St. Mungo's
“I need some time to myself. This is too complicated." Shine said finally, standing up. “I need to think." she muttered and left through the front door, ignoring the concerned glances the two were sending her way.
She knew the reason Dumbledore had sent her to live with Snape instead of an orphanage, he had said the child is too similar to Voldemort. She could now see the similarities, her mother didn't love her father, just like Voldemort's father didn't love his mother. The non magical parent didn't love the magical parent, they both loved someone else, circumstances had forced them to create a child.
She kicked the white fence of a muggle neighbour I'm anger and frustration. She felt angry at Iris for having dragged kids into the situation, for having dragged her into this stupid mess.
It wasn't Shine's or Vega's fault that she loved Snape, it wasn't their fault she got raped, it wasn't their fault Voldemort wished to keep her as a pet, nor was it their fault that Sirius was crazy in love with her. Infact the poor guy actually cared for her. And what did he get in return, but a partner in love with his worst enemy?
She just couldn't believe the reality of the situation. How could her mother be so stupid as to not think of what it would put her kids through to know the real her? How could someone, anyone be so tactless?
“Evening, love." she heard a voice right behind her, when she had come quite some distance away, alarmed and afraid she turned. Shine raised a black eyebrow at the person, who smirked showing off his slightly pointy, grayish teeth. He was flanked by three, one looked slightly lanky and had his black hood pulled over his face, one was heavily built, dark skinned and easily identifiable, with the aztec tattoos on his neck, he smiled and cracked his knuckles. The last one held a cigarette to his cracked lips. He had shallow cheeks and dark circles along with the marks of drug injection visible on his left deltoid.
“And who would you be?" Shine asked annoyed at being interrupted in her thoughts.
“How would you like to warm our beds this evening?" the smoking person asked, passing his tab to his dark skinned buddy.
Shine was very angry at the moment, angry enough to blow them to tiny pieces, kill them right on the spot. But she didn't wish to go to Azkaban. She had to control her anger. She merely rolled her eyes and started walking away. One of them wolf whistled making a strong offensive comment about her derriere. She kept walking, until one of them caught her shoulder and spun her around. That did it. She pulled off her glove with her teeth and touched his forearm, already bruised with the injections.
He let go immediately, screaming his throat hoarse, as if a strong electric current had passed though his arm. The place where she touched turned black rapidly. He writhed on the ground holding his forearm even as the others ran away.
Shine knelt beside him, trying to heal him but he kept moving away. “I really am sorry, I should have warned you. Let me heal that." she told him and went to touch him but he crawled away crying out for help in alarm. “Oi! Atleast let me heal that." Shine shouted after his hastily retreating figure but he ran away. She sighed, starting to walk back to Dumbledore's.
That was a stupid, entirely stupid move, she cursed herself walking back briskly and knocking on his door. “Are you better now?" Dumbledore asked letting her in.
Shine nodded blankly walking straight in and hugging Snape muttering sorry repeatedly.
“Dad, I love you. And I understand how horrific it must have been for you. I am sorry I blamed you for the break up. I am so, so sorry." Shine sighed. Snape got up and wrapped his arms around her. “I respect you, Dad."
“It's okay, love. Let's just forget about that, okay? What are we going to do now?"
“What do you feel like now?" she asked. He shrugged.
“Nothing different. But my feelings seem clearer, less complicated. Infact now I realise why my feelings for Lily were so unnaturally strong. It was the botched up emotions I felt for two different people, I was made to feel for one, so the intensity obviously increased." he replied thinking over.
“I am lucky I have you and Dumbledore, or I would have turned like the dark lord." she whispered tears budding up in her eyes, as she hugged him back tighter.
“You wouldn't. You are a better person." he replied stroking her hair.
I am not going anywhere yet kid, there's no reason to cry." he kneeled down loosening her grip on him and wiped off her tears.
“Promise me you won't leave me, Dad." she whispered in between tears.
