Bloody hell
I sat at the table and pulled the fish and chips towards me. I also took a bit of the meat and potato pie and filled my glass with pumpkin juice before I resumed eating.
"You know what I agree with Fels. I think you should do it after lunch or something." Terry said sitting down beside me and pulling the pie to him. "Merlin! You really are nervous aren't you?" he exclaimed looking at my dish.
"Is it that obvious?" I asked drinking some juice. He shook his head. "Not unless you have a regular observer. You hate fish! You only ever eat the chips. And you always eat sandwich for lunch." he clarified.
"Am supposed to apologise. I obviously am nervous." I told him. He smirked.
"You are supposed to do that for your own good because of your own mistake. Don't say we are forcing you or anything. You may not if you don't want to. Your choice!" he told me as he stabbed the chips in my plate with his fork.
"I didn't mean it that way." I frowned up at him.
"Oh?" he asked disbelieving.
Snape entered the Great Hall with a huge scowl plastered on his face. "I meant he is already in a bad mood." I retorted pointing with my chin. "And if I go say anything now it would have no effect or make his mood worse."
"Fine. Your choice. Take your time. But do it as soon as you can." he said drinking his pumpkin juice.
I nodded and got back to the food. But I wasn't feeling hungry anymore. So I abandoned my pie halfway and got up slinging my bag over one shoulder.
"What class do you have?" Adrian asked.
"Divinations." I replied.
"Wait for me outside. I have it as well." Vegs said even as she sat working with numbers for Arithmancy homework.
"You are done with your food. Do the homework later." I snapped.
"Two more equations." she pleaded. I rolled my eyes. "I will wait outside." I told her walking out and shoving my hands in my pockets. I looked out. The sky had turned darker and the rain was still coming down in drizzles. But it was somewhat better than yesterday. A black blob of wet feathers landed near me and shook the water out of it's feathers.
"Hello Torenia!" I greeted the black eagle-barn hybrid. Torenia cooed and let me stroke her head. I smiled.
"I don't have treats at the moment. But I will be sure to get you some when I get to the owlery for Nins today. Is that okay darling?" I asked. She cooed happily. I stroked her feathers again. "Let's dry you up first. He's already in a bad mood." I said distractedly as I pulled out my wand and muttered the drying spell tapping her feathers. "Go now. Don't keep him waiting!" I told her and she went away flapping her wings.
"Whose owl was that?" Vega asked walking out. I smirked.
"Snape's." I replied. Adrian shook his head as he followed Vegs out.
"Let's get to divination." I drawled lazily.
"Dream Oracle's. This term we will be focusing on interpretation of dreams. This June you will face an important exam. However if you have the Inner Eye then exams should be no problem." Trelawney declared in her soft voice. Pucey sniggered. "Now this sounds like fun. Tell me Shine what does my dream mean if I see a very nude Perry-"
"Shh. Stop right there." I laughed covering his mouth. "I have zero interest in listening to your fantasies." I told him. We laughed.
"What is going on there?" Trelawney asked squinting through her spectacles at us. I shook my head.
"Sorry Proffesor. Please excuse us." I said politely. She nodded and continued as we started shaking with silent laughter.
I picked up a copy of Inigo Imago book and looked through the pages. The book had interpretations for almost every dream. And it had an interpretation for Pucey as well. I grinned impishly.
"Oi Pucey, take a look." I told him passing the book. Him and Perry joined heads to peer in.
"Holy crap!" he shouted and the entire class turned to look at us. Trelawney turned to us. "What do you see in your dream child?" she asked Pucey. I started shaking with silent laughter.
"Yeah Adrian tell her." Vega said giggling. He scowled at us.
"I er- see my- I see lots of girls and money and a huge mansion and me floating in a pool." he made up. I snorted but not loud enough for Trelawney to hear.
"My child. That means you are floating on the brink. The pool shows danger. You must stay away from water. If you don't you will never find what you desire." she informed him.
