Time was flying by so fast there was no time to count the days. The first Hogsmeade trip was declared and the parcel arrived. Sixteenth October, Hogsmeade trip and that was one day we got to execute our plan. We could get out of school without rousing suspicions.
The secret passageways out of school proved really useful at times, but with almost all of them being safeguarded we were somewhat trapped. Draco had formed a really good plan over the vacations, something I couldn't have imagined. The vanishing cabinet connected to the Borgin & Burkes store. If we could repair it successfully according to the instruction map Borgin had so kindly drawn for us, maybe we could have a way of transport into the castle totally undetectable.
Draco read out the runic instructions, the next was a spell to perform that sounded suspiciously like ruonesdipes. What the hell was that! I backed off. I had never taken that subject. So it was my biggest regret right now.
“You do it.” I said. “I will pronounce it wrong. Go on. Do it.”
He smirked at me drawling in his usual tone. “Can't even pronounce a simple rune spell... You are so like Crabbe sometimes. He has difficulties pronouncing long words.”
“Shut up, am nothing like that fat pig. By the way he's most probably with your girlfriend right now, whoever that is. And I don't think the poor girl can tell the difference for another twenty minutes.” I smirked.
“I don't care. Laurel is not my girlfriend just one of the many girls physically attracted to me. She's only a distraction.” he muttered uncaring as he waved his wand right. I raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“You need distractions, do you? With this plan not working I would say we need a second plan. Not a distraction. Never a distraction.” I said. He completed the spell and turned back to face me.
“You don't know what I am going through.” he hissed.
“I don't know? You couldn't be more concieted if you think I don't know nothing. But I do, Draco. I understand. I know all of the suffocation. But that girl should not be your outlet. It could prove dangerous.” I tried to explain but he turned away sneering. He picked up a crystal statue of a fish and threw it at the rest of the hidden mess in the room. It broke into pieces upon impact with the clinking sound of glass falling.
“What would you know about having a parent you idolised all your life in Azkaban? And do you know why he's there? He's there because of him. Severus Snape.” he spat his voice laced in venom. “He didn't go there to help them. Had they got an extra hand, the situation would be different.”
“Don't you dare blame him for some pigheadedness of Lucius. And he's my bloody godfather, Drake. I do care for him. Dad cares for him too. He just couldn't abandon his position. You have to understand!” I tried once more. He scoffed at my attempts turning to look me in my eyes and started walking forward.
“Say what you want, that doesn't change the facts.” he sneered stalking slowly towards me with every word such that he was in my face. His wand came up under my chin and although I noticed it moments before I made no effort to react. “And you as well as I know why he was not there. He is a coward. He only wants all the credit for himself. He is nothing more than a selfish bastard. And he will never get what I want. He will never take my father's place in the ranks. Not as long as I am alive. That ugly bat will never amount to anything but a double faced coward and he will die at the hands of the dark lord.”
I was taking this much more calmly than usual. Unknowingly Draco had spoken everything he wished for. He didn't want any of it. But he would get it. The highest ranks. A close position in the innermost circles. And death? Well, that was something he had been long wishing for. It never came till date, had no reason to come. Unless, the dark lord discovered our truth. But again, we were prepared for it. We wouldn't go down without a fight. I wouldn't go down without a fight. Draco took a few deep breaths truing to calm down.
“So what is plan B?” he asked after some more time of fuming. It was now my turn to smirk.
“l was thinking something simple. Like silent assassination instead of the very public one you are planning...” I whispered offhandedly. I have no idea why I was whispering when there was no one else who would hear us. But I guess you can't discuss murder plans in a volume louder than a whisper. He narrowed his eyes at me.
“And how do you propose I do that?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“There was this necklace in the display of Borgin's shop.” I hinted.
“The cursed necklace?” he asked. I nodded. “That's impossible. I won't be able to get it in without getting caught. And then the whole plan would fail if he gets someone to tail me.”
“That won't happen. Be positive, Draco.” I rolled my eyes at him. “You would need someone else to give it to him though. You are right. If caught, it will not only destroy your life it will destroy the plan.” I added twirling my wand thoughtfully.
“I think I can manage it.” he replied. I nodded knowing exactly what he was thinking. The Imperious curse. But we couldn't have him anywhere near the crime scene. If we were to do this we had to use someone else. Put a curse on some person and use them for our purpose. Make them act out our plan. But the question was not how but who? Who could we use to put a curse on another and relay stuff to Dumbledore?
Maybe there was a person.... someone we know, someone we haven't thought of, someone so common, so easy that we have missed. But who? Madam Rosemerta?
Shine is definitely mental. I trudged tgrough the thick layer of unmoved snow. If she doesn't want to be the villain then she should say so. Instead of saying she can't. Why did that idiot need me to Imperius that woman, anyone for that matter. She knows very well am not good at this type of jobs.
I really don't understand why I am doing this. Well, it's pretty much obvious Serafina Romanov, the girl would expect you to at least do this as something in return of her protection, I thought angrily. But asking me to place illegal curses was certainly a bit too much. I grudgingly clutched my dark blue cloak and wrapped it tighter around me, pulling up the hood.
My hands reached the wand safely tucked in one of my pockets, right beside the wrapped up necklace. I had been careful to wrap it in paper that prevented curse detection. The moment I saw that silver and opal necklace I wanted it, I couldn't believe something so beautiful could be cursed but apparently it was. And it had charms that attracted people to wish to touch and wear it which would result in definite death. I stood in front of the old wooden bar. A customer exited and the warm butterbeer scented air reached me. It was enticing and inviting at the same time. But my hands shook more out of fear than the cold.
