Drunk mistakes
A/N: Okay guys this is truly important so read before you proceed with the chapter. If you are affected by underage drinking well there is some in the chapter. And yes it wasn't totally essential but guys we all make mistakes don't we? I had to do this one scene... hope u don't mind
Dumbledore remained standing even after everyone had settled down and a silence spread in the hall.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and most particularly... guest." he said opening his arms in welcome and beaming around at the foreign students. “I have great pleasure in welcoming you to stay. I hope your stay here will be comfortable and enjoyable."
At that one of the Beauxbaton girls snorted with unmistakably derisive laughter. Almost every Hogwarts student was seen glaring at her as she hid her face behind her muffler.
“No one's making you stay." I heard Fels mutter and I smirked.
“The tournament will be officially open after dinner tonight." Dumbledore announced further. “I now invite you all to eat, drink and make yourselves at home."
“Yeah right! Make ourselves at home." Lis scoffed. “We don't have people like scarface back home. How do I get that out of my head?" she said meaning me but I decided she meant someone else and ignored her loading my plate with the Ceasar salad. Vlad certainly heard that but I guess he had decided not to interfere.
“Whoa Snape you actually eat like a pig!" she squealed and I tightened my grip on my fork but I decided to ignore the troll brain yet again. But if she says anymore then I swear I may not be able to maintain my self control and my knife would just fly through the air on perfect accident.
“So. Hogwarts is better than Durmstrang?" Tony asked picking up on my mood.
“Yea it's nice enough." I replied stabbing a carrot.
“Yea they must give you the award for ugliest person at Hogwarts every year right?" she said making use of her very large nose. I smiled sweetly at her.
“Yes, I remember being disappointed when you nicked it from me at Durmstrang every year." I replied. Tony snickered and Vlad looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. She looked at him for support. He simply shrugged in reply.
I looked up at the staff table to see Dad's eyes on me instead of his food. I smiled up at him and he turned back to his plate.
“Isn't that your father?" she asked and I stiffened. “Does he always look that sour? Or is it just that he has to handle you?" she asked. I took a fried chicken leg and started tearing at it.
“Shut up Lis." Tony growled for the others were waiting in shock to see how I would reply. “Let it be, Shine. Just ig-" he tried to stop me from replying but she had got my blood boiling.
“You know your mother Lis, with that horrified look on her face? Is it because she still wonders how she gave birth to a troll, when she mated with a human?" I shot back.
“Don't insult my family, Snape. I am warning you." she hissed. I leaned closer.
“You stop saying nonsense about mine, and I stop saying nonsense about yours." I hissed back.
“I wasn't saying nonsense just the truth." she smirked leaning back.
“Shut your mouth before I make you regret it Lis." I growled so dangerously almost everyone near me had stopped eating and gone silent.
“Or what Snape. You know what I feel, your greasy, batty looking father must be tough competition for you in that ugly competition. How did he ever find a woman to mate?" she asked her smirk widening as I put down my fork to stop myself from attacking her with it as I saw red flames floating in front of my vision. I tried concentrating on the mashed potato but my vision was lined in red.
“Oh but I guess some people are ugly for a purpose, you know? Who else would your mother have found otherwise?" she laughed and all knives and forks on the table flew from their owner's hands to circle her throat.
“One more word. Just one more word about my parents Lis, and I swear I will feed you small pieces of yourself." I threatened calmly in a low whisper so only she would hear. The others saw only my lips moving. Her eyes widened in horror as the scream froze in her throat.
People from other tables were staring. Even the teachers were staring, but right now I was too mad to care. How dare she say that about my mother! Say what you want about me. But you don't say a word against my parents. Especially my mom. That's a really touchy subject. She whimpered and nodded a yes. The forks and knives flew back to their owners and slowly my vision returned to normal as I sat there breathing heavily. Almost everyone was staring at me right now as she sat there opening and closing her mouth like a fish.
“What?" I snapped at the group of first year girls staring at me and they resumed eating. But I had lost my appetite. I threw down my silverware and stormed out of the Great Hall. I could feel the eyes of almost everyone boring into the back of my head.
