It had been more than a week now but mental torture continued about my father and me trying to flirt with five people at the same time. It was getting ridiculous and there was little I could do to keep from rolling my eyes on irritation.
I waited patiently for him in the Owlery as he told me to. He passed a message he needed to talk to me. I rolled my eyes. He should have been here fifteen minutes back. He was late again, as always.
Staring out of the Owlery I watched Ninja star swoop down elegantly and rise with a catch in his beak. He hooted happily when he saw me. I stroked his feathers as he continued to nibble on his mouse. I heard soft, careful footsteps behind me. I froze with my fingers in his plumage.
“You have been avoiding me." the person intoned in his familiar husky voice. I merely shrugged before continuing to stroke my owl.
“You called me to meet. And here I am. How does that mean am avoiding you?" I replied in answer without turning to face him.
“What is wrong with you?" he asked. I turned.
“What is wrong with me? You have the audacity to ask me that after what you did?" I hissed in anger. He merely shrugged.
“I don't know what I have done to make you so mad." he shouted angrily and I snorted.
“You are one of the very few people who knows about the relation between Black and me." I growled. “And Rita Skeeter just happens to find that from an unknown source. How do you explain that, Volkov?" My anger was rising rapidly.
“I- I never told her anything. I know how important it is to you that it stays a secret. I never uttered a word to anyone." he said looking taken aback.
“Yeah? Why does she claim otherwise?" I demanded pulling out the letter that I did just recieved. He stared at the piece of parchment in shock. After the article I wrote to the paper claiming innocence about what Skeeter had wrote. I wrote to the editor asking how in the world they recieved such information. And if they wouldn't give me an answer within a week, I would press defamation charges and sue the paper.
Especially if they can't prove it. I know for a fact that it's impossible to prove that unless they have both me and Sirius Black. And am sure they can't catch him when the thousand aurors and dementors are unable.
So I was expecting an apology letter. But instead I get a letter saying it was a friend of mine maybe. A curly blonde haired little birdie. Now the only little birdie who knew that and has curly blond hair stood right in front of me. Even Adrian did not know a word about that.
So I decided the mature way to handle this would be to stop taking to him altogether. And I did exactly that. I steered clear of him. I did not run in the opposite direction but pretended I never heard or saw him instead.
“I swear. I swear on my mother. I nev-" he stuttered as I laughed bitterly. He snatched the parchment from me to read what it said, as he tried to lie to me yet again. I snatched it back. “She's lying. I swear. I would never do anything to hurt you. Especially not delib-" but I was beyond angry at the moment and did not care for his lies. My hand rose almost of it's own accord to print a very red hand shaped welt on his right cheek.
“Thank you for betraying my trust." I sneered at him before storming off.
As for the task, I almost had it figured out. It was too easy solving the egg's clue. Literally child's play. I knew what the second task was. What I did not know was what I was going to do.
Sure I could use the potion to increase lung capacity but again that gives me only twenty minutes. I need an hour. And I know one way but it's somewhat illegal. Smoking kappa nail powder did the trick. It gave you green, slimy skin for six hours and you turned into a cold blooded animal. But it worked.
Thing was smoking it was illegal because of the side-effects. It gave you a sense of unnatural exhilaration and sometimes in excess, unnatural libido. It was the best thing to happen to a person. It could take you on cloud nine. Just as fast dropping you through rainy, cold clouds of depression when the six hours were over.
So I was a bit scared to ask Dad for that. Especially considering I wasn't talking to him for the last week over the comparison he drew between me and Black. I am nothing like him, right?
I strode off to my first class of the day Occlumency where I heard Dad drone on endlessly about separating false memories from real ones. He told us to pour the silvery vials into our pensives and label the false ones with an 'f'. It was pretty easy. You just had to watch out for some fog. And trust your instinct.
After allowing us to work for half an hour quietly he started examining our works sneaking up behind us. He avoided me in return for avoiding me and I am perfectly fine with that. I work better this way.
After the lecture was over however I waited for everyone to pack up and leave. “Prof. Snape!" I called out before he left. He turned around to face me with a quizzical expression.
“I was wondering if it is compulsory for Triwizard champions to not give their exams." I said and he raised an eyebrow indicating me to continue. “I wish to give my OWLs if possible, sir. Is it possible?" I asked.
“It is obviously possible to arrange that. But you are exempted from exams for a reason. Are you sure?" he asked. I couldn't help the smirk that crept up my face.
“Certainly, sir. I never do things unless I know I can cope with them." I answered.
“Very well. I will have a chat with the Headmaster regarding that and will inform you accordingly." he sneered a smirk creeping up his face.
“Thank you, Proffesor." I said giving him a sickly sweet smile before leaving for my next lecture.
Having finished with the day's lectures I walked along the Charms corridor humming the tune to the latest Weird Witches number. The fast thrumming of the guitars gave the song a good sound.
“Oi Black!" someone shouted from behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned.
The small gang of Ravenclaws who had not stopped tormenting me despite Fred warning them of getting pranked, stood sniggering.
“Yes, Edgecombe?" I asked.
“Don't sing. Reminds me of rattling of dementors when I hear your voice." she replied and I couldn't help but wonder how well the girl would fit in with Lis. I smiled at her.
“Aww.... am sorry... you poor baby! I never realised it would remind you of your future home!" I said and Terry and Fels walking beside me chuckled. She glared at me.
“You don't deserve Fred Weasley." she growled.
