Modified Memories
He could hardly sleep anymore. The continued patter of rain against his window wouldn't let him sleep. But he doubted he could even without the rain keeping him awake. He kept having these nightmares. These wierd nightmares.
Actually they weren't nightmares most of the time. Sometimes they were just erotic dreams. And other times they felt like pleasant memories. He had been plagued by them for a month now. But he couldn't for his life understand why all of them involved the Snape girl.
Vladimir Volkov hasn't fantasized about that arrogant bitch once and get she was the subject of his wettest erotic dreams. He looked to the window at the sound of a pop.
A pop that definitely sounded like an apparition. He squinted into the darkness. Tired teal eyes straining to look in the direction of the sound.
But in the dark with the rain continously pouring down in sheets he could barely see anything.
He was sure he had heard the distinct pop of apparition. He stood up and peered out.
A dark hooded figure shielded its face against the onslaught of rain. The long dark hair flowed out from under her hood. The female was distinguishingly tall. The gait clearly of a pureblood. A proud pureblood. As she came closer he could see her clearly.
Every step she took, she stomped through the grass making water slosh around her ankles. He knew she would not just be annoyed but extremely irritated and soaking wet. Somehow her discomfort made him childishly happy. Hopefully she was cold enough to fall sick. Mir smirked in his mirth. She looked up at him as if he had called her.
Her green eyes full of evil scorn sent a chill down his spine. He still didn't understand how he could fantasize about her or have dreams that felt like happy memories. As if they were close friends in another life.
He grinned at her from the warmth of his bedroom and she snarled. If she was a feral animal he was sure he would have heard her growl in hatred. Mir turned away from the window and laughed.
He felt happier than he had in a long time. A warm glow filled his heart. The door opened downstairs. And then it struck him.
Shine Snape was in his home. And she didn't look happy. But why?
"What more do you want?" Shine screamed. Adrian stood in front of her, arms folded over one another.
"You know, what? I don't care anymore. Do whatever the fuck you want." she spat at him. "Betray me for all I care. I can't do anymore to protect your brother. I erased his memories for Merlin's sake. What more can I do?"
Adrian shrugged. "You are not working hard enough." he replied calmly.
"I- ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? I AM NOT WORKING HARD ENOUGH?!" she shouted, her voice rising in pitch and volume both.
"Do you realise I have not slept a wink in the past forty eight hours? I haven't gone home for a week. Haven't had a good hot bath in forever. I have been taking cold two minute showers and getting ready as fast as I can. I have been working my ass off so much my head and body hurt. I have been hurting both mentally and physically." she hissed each word punctuated with her seething anger. "Not working hard enough, my bony ass!"
Adrian sighed in frustration. He knew she was doing everything. Shine loved Mir. She would leave no stone unturned when it came to his safety. She would do everything within her capabilities. But that was not enough. Her capabilities were not enough. She needed to push herself more. He sat down on the couch and crossed his legs. His fingertips joined together while he leaned back in the chair. Thinking. He features for her to sit down with his chin.
"Look Shine. I don't care what side you are on or who you work for. But you know very well my brother was head over heels for you." he explained. "Be assured I want nothing more than my brother's safety. I love him-"
"You think I don't?" she interrupted. "If I didn't love him he wouldn't be here not knowing who I am-"
"And he's remembering. He's starting to remember. He knows something is wrong." Adrian cut her off. Shine's hand flew to her mouth and she shook her head silently muttering no. "He knows there's more to you and him, Shine. He's having dreams. And I know my brother. He will unearth the truth before long."
"He's fighting your memory charms. He is getting strong enough to break through it." he continued. "And if he remembers, we both know you will not make him forget a second time. Will you?"
Shine wanted to lie. She wanted to say yes, she would. But she knew Adrian already knew her answer. He already knew her answer would be a lie. He already knew she wouldn't. It had been difficult working with Mir without looking at the warm glow in his eyes, that happy smile which softly crinkled up his teal eyes. She knew she missed him. And now with nothing certain but death. And these days when she was regularly tortured, saw someone being murdered every other week and felt like her entire world was falling apart; it was difficult not to miss him.
Shine looked away from Adrian's eyes staring into her emerald hollows. She knew she couldn't lie to him. Not with tears stinging her eyes. Not with that lump in her throat. She looked at the dark hallway and at the figure staring at them both. She squinted to make sure she wasn't seeing things.
The tall, dark barrel chested figure that could be no one else but him. She hasn't seen him in months. But she knew she couldn't mistake him. Even his shadow was familiar. He walked forward and the dim glow of the lantern in the sitting room shone off his dirty blond hair. His face was pale from fear and sallow from lack of sunlight.
He looked straight at Shine and then his brother. The look of betrayal hurt worse than a thousand knives put through her heart.
"Vladimir I can explain..." Adrian got up to say but the look on his brother's face shut him up. The look of disgust. Shine's words had already died in her throat. She knew no words could solve this for her. No explanations would ever be enough. No apologies would cover for the amount of hurt she had put this person through.
"I don't want to talk to you." he hissed at Adrian, his words sounding venomous. Shine got up to leave the two brothers to deal with their tragedies but Mir shifted his attention to her.
"You. Me. My room. Now." he growled making her shake in fear. A bead of sweat trickled down her neck despite the cold and her heart thudded arrythmically in her chest.
"M- Mir, look I am sorry. I know-"
"NOW!!" he roared so loud a chill went down her spine and her heart stopped for a few beats. Her chest was gripped by cold.
"O- okay. L-let's... go." she stuttered, not her usual calm and collected, arrogant self. Mir was finally seeing the truth behind her. Why not her fears then? She figured it wouldn't hurt while she slowly took her steps on shaky legs. Her eyes met his but quickly looked away not able to bear the pain of betrayal they clearly portrayed.
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