I walked down the corridor outside the Great Hall to reach the Entrance Hall. My anger was slowly seeping through my nerves. I kicked a nearby wall and tears of pain filled my eyes as I stubbed my toe. Am I really that ugly? Is that why he's with her then? Because am ugly?
I crossed my arms against my chest as I walked out. It was cold tonight, real cold and windy too so I pulled my cloak closer to stop the shivering. I walked to the quidditch pitch and pulled my broom out after changing into my practice robes.
I carried my Nimbus 2001 to the pitch and mounted it. As I kicked off the ground and felt the wind howling in my ears, I felt lightheaded. I shot up like the cork of the butterbeer and did hoolahoops in the sky.
I don't know how long I was flying but I was flying certainly long enough to have started my chattering of teeth and freezing myself to the broom. I suddenly shot down. The wind howled in my ears. The cold seeped through my clothes as I resisted the urge to shiver.
I dropped fast losing altitude. Twenty feet. How dare that bitch say that stuff... ten feet. Maybe what she said is the truth... five. No, certainly not...four feet... Not as ugly as her.... three feet....
“Pull up you idiot! Are you trying to commit suicide!" someone shouted from the stands and at just two feet from the ground I pulled up to fly level with the ground and shooting up again just to shoot down yet again.
But this time I landed smoothly and got off.
I turned to the voice in the stands. “What are you doing here?" I asked loud enough so he would hear me. He shrugged and started walking down the stands to me.
“Trying to stop you from committing suicide." he replied off handedly as he reached me. I sneered.
“What does it matter to you anyway? Just go and enjoy your feast with your girlfriend." I shot back even as he moved closer. He stopped as if in surprise and raised his eyebrows.
“Girlfriend?" he asked. I rolled my eyes starting to walk towards the changing room without giving him any answer. “What girlfriend!"
I was tempted to stop, turn back and answer but I forced myself to continue to the changing rooms. The idiot was only messing with my head like he loved to.
I pulled off my robes and went to stand in the shower. It was warm enough and it would remove all the sweat. Exactly a minute after I shut the shower and walked out to change back into my clothes feeling a lot more normal, much more calmer. I got the jeans out from the spare clothes closet. I trailed a finger along the scar on my face and on my arm as I looked in the mirror. I did not look that bad anymore... they were barely visible. I saw someone shift in the shadows and I stiffened.
“Now you will tell me what you were talking about." I heard his voice behind me as soon as I was done buttoning up my jeans and stood there pulling on my shirt. I turned to see him standing there leaning against the wall alone and covered up my torso with my arms. He stared at me with a frown plastered upon his face as he crossed his arms over his chest. I never heard him enter! My heart started beating faster as a scream built up in my throat.
I opened my mouth to scream but he moved fast enough to cover my mouth as he put another arm around me to stop me from moving back. I struggled against him but he won't let go. “Okay now listen to me am not going to do anything to you so don't scream, you will wake the whole school and they will murder me." he hissed urgently. “Am removing my hand. Don't scream okay?" he pleaded. I nodded and he let go.
“You are not supposed to be in here!" I whisper shouted.
“I know." he drawled sitting down on the silver bench in front of the serpent logo. “But you never answered me." he shrugged. I rolled my eyes. “You must trust me enough to stand that way in front of me, by the way." he said and I turned away from him to button up as blood rushed up to my cheeks.
“How did you even get in?" I asked turning around to face him.
“Heard you say the password." he grinned and I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity as I pinned the cloak.
“So we are going to behave like we are strangers?" he asked. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows. He sat there with an amused look in his eyes.
“What time is it?" I asked choosing not to answer him yet again.
“I assume that means yes?" he asked raising one light brown eyebrow.
“What time is it?" I repeated my question. He rolled his eyes at me.
“Midnight. And are you not going to answer any of my questions?" he asked. So I was flying for four hours? Wow! No wonder I was frozen to my broom.
“What's your problem?" he whirled me around by my arm to face him.
“You." I replied pulling my arm out of his grip and glaring him down as my anger burst forth yet again.