I had to do this though. I had to help her. And if this was her plan, so be it. With all my determination I stepped in. The bells chimed overhead. I pulled my hood lower. I was sure no one could see even the silhouette of my face anymore. I realise that she is my best friend. But I seriously don't know how I agreed to do this. One moment she was requesting me and I was denying her vehemently, the next I had tears in my eyes and I was begging her to let me do it. I swear on my unborn children, that woman is highly manipulative. How else did I agree to her crazy demands! Wrong, how else did I beg to be the one to fulfil her crazy demands, unless of course she imperiused me as well. My lips curved in a frown and eyes narrowed as I took up my table.
This is stupid, completely stupid, I begged myself to understand but I didn't want Shine to die. If this plan failed, she would take the Cruciatus. If she didn't manage her job by the end of this year, she would be dead. I couldn't bring myself to be selfish enough and cause her death. I looked up at the ceiling adorned in All hallows eve decor. The place was thronged with people and Hogwarts students all in their winter cloaks which assured I didn't look too out of place. I gripped my elm and unicorn hair wand tightly and placed it on the table. A curvaceous types woman came to my table.
“What would you like miss?” she smiled. I smiled back looking at the badge on her dress. Madam Rosemerta.
“I will 'ave a gillywater, thanks.” I replied trying very hard to not let my Russian accent slip in. Trying to mimic a french one instead.
“I will be right on with it. I will send Janet to serve you.” she replied. I nodded with a smile. Her back turned. I picked up my wand, my eyes quickly roving around the place. I had to do this and now was the right moment. No one was looking at me. I was just a regular customer to them.
“Imperio.” I whispered under my breath. A strange warmth spread from my wand hand to my brain. This is it! I thought happily. I could feel her going blank. She stopped in her tracks.
Get me gillywater and act normal, I commanded inside my head, she started strutting her normal seductive walk, her heels clicking in her wake. I smiled. I had done it successfully. I could feel everything she did, right from the pouring of my drink to her walk back upto me on confident legs. As if she knew what she was doing. That meant the curse wasn't weak or her knees would have been wobbly. I kept the parcel on the table.
She walked up to me with my drink in her hand and not Janet's. The spell was working. Pick up the parcel, do not open it, do not touch the contents, leave it in the bathroom, I commanded next. She nodded eagerly and picked it up. A person bumped into her by mistake or by purpose I would never know.
But the wrapping teared a little bit. I sucked in a sharp breath hoping she wouldn't touch it. She did the job. Now put an Imperious curse on the first person that enters the bathroom and tell them to carry the parcel to Albus Dumbledore. Hide in one of the stalls. Do not get caught.
I sipped at my gillywater. My palms were sweaty. I had no idea if what I did was right. But I knew this was essential. I waited for Rosemerta to come out of the stalls. I slipped my wand back in quietly and took another sip trying to stay positive, trying to remain confident, trying to distract myself by thinking only of the flavour of the drink. But my eyes kept darting to the entrance of the bathroom. My drink trembled in my hands on it's way to my lips so I put it down and clasped them together, rubbing them for warmth, for confidence and for good luck.
A scuffle sounded and I looked up. “But Katie where did you find it?” I heard a girl say. Rosemerta was out and back to serving tables. She was watching the two girls with a lot of interest.
“Give it here, Katie.”
“No! It's a gift. I will gift it myself.” the other girl, most probably Katie screeched. I looked at my parcel in her hands. My job was done. Now if I didn't want to get caught, this was the right time to escape.
I downed the rest of my gillywater and followed the girls out the bar. They turned in the direction of the castle up the path. Relieved and feeling a little guilty at the same time I turned on the spot.
I looked out the window of Mc'gonnagal's office at the gray sky. I was bored beyond belief. I wouldn't be here if I had submitted my homework on time, but being the asshole that I am I did not and landed this detention. If it wasn't for Draco and my Knockaturn alley guy sending me a vial of the unicorn blood I demanded I wouldn't be here. I would be in Hogsmeade doing the task I set Sera.
But I was stuck. And I had no way out. I was waiting for some signal. Some news. Some idea that the plan had either succeeded or failed. If it succeeded no one would be able to trace it back to us. I hoped. But what was hope but desire. I scratched the quill on the parchment writing the next line. This was so boring. I wish I had written that paper now. I wouldn't be sitting here slogging my arse off on something so unimportant. My pocket felt like there was something hot in it. I put my right hand in, continuing to write nonchalantly with my left and swore under my breath. I hastily pulled out my hand, my finger bleeding.
The edge of that stupid mirror is too sharp, I should trim it and make it less sharp. I sucked on my finger until the bleeding stopped but it was getting hotter. My skin was getting burnt with it. I pulled it out and swiped the surface. It suddenly revealed the curly blond hair framing a round, red and very nervous face. The hood of her dark blue cloak was still up but the surrounding told me she was at Drew manor in the gardens, away from my mom's or her's prying ears and eyes.
“I did it.” she whispered nervous as hell. I barely heard her but I smiled reassuringly.
“Good. And don't worry, everything will be fine.” I whispered back.
“What are you doing there Snape?” Mc'gonnagal snapped getting up. I quickly swiped a finger and she disappeared leaving the mirror blank. I pushed it back in my pocket.
“Nothing. I just thought I saw a cockroach down there. I hate them, you know.” I replied confident enough that she immediately believed me.
“Very well, continue writing.” Draco was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I looked at him and mouthed what. He shook his head. She walked out leaving us there. It had barely been a minute when Draco spoke up.
“Who were you talking to?” he asked.
“No one.” I replied. I was not going to risk Sera's identity in this. He narrowed his eyes and the door burst open.
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