“I will be there for you. I promise." Shine nodded in acceptance feeling much safer now.
The mannequin of Purge and Dowse looked ugly in her stupid sombrero hat and out of fashion clothes. Severus Snape tapped the glass, with his wand and the mannequin came to life, looking at them in question.
“St Mungo's hospital of Magical maladies." he replied and it nodded. They stepped in through the glass display window to reach the hospital. The hospital was abuzz with people. A long line at the reception. People moaning around, giggling uncontrollably. A man sprouting tentacles, a woman in the mint coloured healer's robes giving off orders. The amazing clean and hygienic scent of hospital air and medicines reached Shine's nose as bright white light filtered through the windows.
“Where do we go from here?" he turned to her. She started walking along the reception line, along the emergency room, the small offices and reached the the office of Serf Thickney. The handsome oak door held the brass nameplate proclaiming the various titles and subtitles. Shine took a deep breath and sighed, knocking twice, with her knuckles.
“C'mon in." came the strong voiced reply of Healer Thickney. Shine poked her head in, opening the door slightly.
“Hello sir." she smiled. He nodded, telling her to get in and sit. Snape followed her a little awkwardly.
“Shine?" he asked uncertainly. She nodded.
“Oh! Am so glad to see you again. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Serf?" he asked. Shine shook her head.
“I wasn't sure you remembered me, Serf." she smiled apologetically.
“No worries. Are you Severus Snape?" he asked. Snape nodded. “Very well, then I understand you are here to take over the treatment of Iris Drew?"
“Yes." Shine replied.
“May I ask why you show distrust in the hospital's abilities?" he asked in a slightly hurt tone. They both shook their heads in confusion.
“This is not a matter of distrust, infact we believe the hospital has done everything it can, however we want to try something new and experimental." Snape replied. Serf nodded this time.
“I understand Professor, however you should realise that we are taking our best efforts with your patient-"
“Certainly, we never doubted that. We just wish to try something experimental." Serf nodded yet again.
“Let's introduce you to your subject then." he said getting up. Shine and Snape followed him to the ward. He pushed the painting aside.
“So Mr. Snape, what experience do you have in healer studies?" he asked opening the door.
“I trained as a Healer for three years after finishing school." Snape replied getting an almost approving smile from Serf. “But then I got offered a job as a Potions master and I accepted."
“Must be fun? Educating young minds, eh?" Serf asked very seriously. Shine laughed involuntarily earning a glare, even as she turned it into a cough.
“Yes, it certainly is no fun. But it is a tolerable job, with the salary." he replied.
“I expected no less, looking at you it doesn't seem like you would enjoy kids." he smiled. Snape smiled back politely, but glared at his turned back.
“Is he some kind of idiot?" he mouthed to Shine. She shook her head no, stifling laughter. They entered Iris' ward.
“Hello Iris." Serf greeted the woman sitting quietly on the bed. She looked up, her eyes narrowed to mere slits. Her hands clenched into fists, her nails cutting into her skin. The skin on her knuckles went white as her hair flew behind her, blood dripping to the floor, from her closed fists. She jumped up from her bed, her eyes slowly going from green to red to brown and black, she punched Serf in the face. It all happened so fast, they had no time to react. Serf started shouting as he tried to throw her off, but her grip was difficult to break despite her being just skin and bones.
Shine stood frozen not knowing how to react. She looked at Snape who was similarly shocked. His face had lost all colour. She removed her gloves, gripped Iris by her bare forearms and tried to throw her off. But she wouldn't budge. Shine found her power was proving useless. Iris was absorbing as much from her as Shine was. It was a simple give and take. And even in a weak state Iris was proving stronger, absorbing Shine's strength instead of giving hers to Shine.
“Dad a little help, please!" she asked jerking Snape out of his horrified reverie. “Use the gloves." she instructed. He pulled on the leather gloves immediately and tried to help and they both managed to throw her off Serf with little success. Shine pinned her to the floor. Serf sat up rubbing his throat, gasping for breath.