“Me?" he asked nonbelieving. I walked out of the changing rooms and he followed. “What have I done?" he asked as if he actually cared.
“Well for starters stop stalking me." I drawled lazily and I turned to face him but my eyes flashed in anger. “For how long were you standing there anyway?" I asked.
“I saw you trailing your finger on the scars. Nothing before that. I swear." he said.
“Great then! I don't need to mess your memories." I drawled.
“Why were you completely nude?" he asked. I blushed.
“Shut up Vladmir!" I whisper shouted again for we were now on the grounds. “And no. Of course I wasn't."
“Disappointed." he muttered. I chuckled. “Yea right. Am sure your pretty girlfriend has already displayed herself."
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you talking about Marina?" he asked.
“No am talking about Adrian, dumbass!" I replied.
“Well actually no. She hasn't. She's not my girlfriend, so why would she?" he asked me and I rolled my eyes yet again.
“You know what if you keep rolling those eyes like that, they may just roll off their sockets and I for one thing won't like that. I love them on you." he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and looking down into my eyes. Trying yet again to mess up my head. I slapped off his hand lingering too long on my cheek.
“You are cold." he stated. I shrugged. “I happen to have something for that." he said with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow.
“Firewhisky. It's good for warmth." he replied. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “I am underage." I replied.
“Sixteen in eight days. Legal age is sixteen. What does it matter?" he asked grinning impishly.
I shook my head. I suppose it doesn't matter. I shrugged and he pulled out his wand conjuring two glasses with fiery amber liquid. Ice floated on the bottom of the glass. He offered me one and held his in cheers.
“Cheers!" we both whispered as we clunked our glasses together. The bitter liquid reeked of spirits. I gulped a mouthful and swallowed. My throat felt like someone had set it on fire. I coughed. He patted my back and laughed as tears came to my eyes.
“Good enough for a first time. Let's go and sit down somewhere." he chuckled taking my hand and dragging me to the lake. Good enough? My head was frozen over, and my throat felt like it was on fire! “Some more?" he asked. I shook my head. He shrugged as his glass refilled itself. After a minute or so my head felt normal and the fire spread to my body warming up my senses. It was starting to feel good even.
“That's good stuff." I said finally.
“Want some more?" he asked already refilling my glass. I took it and slogged it down again but this time the heaviness was lighter and the burning was lesser. We refilled our glasses again and yet again and again. And slowly, definitely I felt my head get real lighter. As if I had no worries. A warm feeling spread over my body. I could do anything. Nothing could stop me right now.
And that is the last thing I remember about last night before I slugged another glass.
I needed to move my hands and feet but something was restraining them. I tried to struggle against it but found I wasn't strong enough. My eyes flew open. My head was hurting so bad it felt like an orchestra of hammers. It was still dark so I squinted to find myself on the couch in the common room.
I tried to get up but I found that something restraining me was not just a dream. I felt someone snore lightly as the someone tightened their grip on me and I felt myself pressed up against a hard, warm body. I felt a scream build in my throat but realised it was too dry. I elbowed the person behind me. He shifted and I fell off the couch with a thud. Relief flooded me as I found I was free and I looked at the couch to see Vlad getting up groaning.
“Why did you hit me?" he asked keeping his voice low.
“Why the heck were you wrapped around me?" I asked in an even lower voice.
“So you don't remember a thing?" he shot back lightly massaging his head. I shook my head no in confusion. I tried to think but my head pounded even more than it already was and I stopped trying to remember. I shrugged.
“Nothing? At all?" he asked. I shook my head dreading whatever happened now.
“What exactly happened?" I asked in a calm voice.
“You have something for a hangover?" he asked avoiding my question.
“Actually I don't but I could nick it if you want it desperately." I replied. “But first tell me what exactly happened last night."
“Nothing much." he said getting up and pouring himself a glass of water from the water jug.
“Then tell me." I said realising he was avoiding the question.
“Fine." he said and offered me some water. I shook my head. “Trust me it helps." he said and I took it from him feeling a lot of relief for my throat. But immediately as the water hit my stomach it churned and I ran to the boy's dorms so I could throw up.
