The wandmaker
“Oi, Maya. Get up girl. C'mon.” I watched the girl stir in her sleep while I put on my combat boots. She merely shifted and 'hmm'ed. I sighed. I wanted to talk to Iris about her. She would definitely agree with me. I can't keep this girl here. I have to modify her memory and drop her off home or in some orphanage if she has nowhere to go. But I can't keep her here, if I want her safe; not just safe but if I want her alive.
I sighed and gently pushed her out of her face as she sat up rubbing her eyes. Her eyes widened in fear and shock at my gentle touch. She looked around in confusion and then back at me. As if remembering the events of last night her lower lip quivered. Her lip trembled. I cracked a sad smile as genuine as I could manage.
“I am sorry for yesterday, kid.” I said softly. She merely nodded looking at me with her large brown eyes, glistening with fresh tears. My smile drooped and she suddenly put her arms around my torso, her head buried in my chest as she shook. I felt tears wet my new shirt. My body stiffened and I tried to pull away but her grip was too tight. She held on tighter and her sobs increased in intensity.
I had no idea how to stop her or to soothe her. In a weak attempt I moved my hand through her hair and put one arm around her.
“It's going to be okay. Shh.. it's all going to get better. I promise. It's fine. It's okay to cry. But it's not going to do you any good. Right?” I drawled trying to soothe her but she cried harder. My eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Maya.” I sighed, gently removing her hold on me and kneeling down in front of her. I held her little hands in mine. “I promise, I won't let them touch you ever again. I will stand between you and every person trying to harm you. No matter who it is.”
“I know you are scared right now. I understand what you are going through. Not completely maybe. And at this moment you may feel like no one understands. No one knows what you are going through. But trust me. I will always be there.” I went on rambling knowing my promises were all lies. I may not even survive tonight. But the girl needed hope. And I wanted to do all that I promised. Not out of pity, but she reminded me of myself at her age. When I was completely alone and devastated; Severus Snape took me in, and Albus Dumbledore gave me all the mental support I needed. I was brought up by people who never let me feel like an orphan. I picked up her clingy self and paced around the room trying to soothe her by hugging her back tight.
“Why me?” she sobbed into my shoulder. I shrugged. She had quieted down a lot. Only hiccups in between and silent tears as they leaked down her cheeks.
“Because you are not magic.” I answered plainly.
“My father called me his little fairy.” she whispered in protest at my words. I absent-mindedly stroked her back and sighed.
“Yes, honey. But have you really done anything that you just couldn't explain?” I asked. She shook her head no.
“That is what my community calls muggle. You see, we can actually do magic. We are witches and wizards.” I explained. She froze in my arms, I could feel her back stiffen.
“You are the evil witches that kidnap children and eat them? My father used to tell me stories.” she pulled back from my shoulder and looked at my face. Her scared expression was somewhat funny to my distorted humor. I chuckled.
“Do I look like a cannibal to you by any chance?” I smiled at her. She shook her head a bit too urgently making ne laugh. She certainly had her doubts. I shook my head chuckling at the situation.
“You see, none of us are cannibal. But we fight an internal war. Some of us are against the enslaving of your population, you know; non magic people. While others are in favour of using you as we please. They think we are superior than you.” I said putting her down on the bed. She wiped her tears.
“But you are.” she whispered. “They were so strong my mom couldn't do anything. They hurt her very badly before they killed her. She was trying to save me, you know. They wanted to hurt me too. And then there was green light and suddenly she fell down. And... and...” tears pooled in her eyes again as she replayed the events in her head. Her voice broke. I sighed again.
“I know how it feels. You feel vulnerable. Helpless. Like, you should be the one dead. Not them. But trust me, she did not die so you could drown yourself in these thoughts.” I said softly. She nodded. “She died so you can live. So you don't have to suffer. And I will not let her sacrifice go waste. I promise you.”
Her eyes sparkled with hope as she looked up in mine.
“Really?” she asked. I nodded giving her my most genuine smile. For the first time in months I felt my eyes crinkle up too.
“Thank you.” she hugged me once again. This little girl was a hugger, I guess. I put an arm around her.
“By the way, I am Shine.” I gave her my introduction. She looked up at me and smiled.