“I don't remember Fred ever saying he was interested in you." I retorted. She pulled out her wand. “Trust me Marietta, you don't want to mess with me." I muttered not even making an effort to pull out my wand. Fels was about to pull out hers but I stopped her so Terry put his back in the holster. I merely pulled off one glove. By now the crowd had stopped to watch. People were already taking sides and encouraging us to fight.
“Let's see how you would look with antlers." she smirked.
“Let it be Mari, she's not worth it." Cho whispered in her friend's ear. I smirked as everyone waited for her to actually hex me taking bets on my reaction.
“You should listen to your friends Edgecombe." I advised making her angrily grip her wand tighter as she contemplated what hex to use.
“Don't teach me Black." she retorted. My smirk widened. She glared and raised her wand to aim. Purple sparks flew from her wand as soon as she said the incantation. I snapped my fingers behind my back and twirled my wrist. I redirected her hex back on her. The moment it hit her, she sprouted antlers. Everyone was surprised at what happened, as no one expected that, nor had anyone noticeably little trick.
Fels started laughing. “They suit you so well!" she cackled. Yeah she sounded evil. But I couldn't help but agree. The antlers actually looked good on her.
“Fifteen points off Slytherin." I heard a cool voice call out and I turned to see Albus Dumbledore descending down the stairs.
“But Proffesor, she did not-"
“I expected better from you, Ms. Greengrass. That is one of the reasons why I made you prefect this year." Dumbledore said cutting her off before she could defend me.
“I did not do a thing, sir." I said pocketing my glove instead of wearing it again. He noticed that and narrowed his eyes.
“I saw what you did." he said calmly peering at me over his half-moon glasses.
“In my defense, I was provoked, Headmaster." I drawled coolly in a perfect imitation of Dad's drone.
“I wish to see you in my office." he said and started walking. I sighed and followed.
“What did he say?" Fels asked. She and Terry waited at the bottom of the spiral staircase for me. When I walked down I saw Terry had put a comforting hand around her waist. In actuality it was just to prove Skeeter wrong, to prove he did not unnecessarily favour me.
“Nothing much. Just warned me about not repeating my behaviour. He's just concerned after the recent fiasco." I muttered. They both nodded in understanding and we walked down to the dungeons in silence.
“Shine, a word please, in my office." Dad drawled spotting me the moment, he came outbox his office. I frowned.
“Yes sir certainly, I am Vega. Will go and call her up." I muttered and started walking in the direction of the common room.
“Stop messing around and come with me." he growled catching me by my shirt collar and the other two sniggered. I groaned as he dragged me in.
“What?" I snapped. He smirked.
“See, the reason why I say you are like Black? You are immature and arrogant, exactly like him." he smirked.
“Am not. And if that is all, may I kindly leave?" I asked.
“You can if you want to. But I thought you would like to know. You can give your OWLs if you want." he said. I nodded.
“Cool!" I said sounding not at all impressed.
“However there is one more thing, your mother, we have permit to heal her, Dumbledore just recieved a letter from Mungo's from a certain Serf Thickney.They say we have permission for experimentation as long as their Healer is allowed to supervise-" I never let him finish his sentence for I engulfed him in a hug, that was long overdue.
“Thanks Dad! I love you." I squealed in his arms. He froze for a moment and slowly relaxed, gingerly patting my back and returning the hug.
“You better you ungrateful wretch!" he smirked playfully. I laughed.
“So when do we start work?" I asked.
“Within six months. Mungo's said they need to try some last resort therapy after which I can start. We visit the patient to recieve past medical history and therapies tried. After which we decide our course." he said suddenly turning all proffesional. I nodded in excitement. My first healing assignment! My first try at experimental potions! My first pharmakiea assignment.
“By the way, there's something I would like to confess." I began uncertainly.
He cocked up a worried eyebrow. “Nothing." I said quickly thinking it better to keep quiet. His eyebrow rode up further. I sighed.
“It's just these wierd nightmares I have... nothing to worry about." I trailed off an afterthought. I didn't want him worried about that as well along with Skeeter.
“Since?" he questioned.
“The last time I visited her. You don't think..."
“It has something do with her. Yes, I definitely think so. But I have my doubts." he drawled. “What kind of nightmares?" he asked. I shrugged.
“Well, one is consistent. Her murder scene. And then something like a warning, like a flash of the future, usually follows, I am not sure if that is future or just a past event but I can feel a warning." I muttered realising how stupid and Trelawney like I sounded.
“A warning..." he repeated deep in thought. I nodded feeling very foolish by now. “I wonder-"
“If she was a Seer? She was not. I asked Dumbledore. He said no." I clarified. He shrugged.
“I don't see how that is possible otherwise." he muttered. “I guess, we will see, when we try healing her." I nodded.
A/N: So yet another boring chapter and extremely short and I know nothing happened.... sorry but.... I have a horrible writer's block as you may have noticed in the past two chapters...
As for clearing some stuff out... the editor said, a curly blonde haired little birdie. He meant Skeeter and not poor Volkov.... but idk juz wanted to slap him. And I made her do it..!!
Anyways enough of my stupid babble.... hope u liked the chapter... coz I got literally bored... and am yawning and idk maybe it's because it's three in the night... but I don't think so... and it was a kind of filler anyways
And my mom is so angry with me right now... I just went and had a haircut, cut off all my waist length hair to a short pixie with a long fringe, and I was all for adding a coloured streak, it looks so cool and it would have looked cooler *sigh* my mom hates it....
plz vote and comment guys
luv u all for reading!!!
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