"You heard her am not going to give you any water to drink at dinner. You could choke and die." I whispered. Adrian tried hard not to chuckle as he sat down. He smacked me in the back of my head with the Dream Oracle as soon as Trelawney turned.
"Ow!" I groaned. He stuck out his tongue. I grinned and stuck out my tongue out back at him.
The next lecture I had Transfiguration. Today we were vanishing stuff. It wasn't that difficult since I had done it many times before through observations. Mc'gonnagal first lectured everyone about the importance of O.W.L.s.
"You cannot pass an O.W.L. without serious application, practice and hard work. Infact I see no reason why everyone on this class cannot manage to get an OWL in your work if you put in hard work. Yes Pucey even you. You just lack the concentration and the will to study. But like so many before you I hope you find those on time." Mc'gonnagal berated. He flushed as red as Perry's hair.
The spell I found was easier to perform on non-living objects but it was difficult to send the living into non-being as we were expected to. Repeatedly I muttered "Evanesco" as I tried to vanish the snails that we were given. At one moment the snail retracted into it's shell and I thought I managed to vanish it's body. But a moment after I gave a whoop of joy it reared it's slimy head out. I groaned and set to work again. But the snails that we were given refused to vanish. Around ten minutes to the end of lecture I had managed to make it vanish shell and slime and all. Mc'gonnagal praised my work.
"You will write one foot long essay on Vanishing spells. To be submitted on Tuesday." Mc'gonnagal declared. Everyone groaned. We already had a lot of homework piled up from every class and today was just the first day.
So I decided to go to the library to complete my homework before dinner. The others said they were too bored to work and I told them it would weigh up later. But they trudged off in the direction of the lake to relax. I shrugged and walked to the library. I found a comfortable empty spot in the back. I completed my homework of History first. It was quite a task for my handwriting was somewhat indecipherable. And I couldn't remember the details. So I had to search a lot of books.
I pulled out my textbook for Transfiguration and wrote my essay but my tiny handwriting managed to cram up only half a foot and I had to search for some stuff in the reference books so I could make it the required length.
The potions homework was done in the next half an hour and I lay down my head on the table mentally exhausted by today. Today was already turning out to be a horrible day and now I was supposed to go and apologize. I looked away from the couple kissing passionately in the library.
I tried to remember some dream that I could write in the diary. But I could hardly think with the tension of facing him lingering over my head. I closed my eyes trying to memorize. And then it struck me. Memories! What was better than him seeing my memories as proof!
Good Merlin! Why am I such an effing idiot! I could have realised this ages before and it would have saved me a lot of trouble. I almost jumped out of my seat in excitement as I ran out the library with Madam Pince telling me to stop the noise.
"Sorry!" I called after me as I ran out. I ran straight to the dungeons and got to the commons. I jogged up to my dorm and pulled the memory vials from the bedside cabinet.
I placed the wand to touch the sweaty roots of my hair and closed my eyes. I concentrated on required memories as I worked through my mind to accumulate the right ones and I muttered the incantation. A silvery thread linked from my hair to my wand. I dropped the silvery threads into the vial. It swirled like water when dropped in. I placed the vial safely into my pocket as I walked up to his office. My blood was pounding in my ears and my heart had certainly caused an impression on my chest muscles by beating so fast. I took two deep breaths to calm myself but it had little effect. I curled up a sweaty fist and knocked thrice on the door. There was no response. I knocked again. I waited five minutes and yet there was no response. I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. I knocked again. And waited but he did not respond. I turned the door handle to discover it was unlocked. So I pushed the door open and entered.
"Proffesor? Hello? Anyone here? Proffesor Snape?" I called out but I couldn't hear a sound. I decided to leave and come back after dinner when there was a crash of glass from his personal lab. I whirled around. I heard a man groan slightly in pain.