I walked out of the washroom after cleaning up my mouth a bit. He was sitting on the couch.
“Done?" he asked. I nodded. “I guess." I said clutching my stomach due to abdominal cramps. Even the headache had worsened.
“I guess that was a bad idea." he said. I nodded in agreement and he chuckled. I sat down on the couch opposite him.
“You are great when you are drunk. So non grumpy." he said and I narrowed my eyes. “Honest, non secretive as well maybe." and am sure I did something really stupid that I will regret my whole life.
“And what exactly did I do?" I asked for the third time today. He cleared his throat and sipped water slowly.
“Well we were just sitting when you told me you would take me on Hogwarts tour. So as we were walking and you were showing me around, you asked me if I was going to participate in the tournament. I told you I was chosen to put my name so yes I would try and...." my eyes widened realising what I did next. I told him not to cause I was scared of the death toll. I wouldn't have said anything normally but drunk, having no control of self and I guess... “...and you told me not to. I asked you why and you say it's dangerous. It's got a death toll and..." and I don't want you to die that way. A gruesome death while trying to compete dragons or something. “...and you said you don't wish to lose me that way." My cheeks flamed. I did not say that! No way!
“So I asked you if you want to participate. You said yes but you are underage so you can't. And then you asked me if I want to try something, I said fine and you dragged me to the room with the cup. And then you said we could do a little experiment, put your name through some school other than the three, just to see if the cup accepts your name. The age line was drawn. So I said I would put your name. You said, it would detect the difference. I am a boy, you a girl. It won't accept. But I decided to try it. I crossed the age line and put in your name. The flame glowed red and turned back to blue. It did not spit your name out and we got scared. I got scared at least. You started laughing. I asked you why and you said..." this proves that you are a girl. Even the cup thinks so. “...this proves you are a girl. Even the cup thinks so." he chuckled and I cracked a smile. “So to prove that am a guy and not a girl I kissed you, and surprisingly enough you kissed back." Okay I really think he's starting to lie now.
“And you broke off the kiss to say you are scared and you started crying saying you want to go back to your commons. So I carried you as you weren't in a state to walk. You said the password and since I wasn't able to carry you up to the girl dorms, we were stuck on the couch. You told me not to leave you. So I slept wrapping my arms around you and you slowly calmed down and lulled to sleep shortly after which I don't know when but I slept as well. And that is why I was wrapped around you." he said in explanation. My jaw dropped at the last part of his lie. Sure I don't remember a thing but I certainly wasn't drunk enough to actually do or say all that.
I did not put my name in that cup! Yes I want to participate but right now that scares the hell out of me. What if my name does come out?
“What if my name comes out?" I asked him.
“I don't know." he shrugged. “But don't worry we will find something to do. Maybe if you tell them the truth..." he trailed off at the horrified look on my face.
“Tell them what? I was drunk? That I didn't realise I put in my name until it was too late? I put it in as a small experiment? That it was a mistake? And I did it to see if it would spit out my name?" I almost shouted freaking out.
“Hey... don't worry. We will find some way." he said kneeling in front of me and cupping my face in one hand.
“And what if we don't?" I asked.
“Then I will volunteer to take your place." he sighed.
“No." I whisper shouted and my head hurt with the thoughts swirling around. “No you won't, you will do no such thing. Or I will never talk to you. If my name comes out... if it does.. then I will participate and you will not tell anyone about last night. You understand?" I asked. He looked hesitant but nodded.
“Let's nick that hangover potion before he gets up. C'mon." I said getting up. He got up and we sneaked up into Dad's office.
A/N: So yeah finally I got that out of my way. Honestly it was difficult to write cause I never have got drunk. So yea... that's how her name got in.
Yes I made her drink. And yes I know it's wrong but c'mon we all make mistakes. We all have our weaknesses. And we are human. So yes Shine will make mistakes too because she is human.
Next chapter will be a bit of Snape drama and maybe Karkaroff drama (not entirely sure of that) and the name drawing....
Now what do you think... should I make her name come out?
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