“I have some jobs to do. Stay inside the room. Don't even dare to step out. You are safe as long as you are inside. Okay?” I drawled in a bored tone, giving Maya the same set of instructions a hundredth time. I had spent the last one hour explaining to her what was exactly happening and what role I had to play. Not completely lest I scare the poor girl, but the outlines of it. She rolled her eyes at me.
“I know what to do if I need anything. The food is in the small cupboard and water to the right. The loo is here as well and Beetle the Bard for my entertainment.” she smiled back. “Don't worry Shine. I won't let anyone in nor would I go out. Promise.”
“Well that one is necessary if you value your life.” I shrugged in response to her nonchalant reply. Who would believe this girl was crying just an hour before and went through an ordeal the night before! I ruffled her red curls one last time before spinning on the spot.
“Stay safe.” we both muttered to each other. Her voice echoed in my ears, as a ringing sensation took over, my body was squeezed through tubes and I was surrounded by complete darkness. I shut my eyes concentrating on landing on my feet. A loud crack resonated through the air. Air! It hit my constricted lungs first as I breathed in hungrily; surprised to find myself upright.
I looked around I was in Knockaturn alley. All the shops around me had this dark look. Abandoned, with some of the shop windows broken. People moved around in tattered clothes, trying to sell their suspicious goods. I shoved my hands in my pockets, my hood covering up my face, my black cloak not showing off my outfit or the silver of my belt. I kept my eyes on the road. Ollivander was not in hiding for some reason. Well, good for me, bad for him.
I pulled my hood lower as I reached the entrance of Diagon Alley. With Aurors moving around in plainclothes and me being one of the primary targets I had to hide my face. I strolled down the road attracting a few curious glances from the few people out to buy essential supplies but I ignored them.
The bell rang as I pushed open the door to the shop. The sweet chimes did not sound ominous in any way. They did not foretell of the events about to occur. I pulled my wand out from its holster and locked the door behind me. The moment the door clicked close Ollivander poked his head out. One more flick of my wand and the curtains closed over the glass windows. The closed sign flipped on the door.
“Ahh, I wondered when you would come...” he said, his voice showing no fear.
The old man bravely walked out to face me, I could have been Bellatrix for all he knew. He could be walking to face his death or imminent torture. But his gait was stable and confident. I lowered my hood.
“Shine Snape.” he said, recognition crossing his eyes. “So they send you to pick me up, do they?”
“No one's sent me, Ollivander. I am here of my own accord.” I replied.
“So why is that I have the pleasure to see you again?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. His thin, long fingers intertwined. “I still remember you. Young, barely eight and here to buy your new wand. The one that chose you hadn't chosen any for ages. The only wand I hadn't crafted but my great grandfather found in an old battlefield. Abandoned and alone. And then you came along and picked it.”
“I know the story Ollivander.” I smiled sadly. “But you shouldn't anymore.”
“I understand. But only barely.” he replied. I raised my wand and pointed it at him.
“Thank you, Mr. Ollivander. Obliviate.” I muttered my voice monotone. His eyes glazed over and I could feel those memories of me and my wand picking leach out of his head. I twisted my wand replacing his old memories with new fictitious ones. Slowly his eyes came back to focus and adjusted on me again.
“So, what are you here for?” he asked me again, this time with a professional smile.
“You have to come with me, Mr. Ollivander. The dark lord demands your presence.” I said and moved my wand in a circle.
“Petrificus Totalus.” I shouted. His eyes widened as his age and lack of practice blocked his reflexes. White light shot out my wand. The old man raised his hand to deflect the jinx but couldn't react on time. His arms and legs stuck together and like a plank of wood, he fell crashing into one of his stools, which hit him hard but did not break. Ollivander would have groaned loudly in pain had he not been paralyzed. A tear of pain leaked from his left eye.
“Sorry.” I whispered softly. I pointedly wand again at the helpless old man. “Levicorpus.”
I lit the fireplace and dragged him to the flames. I put in the floo powder. The flames turned green. I got in with Ollivander.
“Malfoy Manor.” I uttered loud and clear. My voice echoed in the now abandoned wandshop. But by the time anyone checked for any suspicious happenings I was already gone. I was already spinning in the Malfoy Manor fireplace and had already captured the wandmaker as a present to my lord.
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