. Snape." he reprimanded in his squeaky voice as both Dad and Mc'gonnagal looked too livid with anger to say anything.
“You both have been summoned to the headmaster's office with your head of house to discuss your punishment." Sprout announced and we looked at each other both thinking the same thing. We took it a bit too far this time. “And it would be very kind of the rest of you if you would disperse off to your dorms." The crowd dispersed off some giving us odd glares, some looking happy that we broke up and some looking like at us like they didn't care but were wondering the reason for the very public breakup.
Right now the only thing I wish for is that I should not have agreed with Fred. I sigh and follow the two extremely angry proffesors to Dumbledore's office.
A/N: Hey guys an update....I know it's late but it's long. So well I hope you weren't bored by the end of it...
Anyways any suggestions or any guesses on what's going to happen next?
What do you think of Snape's reaction over Fred and her kissing? Overreaction? Or normal...
Oh well tell me what you thought of the chapter. Love knowing your opinions...
Plz vote if you liked the chapter!!!
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