Lupin's cottage.
I pulled up my socks and tied up my running shoes. I got off the couch and got up to go for the jog as I stretched and tucked my wand deeper into the pocket making sure it was safe just in case I needed it.
I opened the door of Lupin's cottage slowly to avoid the slight creaking and got out. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. The pleasant scent of pine wood reached me. I smiled. I loved the scent. It was relaxing to the senses. I closed the door behind me and set off at a pace. The gravel crunched softly under my feet as I started running. The path in the forest was lined in colourful lichen. The light came in through the gaps in the forest cover. Birds were happily twittering in their nests. I jogged through the forest path like I had always known the path since I was a kid. I pushed myself harder as I increased my pace. The surroundings blurred around in a haze of colourful blurs. It felt good to run. Running always made me happy even as a kid. Today too it felt amazing. It helped me think clearer. Today I was to meet Vega.
Her school ended today. It had now been a week since I came over to stay at Lupin's place and even though he says we are exact replicas I was nervous. I mean think of it this way. Everything about you. Your looks. Your choices maybe. Your thinking. Your style. Your faults reflected back at you like you are staring into a mirror. I find that creepy.
Seeing you at your best and worst. Maybe living with Lupin would influence her actions....maybe not. I slowed down my running pace. And stopped near the pine tree by the lake. The still water reflected the varying colours of the sky as the sun rose. I stood there panting as I tried to control my breathing. I picked up a stone as soon as my breathing neared normal and tried skipping stones to distract myself.
The first stone skipped fifteen times creating ripples on the still surface. What if she doesn't like me? What if we don't get along? I skipped another stone but after skipping five times it sank down as my frustration with myself returned. I know one person would have got my frustration. But the moment it can't be helped. It's my fault. And I was happy staying with Remus. But I missed him most of the time. I sighed as I sat down on the mossy ground. And I guess I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't for the stupid nightmares.
A huge snake slithered in and out of my dreams. He would enter a house and then a pale hand would cast the Sectumsempera. The blood flowed freely. A coppery rusty scent to it. The snake could catch the scent of the blood. The pale handed person however spoke in Parseltongue and the snake looked disappointed. The snake seemed to nod it's head. And then it reared forward to bite as the person screamed a very high pitched scream in fright. More blood flowed from the injuries and the air smelled of blood and murder. The snake looked greedy for another bite. But looked as if it restrained itself so the woman, judging from the scream, could die a very slow painful death. And then the cold hearted cackle pierced the air. But it never stopped at that. The same scene would take place in the Shrieking Shack.
The voice of the cackling person the same voice said "Because only I can live forever." and the snake who was ordered yet again in Parseltongue reared up for the kill this time. It attacked the person but no scream could be heard through the magical barrier protecting the snake which had now enveloped the person. In the faint glow of the shimmery barrier one could make out the shape you would think but I couldn't see. The snake attacked thrice and left the person to bleed. The cold raucous laughter filled the air again and echoed in my ears as I woke up drenched in sweat. And this had been happening for a while now. The same dream ever since I visited my mom. As if I absorbed some distant memory or the connection unlocked something buried deep down inside. I did not know what it was but I needed to know. To think.
That is why I needed to go for a run. So I could clear my head and think. But nothing came up in my head that was reasonable explanation. I got back up and started making my way back to the cottage. I started off walking but then broke into a run and stopped when I reached the gates. I opened the creaky gate and got in. The place was beautiful. It had roses, irises, lilies, petunias and another flower that changed colour with the sunlight. I think Remus said it was the magical sunflower. It was pretty sweet to watch as the ivy vines climbed up.the walls and reached the roof. The place was kind of small. But it looked fascinating. I opened the musty maplewood door and walked in. Remus was up judging from the sound of fried eggs cooking in the pan. I entered the kitchen all sweaty.
"Hey Moony." I greeted and he turned.
"Where the heck were you early mo- Oh dont bother. I know you had gone running on that forest path again." he said as he set down the eggs and cocoa and bread.
"Where's bacon?" I asked.
"There's none in the dang fridge. I forgot to restock two days before thanks to the full moon." he replied with a scowl.
"Oh!" I said unsure of how to handle the sensitive subject.
"What is it with you Blacks and the forest trail?" he asked and I looked up in surprise.
"What do you mean?" I asked my eyebrows shooting up as I looked at him curiously.
"You, Vegs, Sirius. All of you love that place!" he exclaimed exasperated.
"Because it is beautiful Moony. I don't know about them. But if you look at it as anything but a place that you took refuge in as a werewolf when you were young maybe you will see that the place is lovely." I replied biting down on my bread. He shrugged and we continued eating in silence. This was the problem. Me and Him always had something to talk about. There was everything under the sun to have an opinion on and to argue about. But with Moony I couldn't get that comfy as to voice my opinion on any stupid thing. I finished soon enough and got up to wash my dishes.
"So...get ready fast. Okay? We have to collect Vegs." he said and I nodded lost in my own thoughts.
"Yeah. Sure." I said finally as it clicked in my head and raced up the staircase to the guestroom. The room was just beside my twin's. Remus's was opposite. I opened the door turning down the brass doorknob and entered the room. The front wall was brightly painted in a fuschia with orange polka dots. The paint was peeling but it still looked good. A brass nightstand with moon lily carvings going up all its body stood beside the bed. The other walls were a cool minty green. I closed my door behind me and grabbed a soft cream coloured clean towel and got in for a shower. I cleaned my grimy hair and untangled them slowly. I washed up emerging with the scent of cloves and vanilla around me. I wrapped the towel and got out. I walked to the rosewood closet. I got out a full sleeve loose cotton tee with the 'Wanted Wizards' logo.