“LET ME GO!" she screamed struggling against Shine's grip. “I WILL KILL HIM. I WANT OUT OF THIS FACILITY. AM NOT CRAZY. LET ME GO." Shine held on with difficulty as she kicked her in the gut. Iris bit her hand and she jumped up squealing in pain.
“Shit!" Shine swore. “She bit me." she screamed even as Iris jumped on Serf yet again. Severus stood in the middle tackling her down again.
“Is she always this voilent?" he asked struggling against her trying to kick and punch him, clawing at him to get to Serf.
“I am not mental! Let me go, let me out of this facility. I won't let you use your stupid wands on me. I won't. You can't do this to me." she screamed scratching at Snape's face with her long nails.
“Iris, calm down. Iris- Ir. Rissie, please. Just calm down. IRIS!" he roared catching her wrists suddenly as she tried attacking once more, almost managing to gouge out his eyes. She froze.
“Severus?" she looked confused. “Why do you look like Tobias?" she asked grabbing his chin and turning his face side-to-side to take a better look at him.
“Maybe because am thirty five, now?" he replied.
“Thirty five? How's that possible? We are the same age, am twelve, how can you be thirty five?" she scrunched up her face. Severus Snape looked at Shine in question.
“Wait, you are twelve? You were supposed to be seven till last week, when I visited last." Serf croaked his throat hoarse from all the screaming. Iris turned to look at him in anger, her eyes flaring up yet again in rage. He cowered back.
“Do you have a loose screw up there? How can I be seven one week and twelve the next?" she snapped.
“You certainly can't be." Snape drawled.
“Then how are you thirty five?" she retorted.
“Er, Iris?" Shine interrupted calmly.
“You, who the heck are you?" Iris snapped.
“I am Shine. Er, Shine S-Black."
“So, Shine er Sblack, what- wait a minute, you are Black? You are the reason why am facing this torture! You bitch! Where's Walburga? Bring her out, I will show her for murdering my father!" she shrieked. Shine's eyes widened as she realised her mistake and Iris jumped on her. She clutched her shoulders and shook her.
“WHERE IS SHE?" she demanded.
“Calm down Iris, I don't know any Walburga." Shine cried in alarm but Iris' nails had dug into her shoulders causing small drops of bright red blood to stain her yellow shirt.
“Liar!" she shrieked. “You know her. You know where she is, you obviously know. Now, where the hell is she?"
“Rotting in hell." Snape replied.
“And how do you know that?" she turned to him with narrowed eyes.
“I- I er, saw her er, death. Very painful." Snape pretended to shudder. She smirked.
“Good for her. So, when do I get out of here?" she asked sitting up on the bed and crossing her legs.
“Soon." Shine replied.
“I didn't ask you." she retorted, crossing her arms, her nose in the air. Shine rolled her eyes muttering we forgot chocolate, chocolate calms her down, how stupid of me.
“What chocolate?" Snape muttered to her. Shine shook her head, nothing.
“I expect you will handle your patient then, Mr. Snape?" Serf asked. Snape nodded blankly and Serf made his escape.
“So, Iris?" Shine began tentatively. She turned to look at Shine curiosly. Shine gulped before continuing. “Er, I was thinking, we would come see you later?"
“No don't leave me here, please. They give me shocks, to my brain. It's painful, please take me with you, Severus." she pleaded. Shine looked at her father and shook her head no. They just couldn't risk it. With her voilent behaviour and with the dark lord situation.
“I don't have the permit, Iris. But I promise you will soon be out." he replied in a soothing tone. She crossed her arms, put her nose in the air and sat on the bed, pouting.
A/N: Yet another sucky chapter, and am totally sorry but am just not getting productive enough. Am only vomiting crap like this.
I really am sorry for this and hope you understand, I swear the next may be better but with my personal life situation sounding more dramatic and interesting, oh well... am kinda depressed... and I have a writer's block...
Well vote if you liked it... plz comment to help me improve
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