With me and Dad back to normal life was a little easier to deal with. My potion was coming up well too. I managed to steal some notes from Dumbledore's office. The Sorcerer's Stone required dragon blood as a major ingredient. And I was wondering where to obtain that from. Maybe I could get some through Charlie... but what if it was specific dragon blood? How would I know that, unless I asked him...
I put down my quill, randomly sketching over the notepad. The common room was warm because of the fire in the hearth and heating charms. Sitting by the window, on the couch farthest away from the fire I looked out to the interiors of the Black lake. A school of tiny silver fish swam by. Sometimes we could see the giant squid or even a merperson floating by. The weirdest thing was Harrison, a third year claimed to have seen the mating of merpeople once. That was pretty much impossible. They were intellectually advanced, private creatures who wouldn't have sex put in the open. And it's pretty dark out there, so you can't see more than just a few feet ahead of you. I am pretty sure they wouldn't have sex in front of a window only six feet away. But then, you never know. Everyone has their own fetish and fantasy.
I chuckled thinking about all the ragging the poor guy went through for having seen it. Everyone wanted to know the tiny little gross details and he hadn't seen anything clearly enough.... which meant the others thought he was lying.
Terry was one of the people most excited about it all. Terry... I sighed thinking about him. He was keen on ruining his own life. But it hurt me that I couldn't say anything to stop my best friend from digging his own grave. I guess that is why I decided to try and save Pucey. I hoped to save at least one person, if that was possible.
“Hey!” Fels came up to sit opposite me. I looked up and smiled. We both were packed and would be leaving tomorrow. The only thing that worried me right now was Draco. I wish he won't do something stupid while am away.
“What are you sketching?” she asked snatching my notepad. I lazily tried to snatch it back but she sat back down and started flipping through it, holding it away from my arms.
“Okay... that's nice, sweet...” she went on cooing at the sketches, giggling and laughing and pointing at some.
“Merlin! That nose is perfect.” she laughed making me lean and look over at the sketch in curiosity. I spotted Terry with his smaller than normal snub nose. “How do you even do these? These are perfect. He looks so cute in this one.”
“I know.” I sighed, smiling sadly.
“Must be our fifth year, right? The ball? He was so innocent back then, not at all so vicious and bloodthirsty. I miss him you know.... the funnier, innocent bestfriend I had. A Terrence Higgs I could love and share everything with.” she sighed sadly. “Is there no way to rescue him, Shine?”
I shook my head no and bowed my head. I could hear the crack in her voice, see the pain, the desperation in her eyes but I had no idea how to save him. In fact I was pretty sure he didn't need rescuing. He actually believed the mudblood scum should be eradicated. He hated that his brother was a squib. He hated that his brother had no magic and there was no explanation. He liked the idea of the explanation that the dark lord gave, muggleborns stole magic from other wizardbirth kids, making them squibs. He liked the idea that gave his brother some honour and a victim status.
I knew in my heart there was no way to bring him out. But I knew one way, only one way by which I could prevent him from taking too much damage. If Fels joined the Death eaters he would realise how risky it was, how she felt revolted to see him get excited about murdering and torturing people. How she hated him for having changed into someone he never was... Terry was always a good guy. Sensitive, jovial, happy go lucky, loyal and many more things. I had no idea what happened over the summer that convinced him. It was not like I didn't try to find out, I did. But he refused to open up. I didn't wish to invade his privacy so I didn't use my powers. But I guess now was the time to.
But till then if I could convince her to join the dark side I could gain some favours too. I would have made a huge contribution if I managed to convince a member of the Greengrass family to join.
“There is one way out, Fels.” I put forth slowly, judging the waters. The calm before the storm was in her eyes. She looked up at me, her eyes teary.
“What way?” she whispered.
“If you join up then maybe you could prevent him from making any mistakes, you know stop him before he took a wrong step.” I replied. Her eyes widened in shock.
“No!” she cried out in alarm and immediately looked around the room to see that we were obviously alone at this hour.
“I can't join him, Shine.” she continued whispering even though there was no one to hear her. “My father would disown me if I did that. No, that's impossible. I wouldn't ever join He-who-must-not-be-named.”
“I could garauntee you full protection. You won't come to any harm. And you don't have to actually believe what he says, just pretend. If you join us you could help him.” I offered.
