Memories- Part two.
“No wait." Shine got to her feet. She was too shocked by what she had witnessed. She wanted to know what happened next, but she was afraid to know. She knew it would be something wierd.
“I don't want to watch any further." she said backing out of the previous plan. “It's wierd Dumbledore, watching your mother look at someone so lovingly. It's wierd to imagine how you came into existence, if that was the case. I bet these memories will scar me lifetime emotionally. No... I don't think I don't want to watch any further." she shuddered.
“You will have to know someday Shine, and this is one way of getting to know her better. Maybe it will even help you with her treatment?" Dumbledore suggested. She sighed.
“I think she's not yet ready. And I understand, she's not mature enough." her father provided. Shine shook her head.
“No it's not that. It's just that... it's too much to take in, in a day." she said quietly. “Okay, maybe I am not yet ready. But I want to do this, I want to know." she admitted.
“I understand, Shine." Dumbledore said placing the vials back in the crate safely. He closed it again and placed it on the shelf.
“No... okay. Am okay, let's do this. Let's get this over with." she muttered and Dumbledore pulled out the second vial yet again. He poured it in the pensieve and they entered. The memories swirled like silver mist and Shine landed in a small pastry shop. It looked like evening time from the stars starting to shine. The memories before this one were flashes of cleaning up the Drew manor. Preserving what memories she could and refurnishing. Finding a small job, getting admitted to drama school. Learning dance professionally and settling down, trying to forget Snape.
The bell at the entrance chimed as a young man entered with his hands stuffed in his hooded rain jacket. Shine followed. “Can I get the red velvet cupcake, mam?" he asked lowering his hood and rubbing his hands for warmth.
Iris looked up from the ice cream cakes in the freeze. “Certai- Jasper! What are you doing here!" she exclaimed.
“Hey beautiful!" Jasper grinned pushing back his gold hair out of his eyes. “Ask your boss if you can leave."
“Henry?" Iris called going back to the back office and knocking. She opened the door after the person replied with a jolly yes.
“Can I leave early today, please..." she asked. Henry raised an eyebrow. “I er, it's Jasper, a friend from school... we had a kind of.... a well, you know... a date, there aren't many customers... so umm, can I.. leave, please?"
Henry cracked a smile. “New boyfriend?" he asked. Iris blushed shaking her head.
“Not exactly." she muttered chewing on the inside of her cheek. “Can I leave early, please?"
“Who will manage my shop?" he asked.
“There's Daniel, he's better than me."
“Okay go before I change my decision." he replied in a mock stern tone.
“Oh! Thank you Henry, you are the best boss!" she squealed and closed the door behind her, removing her apron.
“He said yes!" she told Jasper excited.
“Great! Let's go." he chuckled. “Where are we going?"
“It's a surprise." she winked taking his hand and guiding him out with a coy smile.
They went to a small Italian restaurant. “I am paying. C'mon." she said entering.
The memories swirled again. “I didn't get the significance of that one." Shine mumbled wondering what was happening with the last one.
“I guess that shows she wasn't stuck on me?" Snape provided. Dumbledore nodded at that agreeing.
“What's there in you to be stuck on?" Shine blurted. Snape cheeks flushed red.
“I don't know. Ask her." he retorted.
It was summer. A week had passed since Lily had come home. Iris was joking with her and fooling around. Lily's father had passed away a year back due to a heart attack. He was young, but the pressures of work and his high fat habits had claimed him. The family missed him a lot.
He was the jolly energy of the family. Lily missed him the most. Lily's friends were coming for a visit today. Iris was teasing her about James Potter coming home for the first time.
“How many boys and girls did you say?" Iris asked her. Aunt Marie had gone to stay at a relative's place. She had been instrumental in keeping the family alive and happy. Looking fresh and unaffected atleast in public, after her husband's death and helping her daughters through it.
“Four boys and one girl." Lily sighed. She pulled back her long red hair into a messy bun and fixed it with her wand. She had everything ready, the white vanilla cake from Iris. Chocolate chip cookies, butterbeer and some cranberry cocktail. Iris had snagged the alcohol from somewhere.
Petunia wasn't home. Iris had convinced her to go out with her friends. She had called up Vernon to check if he was free. He had collected her an hour before.
Lily went up to change. Iris changed into a black sleeveless shirt and dark green skirt, a little short but perfect for a party. She pulled back her dark curls into a long ponytail. Lily came down looking gorgeous in a white sundress with a black beads chains for straps. She had put on minimal make up and her red hair was done up halfway.
“You look amazing, Lils. You are going to bowl James Potter flat on his back!" Iris exclaimed.
“Thanks." she blushed, just as they heard two pop sounds and the bell rang. “Merlin's beard! They are here." she cried even as Iris rushed to open the door, giggling.
“Hey Lily!" a guy smiled at her, his jet black hair was messed up and standing straight. His hazel eyes looked confused as he clutched his bouquet of red and white roses. “Er, isn't this the Evans' home?"
“You are at the right house. James Potter?" Iris asked. He nodded smiling back. “C'mon in, Lily's waiting." she smiled at the five people standing outside the door and walked in.
“They are here Lils!" she shouted walking to the radio to put on some music.
“I thought you said your sister hates magic." a boy grumbled. Iris laughed at his confused expression as Lily grinned and shook her head. The boy looked handsome with his thick eyebrows knit together, hus stormy eyes narrowed in confusion as he looked at Lily for explanation. His long, dark curls fell softly in his eyes.
“Petunia hates magic, this is Iris. She doesn't mind magic as much." Lily explained.
“You never told me you had another sister!" he argued back.
“You never asked. James knew." she replied offhandedly. James grinned rubbing the back of his neck as he grinned nervously at his best friend shooting him accusatory glares.