I pulled the tee over my head after wearing my underclothes. And pulled on artistically ripped black jeans. I got my black leather jacket accentuated with silver chains out of the closet but it was not that cold so I folded it over my arm before I pulled on my military boots and took one final look in the mirror to observe my reflection. My wet curls settled limply over my right shoulder. My eyes had lost its shine. There were dark circles under them. My cheeks had sunk in further and face had become thinner. My features had become sharper. I looked hideous. I saw my soft pink lips set in a permanent scowl. I squared my shoulders and stared at my reflection trying to pull up the corners of my lips. I managed but my smile did not reach my eyes. I sighed and gave up as I walked down to meet Remus so we could apparate.
"Ready?" he asked as I walked down the stairs. I nodded. He gave me a small smile as he extended his hand for me. I grinned and took his hand. We spun on the spot and the feeling of being squeezed through small tubes came over. With a loud crack we landed on the pavement of a narrow alleyway. We walked out the narrow alleyway to face the London airport. I looked at him with confusion but he chuckled softly and grabbed my elbow as he dragged me through the airport to reach Terminal 1.
"Okay now with all your heart think Terminal Beauxbatons as we walk through the entrance." he told me. We approached. The glass doors remained closed. I thought hard and I could see an entirely different world beyond the glass doors as I chanted the words repeatedly.
"Cool!" I exclaimed. Remus smiled as we entered the terminal full of witches and wizards instead. I looked around myself and noted the blue and gunmetal coloured accentuations. The Beauxbatons logo floated on a banner above my head. Parents were waiting eagerly for the....planes to arrive most probably.
"Look there they are! The first carriage." One over eager parent pointed to the skies. I looked up to find the carriages descending gracefully. A dozen winged horses pulled a beautiful pale blue carriage.
"Whoa!" I muttered dumbstruck. Remus chuckled. "I know. I had a similar reaction the first time." he said softly over the excited parents chattering along in English or French. The carriage landed. The horses were the size of elephants. The carriage doors opened and first years jumped out neatly dressed in their gunmetal uniforms and pale blue cloaks. The boys and girls filed out neatly. Then the second carriage landed to the right of the first and more students filed out. Then the third to its left. And the other four carriages landed in a similar manner forming a wing pattern. It was graceful the way they landed. Soon the students came up to us dragging their trunks and parents hugged their kids to welcome them.
And then I saw her. Her soft black curls tied up in a ponytail. Her hat over her head. A smile adorned the beautiful face. The eyes were the same gray blue as Sirius. The same height and build as me. Only I was slightly thinner. I guess this is the reason Remus was dumbstruck on seeing me. He thought it was her. Upon closer look. She had no dark circles under her eyes that had small triangular emerald green flecks in them. Her smile too seemed genuine. She laughed softly at a joke that the dark haired guy beside her cracked.
"So true too Ian." I heard her say to him.
"Bye." she called before kissing the guy a bit too close to his lips and he returned the gesture as they both blushed.
She looked at Remus who had a frown on his face slowly developing as I observed. And she waved. Then her eyes landed on me and her smile froze.
Her eyes widened in shock and she stopped talking to Ian. The smile slowly faded away as she walked to us.
"W-what is going on Remus?" she asked quietly her eyes never leaving me. I gave her a small uncertain smile. She did not return it.
"Well what does it look like to you Vegs?" he asked a smile playing on his lips.
"An impostor." she replied her eyes still boring into my green ones as if she was trying to employ Occlumency. She turned to look him in the eyes.
"She can block me." she said trying hard to control the surprise in her tone. "How is that even possible?" she asked him innocently.
"Because she asked is your twin honey. She can do all that you can. Let's talk at home." he said noticing Ian try to eavesdrop. She nodded.
We were leaving when a beautiful blonde girl walked up to us. "Laissant déjà Vee?" she asked her if she was leaving already. Vega nodded in reply as she turned to look at her with sad eyes.
"Oui Fleur! Suis pressé" she said with a smile.
"Qui est-ce?" she asked her eyes landing on me.
"Mon jumeau" she replied. I sighed atleast she accepts am her twin. We will see about accepting me.
"Jamais vue avant. Pourqoui n'est-elle pas à Beauxbatons?" she asked as her eyebrows rode up in surprise.
"J'assiste Hogwarts." I told her fluently in French. She turned to look at me.
"Hogwarts?" she looked at me in confusion. I nodded pride clearly showing in my eyes. She nodded her head.
"A plus tard alores Fleur!" Vega said to her politely terminating the conversation.
"Oui! Écrivez-moi!" she said turning around and walking to her family. Vega waved her off and she waved back.
Several people waved us off as we walked out of the terminal. Me to Remus' right. Vega to his left as Remus levitated her sooty black owl in front of us along with her trunk. We were soon out and we apparated back to the cottage once in the narrow alleyway.
A/N: Okay so umm... hey guys here's your first chapter of the new sequel. I know bad French. But I used Google translate. Coz I never took French in school.
And Fleur is incomplete without french. Plus I can't have her talking Engleesh because it would be so outta character...and it doesn't make sense. So sorry for that!!! Point out the mistakes...and wat else oh yeah!!!
Vote!!! Plz vote and leave a comment coz dey encourage me to write further. Btw next chpter is Vega's rxn. Any guesses???
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