“Join you?” her eyes narrowed. I realised my slip of tongue a bit too late. “Shine Snape, what the hell do you mean by join us? You haven't already joined him have you?”
I didn't say a word. I remained silent. I couldn't say anything. If I said I joined she would kill me and I didn't need the sympathetic glances I would get the moment I revealed the circumstances of my initiation. She clutched my shoulders tightly and shook me. Her nails dug into my shoulders. I bowed my head down.
“Shine, please. You are my best friend. One of the only people I trust. Please. Tell me, you aren't one of them. Tell me, you aren't a-” she gulped trying to form the word. “A- Death eater. You aren't, are you?” she pleaded with me so desperately I couldn't bear to disappoint her. I couldn't bear to look her in the eyes and lie to her. So I looked away and down.
“Look at me, Shine.” she almost shrieked. I clutched my left arm subconsciously. Her gaze followed my fingers. She tried to pry them away. I looked up at her realising what she was trying to do.
“Don't Fels. You don't want to know. Trust me.” I whispered clutching her wrist, trying to stop her from looking.
“I do. Please. I need to see it for myself.” she replied. I sighed, pried her arm away and pulled up my sleeve. Even though she was totally expecting it a gasp escaped her lips. Her hand flew to her mouth as she stared at me. A few seconds after I had covered up the mark again, she tore her gaze away from the leather jacket sleeve to look me in the eyes. There were actually streams of silent tears flowing down her pale cheeks.
“Why?” she questioned. I shook my head as if to say, no reason.
“I confided in you. Everything, you know. Every small thing. I told you everything, my every secret. I told you my effing family hideout location. And you... you never even thought of telling me, right?” she howled in anger.
“I couldn't.” I tried to explain without words.
“Right.” she sneered. “You couldn't because you needed all of those secrets so you could hunt us down when the war begins and throw us at the Voldemort's mercy. How could I have been so stupid!”
“Fels...” I tried again and touched her arm comfortingly. She snatched away from me.
“Don't you dare touch me, filthy death eater.” she growled and got up from the couch running up to the dorm before giving me even a single chance to explain...
I sat down uncomfortably at the small round table. It wasn't like the couch was uncomfortable. The seat was soft and large and very amazing. But a stressed head requires more than just a soft couch to relax. Adrian was definitely crazy if he thinks the dark lord wouldn't find out about this. I sat up on the edge, alert, my ears trying to pick up the faintest sounds of danger approaching that my naïve brother would miss.
The living room of this house, was large for a a muggle residence but it was too warm and cozy for my comfort. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead, I couldn't tell if it was the stress or warmth or just a mixture of both. We both could be killed as punishment. I looked at the woman sipping tea in front of us. She looked serene and calm. There was an odd air of familiarity around her despite it being my first time meeting her. She looked at the watch and smiled apologetically.
“I am really sorry, Mr. Volkov. My daughter should have been here by now, but I guess she has been held back for some reason.” she said. Adrian nodded and smiled reassuringly at her.
“I understand. It's perfectly fine. It's Christmas and the dark lord's festive meet is today. We should have expected her to be late especially because we don't want her to raise any suspicions. And then, Ms. Drew that is easy to do with such a high profile person disappearing before the dark lord tells her to leave.” he replied. I rolled my eyes at that. If he wanted to taunt me about my okayish profile among the death eaters he needn't have got me here. And this girl whoever it was had to be quite an asshole. No one, and I would underline those words no one with a heart with even a little bit of kindness made it to the innermost circles. You had to be either psychotic like Bellatrix Lestrange or emotionless like Snape. There were rumours that he caused the death of his lover so the dark lord could live forever. I don't know how true rumours are, but the results were out and open for everyone to see. That man was in the innermost circles.
I glanced once more at the door hoping it would open. That girl was supposed to be here half an hour ago. What if this was a trick, a ploy to get us to identify our true loyalties, what if we were killed because we failed to inform the dark lord of traitors amongst our midst? What if this was a test?
I had tried to warn Adrian a million times against this but he brushed me off. Shine wouldn't drag you into some kind of trap, he had said. Who the hell was Shine? And why would she not drag me into any plot? What had she got to gain if I stayed safe or not? I didn't trust this Shine nor this Drew woman. Heck! All I knew of this Shine was her name. I didn't even know her bloody last name!