Without thinking about anything else I opened the door to see him kneeling on the floor clutching his arm. He groaned again and I winced. The white shirt he was wearing was bloodstained. The glass had pierced his palm and he was bleeding badly. But he was making no move to use his wand as he clutched his left forearm with his right. It looked like he applied too much pressure to the glass vial and it burst to pieces in his hands.
I walked up to him and kneeled down. “Bloody hell!" I gasped and he looked up.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed in pain and annoyance. I did not answer instead I pulled off my glove and took his left hand. He tried to snatch back his hand but I held tighter. I cleaned the wound with my wand. He tried to pull back again.
"Now listen to me Proffesor. I know what am doing okay? Stop trying to snatch back your hand. Am only trying to help you." I snapped.
"I don't need help from the likes of you." he sneered at me again trying to pull back his hand. I smirked as I tightened my grip.
"The likes of me?" I asked calmly gripping his left arm in my right and touching my bare left palm to his. He winced at the contact. I closed my eyes.
"Murderers, traitors like you." he replied but I wasn't paying attention. I knew his answer before he said those words so I did not actually ask him that for the answer but to distract him. I felt a stinging pain in my palm as I transferred life force. My throat went dry and I felt slightly weaker than usual. I withdrew my hand and opened my eyes to see small red scars form on his palm. I looked at my hand before pulling on my gloves to see scars similar to his start to form on my palm.
"Well I guess healed!" I smirked "by the likes of me." I said getting up from my kneeling position. I offered him my hand but he refused. I shrugged and he got to his feet.
"What were you here for?" he asked with a drastic change in tone. He was rubbing his left forearm. I narrowed my eyes. He saw where I was looking and folded his arms over his chest.
"What were you here for?" he repeated. This time in the same tone that conveyed his deepest loathing and annoyance of my existence. I smirked again as I shook my head.
"You Severus Snape are really very funny." I muttered under my breath but he heard me.
"Pardon." he said. I shook my head again. I took a deep breath and sighed.
"I am sorry." I said quickly. He narrowed his eyes. "For intruding on your privacy. I had no right but I needed to talk to you and I was in your office when I heard- I am sorry. And while am at sorry, am also sorry for last year. Please don't interfere. Let me completely say what I want to cause it took me a lot of courage to come here and say this. But I am sorry. I am sorry for all the stupid behaviour of mine and the trouble it has caused you till date. And for what happened last year and for betraying your trust. I should have realised better. But am an insolent foolish girl as you so kindly have pointed out on numerous occasions. And I never realised that I hurt you so much. And am also sorry for dragging her into the argument. But I was mad and could hardly cope up with what was happening let alone comprehend and it all just slipped. Sorry. But I had to take your time to say this." I said looking up from my shoelaces into those black eyes. I pulled the memory vial from my pocket.
"This is all the proof you will need to trust me. If you want take a look. If you don't-" I shrugged. "Your choice. D-Proffesor." I said backing off away from him. "I will place it on yo-" he clutched his left forearm again and grit his teeth. I left my hand on the door handle and walked up to him. Before he realised what I was doing I took his left arm and rolled up his sleeve. The dark mark was burnt into his skin. It was darker than ever before. I looked at him scared. Then I looked back at the mark and it slithered against his pale skin. My eyes widened in fear.
"Impossible!" I whispered softly as I stared at the mark. I touched it lightly and traced it with a finger of my ungloved hand.
"Does that hurt a lot?" I asked looking up.
"None of your business." he replied pulling his sleeve back. I smiled bitterly.
"You know you should have been born a lady the way you taunt." I muttered. He heard me but chose to ignore.
"He will soon be back." I stated looking back down at the mark now hidden by the sleeve of his white bloodstained shirt. "How long?" I asked looking him in the eyes.
He shrugged.
"Sorry Dad." I whispered and walked out. I placed the vial on the desk and left.
A/N: So yeah an update and I know it's short but I hope u liked it....plz vote or comment
Ty for reading guys
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