I looked at my watch again. That girl was supposed to be here forty five minutes ago. Where was she stuck?
“I apologise again, Mr. Volkov. I understand your impatience. But am sure she must have got stuck somewhere important. Or she wouldn't be this late. She understands her responsibilities too well.” she tried to explain. It took me a moment to realise she was talking to me. I suddenly became aware of a tapping noise I was making in my impatience and nervousness. Immediately I stopped my foot tapping and looked at her.
“My apologies, mam. But, could I know where your daughter got held up? This is really important to me and I- I am sorry to say but I have my doubts.” I expressed. Adrian shot me a glare. He had clearly warned me to leave all doubts out of my head. The woman put down the cup in her well manicured hands on the table.
Her red painted nails were perfectly done. She looked too young to be the mother of an eighteen year old. Her black hair was up in a neat ponytail. Her green eyes sparkled with curiosity but when they held gaze with you, you could be sure she read all your thoughts. I glanced down once again to the place I had been avoiding looking at for the entire evening, her red v-neck sweater showed off considerable cleavage. To be honest the woman was pretty much sexy even at her age. I gulped trying to cleanse my head of all the inappropriate thoughts.
She cleared her throat. I looked up again at her face and realised I had been staring again, there. Merlin, this was so embarrassing! I gulped again, my Adam's apple bobbing, guilty at being caught.
“What is it that you doubt, Mr. Volkov?” she asked. That voice, I knew it too well. From somewhere, I don't remember right now.
“Please call me Vladimir or Vlad. Mr. Volkov makes me sound too old and formal. For our kind of deal the contacts need to be more personal. If you know what I mean, love.” I blurted out the last part, too mesmerised by the shape and colour of her lips. I bit my tongue. That was totally stupid. I didn't even need to look at Adrian to know he was glaring at me. She was looking really flustered too.
“I am sorry. I didn't mean to, er didn't want to say that. I don't know. This is all coming out wrong.” I said incoherently, making an even grander fool of myself. Just then the door bell rang behind me. I took the opportunity and got up to open the door. But she beat me to it. One moment she was sitting there looking really flushed and next moment she was standing at the door. The blood rushed to my cheeks as I looked at Adrian who was giving me a bewildered look, like what the hell are you doing?
I shrugged innocently. He gave me a deal with you later look and fixed his eyes on the door. She opened it and in walked a young girl around my age or maybe younger.
“Merlin's mother's knickers, Ma! I hate these party meets. It ended half an hour ago but he made me wait for half an hour more after. I want to discuss your efforts and strategies, he said.” she was fuming, she even mimicked the dark lord. The same hissy, cold voice and drawl. “That old pervert, he only wanted more time to look down my shirt. That sleaze had his hands roaming all over my bum. I swear, I feel so dirty. I want to peel off my skin.”
I heard my brother chuckle and saw her eyes snap up to the rude interrupter. Her stony emeralds softened in recognition and she smiled. “Hey, Adrian! It's lovely to see you here. Merry Christmas!” she wished moving ahead. The short green dress she wore clung to every curve on her body and highlighted the colour of her eyes. Her already tall figure was even taller in her stilettos. My brother stood up to hug her as she walked all so seductively towards us in those tall heels. I was surprised she managed to support herself so effortlessly. How do women manage that!
“Shine!” he greeted hugging her. I don't know why but I felt this odd burning sensation in my chest. “You don't know how long I have waited for this moment. I have a lot to discuss with you.”
The girl laughed, the sound like wind chimes echoed in my ears sending sparks through my body, electrifying, energising me somehow. A kind of hollow sensation settled in my stomach. A wierd tugging, a warm feeling in my lower stomach. Shine squeezed him even tighter before letting go. I felt this green eyed monster claw at my heart. I had no idea why I felt so strongly about this girl. I hardly knew her. Adrian gave me a surprised look. I knew I had to stand up but I forgot all about it with the flurry of emotions that hit me.
“Ye-- Yeah, right... er, I erm...” I stumbled getting up. “Vladimir Volkov.”
I felt like a fool once I had introduced myself and she made no move to hug me. Instead her friendly eyes turned colder again and she merely extended her hand.
“Shine.” she said. I took her hand to shake. She let go almost immediately and turned to Adrian once more. Her lips curved up in a small, apologetic smile Do you guys mind waiting a bit more, I just need to change out of this and then we could get straight to the point since I am sure my mother has dealt with the formalities.”
He nodded with a smile. She ran up the stairs in those heels once again managing to surprise me with her agility and dexterity.
I sat on the bed, in front of the mirror my hair pulled up in an elegant bun. I pulled out the black pearl pins holding my hair together and felt my curls tumble down my back. I massaged my scalp and ran my gloved fingers through them trying to get out the knots. I pulled off my black silk gloves. I was glad I didn't touch his bare skin. I certainly didn't need a read into his thoughts. The stranger look in his eyes was enough to put ice shards through my heart. But despite the stranger look I could feel his eyes following me as I ran up. He knew something was off, he just couldn't figure out what. I had done pretty much a good job. Me and Adrian were now back on good terms, after I wrote to him telling him what I did done and why. I looked down at my feet. The black killer stilettos made me look around half a foot taller. But wearing them all night was killing my feet. I reached down and pulled at the strings holding them to my calves and feet. I stepped out of them and stood barefoot on the cold marble ground.
It felt so nice to finally relieve my toes. I wiggled them and rotated my feet. Ahh Merlin! Sweet relief. I stood up and reached for the side zip of my dress. As soon as it went down the dress slipped off me. Grabbing a pair of shorts and a loose fitting old tee that earlier belonged to Dad, I changed within a minute. Concentrate Shine, I told myself as my thoughts started drifting to Mir sitting downstairs. He for sure didn't remember me. I shoved my hands in my pockets and checked out my reflection in the mirror. Decent enough and casually comfortable.
I strode down the stairs barefoot, sometimes taking two steps at a time. All their eyes turned to me as I descended. I shoved my hands into my shorts pockets, feeling all the more self conscious. Involuntarily enough my eyes strayed to look at Mir. I could sense his confusion, the whirl of emotions building in him that he couldn't explain to himself. My lips curved up in a tiny smile that he didn't even bother to return as he continued to look at me as if I was some sort of great, unsolved mystery. The intensity of his gaze made my cheeks go hot and I looked away to notice Rian shaking his head curtly. Don't do that, stop confusing him, his instructions were clear.
I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch next to Mir. Not deliberately, well okay a I did that deliberately but I was hoping it would end inconsequentially. I crossed my legs and the shorts rode up revealing my thighs. I noticed his eyes trail up the revealed skin and uncrossed my legs, adjusting my clothes again. Mom gave me a disapproving glance for my choice of clothes (Sera had already explained the situation to her.) .
“So, Adrian you didn't inform us in advance about your plans.” I got straight to the point. I was a bit offended at the clear breach in protocol. I had done what he had told me. He had asked me to keep his brother safe. The most foolproof way was making him forget me. I didn't need him jumping in like some sort of human shield.
“I realise that, but my mother insisted that I take her apprentice along.” he replied. I rolled my eyes.
“Right.” I responded curtly. I knew she had nothing to do with this idiocy. Mir wasn't supposed to be here and Adrian knew that very well.
“What plans?” Mir asked. My head snapped in his direction to glare at him. I was angry that he was here. Angry at Rian for bringing him here to try and disturb me. Angry at me for getting affected. My brain was ready with an unnecessarily sharp comeback.
“Don't bother your puny brains, sir.” I retorted before I could bite my tongue. I knew I was supposed to project a calm and collected exterior but seeing him there was obviously making me lose control. He looked taken aback. I crossed my legs again while Ma laughed nervously casting me a warning glance. My fists curled up. It wasn't my fault he was here. She should have at least warned me first, maybe I would be better prepared to see him. Maybe then my heart wouldn't be thudding so hard in my chest that I felt it choking me from its efforts to jump out my throat.
“You don't have to get so rude.” he said calmly, clasping together his long fingers. I stared at his hand and heard the calm in his voice. How could he be so darn collected in my presence! Right, he didn't remember me... so I had to be the only person who was so obviously affected. How much more wonderful could this get?
“I agree with my brother.” Rian backed him up. I turned to fix him with a glare so cold that it made him go silent.
“Our apologies. But she is just a bit too stressed and we weren't informed of your brother's presence. She is just wary around new people. If you would be so kind as to forgive her she would definitely apologise.” my mother tried to engage us back. “Shine, my love, say sorry to Mr. Volkov.”
I looked at my mother like she had gone crazy. Why was I supposed to apologise for his mistake! This was so unfair.
“But Ma-” I began to protest. She narrowed her eyes at me. Very well. I fumed and spat out the one word apology. “Sorry.”
Both brothers curtly nodded their handsome heads, that I would have gladly crushed. I looked at my mother. The red Christmas spirit sweater would have been great if she was going out on a date but here, for this formal meet the neckline was a bit too low. The fact that she was leaning forward was making it go lower causing both men's eyes to wander around a bit.
“So my mother told me around month ago that you were interested in going against the norms.” I said getting to the point, completely trying to avoid even looking at Mir. Adrian nodded.
“Yes. What you have heard is right. My brother has been in service as you already may know.” he drawled. I nodded my head, yes. “But he doesn't exactly believe in what is being said. As is my observation he is pretty much in disagreement with the views the dark lord endorses.”
“So, why us? Why not the Order? They are a senior association and more experienced. In fact, they are clearly defining their stance.” I suggested.
“That is the problem. We cannot clearly define our stance.” he said.
“Well, if you can't, how do you expect me to trust you?” I asked crossing my arms and leaning back into the couch. He smirked.
“Shine, love. You know me. You know--”
“Knowing you doesn't mean I know your stance, boy. And this is a risky mission. A single traitor can risk the lives of all who I protect.” I replied seriously, leaning forward and intertwining my fingers. He shook his head.
“You don't believe me?” he questioned.
“It is not a matter of belief--”
“I am your best friend, Shine. You know me since we were both kids.” he said trying to push my conscience to guilty mode for doubting him.
“Don't even try guilt tripping me, boy.” I smirked. “I would gladly say I don't believe you no matter how long I have known you. Quite recently I have seen some backstabbing colours in you... And I don't think I want to associate myself with someone as disloyal as you. This is not just a matter of my own risk but of other's lives as well.”
“Shine I am a good fighter. I could be good for any defending against surprise attacks.” he justified.
“I don't need fighters, love. I have enough of those. I need loyalty. I need a reason why you can't join the dark lord. Along with some proof. And that is what you don't have.” I shrugged in reply. He sighed.
“Girl, why would I want to join that baldie with slips for nostrils?” he questioned me. Mir dared not even snicker.
“The physical appearance makes no difference to many who believe in his principles and pro purebloods theory. He is even promising to give werewolves a higher than current social status. Which is quite an enticing offer for you. You have many reasons to be on his side.” I replied biting the inside of my cheek. I was doubting my own words, I knew they were true. But I hoped he didn't get angry. His eyebrows scrunched together and his lips curved down in an angry frown.
“Do you mean to say that just because I am a werewolf I would join him? Do you mean to say that because the whole world considers Y's monsters we have no humanity in us?” he sneered angrily. I leaned back letting him fume. He stood up.
“You know what, forget it. I am not interested in dealing with you. I thought you were far over those things. I trusted nd thought very highly of you. But I guess, I was wrong. You just proved me wrong, Shine. Thank you for doing this before I trusted you with my life. We are leaving.” he hissed loud enough that Sera must have heard it from her third floor room.
Both brothers picked up their jackets and got ready to leave. My mom was giving neck very disappointed look and I stood up my self conscience still rearing it's head once in a while.
“Sorry, I just needed to observe your reactions.” I said, getting up when they reached the door. Mir turned around first with raised eyebrows.
“You think a sorry is enough after how you just insulted us?” he shot back. I shook my head no.
“No, sir.” I said hastily adding the sir part. “I just got a bit carried away. And it's my duty to know the people am dealing with. What if one of us turned traitor and handed you to the dark lord for consorting against him. It's a risky business and its completely based on trust. I trust you now.”
“We are feeling very humiliated.” Rian said. I giggled.
“I really am sorry, Rian. But I have to do this. Most of the time getting person angry is the only way to get the truth out.” I grinned at him. He shook his head, ruffling up his wavy blond hair.
“So, should we discuss our terms and conditions and exchanges?”
A/N: Ah yeah, one more chapter completed and Vladimir re-enters the equation...
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