“Leave it Sirius, atleast now you can flirt with a new girl." a girl who Shine had never seen before smiled.
“That's Mc'kinnon. Marlene Mc'kinnon was personally murdered by the dark lord with the rest of her family. She was rumoured to be Black's girlfriend at the time we left school." Snape provided. Shine nodded just as they started partying after the general introduction of Peter and Remus.
“So you are single?" Sirius asked her over a Bloody Maria. Iris shook her head. “I mean we are on the verge of break up, but no am not single." she whispered. Normally she wouldn't have opened up to a stranger but with enough alcohol, she didn't mind talking. She and Jasper were on the rocks, she was missing Severus too much. And Jasper was getting jealous. He just wasn't enough and Iris wasn't ready to do anything more than kiss with him. She never felt comfortable enough.
“Oh, so what do you think of me?" he asked grinning cockily trying his best to impress her all night.
“You sound like a narcissistic pig hitting on me." she admitted honestly, giggling slightly and leaving to help Lily fill the cocktail glasses.
The memories swirled with Snape chuckling at the expression on Sirius' face.
Shine watched as the coffin was slowly lowered into the earth. Severus Snape stood with Avery and Mulciber as he threw a fistful of earth on the bare coffin. Not a single tear leaked from his blank, emotionless eyes as he stared into space. Tobias Snape had finally murdered her.
Killed his mother, broken her with the emotional torture. The church funeral attendants covered up the coffin with the freshly dug up earth and left, leaving Snape alone to stand with his mother. Avery and Mulciber hugged him and left soon after. A single tear fell from his eyes, followed by many more as he fell to his knees, too weak to stand.
Eileen Snape committed suicide, with a simple cut to her wrist. His father had died an year back, thanks to the alcoholic habits. He stared at the tombstone of his father with every bit of loathing in him. His mother had become so trapped due to the physical and emotional torture that she couldn't get out of depression even after his death. He had murdered her. He, Severus Snape could do nothing to save her from herself.
And now he was truly alone. Everyone who loved him had left him, because of his own mistakes. His mother was dead. Lily wouldn't talk to him anymore. She had probably even got engaged to that Potter. He felt a strong wave of self loathing and he punched the earth on which he knelt, cutting his knuckles across a sharp stone. The wound started bleeding, just as it started raining outside.
Iris hadn't talked to him since that day. He had gone and joined the dark lord. He stroked his finger on his left forearm. The dark mark lay under the black suit jacket. His friends had come. Lucius had come, he had helped him arrange the funeral, but he had been summoned off before the coffin was lowered. The dark lord had sent a wreath of white roses, to indicate his condolences, but that was it.
No one else was concerned with Eileen Snape's death. The ones that mattered to him the most, weren't here. And he missed them. He missed Lily. He missed Iris. Lily was beyond accepting him back. He heard the sloshing of mud as someone walked up to the grave wearing heels. The woman in black dress kneeled beside him and laid down a wreath of white irises.
“I am so sorry, Eros. I heard of her suicide from Petunia. I came as soon as I could." Iris whispered softly. Severus looked up from his quiet mourning at the sound of her voice. Wearing a full sleeved black knee length dress, with black tights and black heels, Iris looked perfect. Her black netted veil attached to her hat, held back her black curls.
“You came!" he croaked weakly, surprised. She gave him a sad smile.
“I was waiting for your friends to leave, actually." she replied sighing. “I have been waiting in the shadows over there." she pointed to the elm trees.
The memories swirled into silver mist yet again.
The rain lashed at the windows of the lonely Drew house. The sea was going wild, lashing against the rocks. The sea cliffs stood strong against the howling storm. Lightning lit up the dark night sky.
The heater was on in Iris' bedroom. She had just come in, completely soaked in the rain, having forgotten the rain jacket. The memory blurred as she laid out her clothes on the bed. Shine had to appreciate her sense of clothing as she pulled out red and black lace bra and some mismatched buttercup yellow flowery knickers. She pulled on slightly sheer white cotton nightshirt, that would reach mid thigh because of her short height. It was obviously loose.
The memory blurred as she took a warm shower and changed. Just as she buttoned up the last button, the bell rang. Wondering who it would be at this hour she went down the stairs. The bell rang again.
“Coming!" Iris shouted to the entrant as she ran to open the door. Severus stood shivering in the rain. Iris' eyes widened as she took in his appearance, soaked to the bone and shivering.
“God, Severus! What- get in, you are-" he suddenly hugged her, burying his face in her neck and broke down into sobs. “What happened? Eros?" she tried to get through to him, but he wouldn't quieten down. He was dripping water all over the front of her shirt and the entrance, but she didn't care. Slowly she reached up to stroke his hair, her small frame reaching just above his shoulder.
“Will you please tell me what's wrong?" she whispered.
“She- she got en- engaged to him today. He popped the question officially. She- said yes- yes to him, to- to Potter." he sobbed. Iris stiffened. She knew that. James had asked her of Lily's favourite restaurant. Even asked her of the dream proposal for Lily. But she never expected Severus would find out about this.
“That git proposed to her in front of the whole pub, he proposed in the Three Broomsticks. I was there for a drink tonight. And- and that fuker proposed to her. In front of me. And she- said yes" he hissed angrily letting go of Iris now. “And do you know what the worst part is?" he asked clutching her shoulders, looking straight in her emerald green eyes. Iris shook her head. She knew this part. She knew Lily loved that pub, she knew Lily would enjoy the sudden attention, like in movies. The moment she said yes, there were mini fireworks and music and drinks served free to everyone, by the guy as they clapped.
“She looked happy. The whole pub was clapping and she looked very happy." he clutched her shoulders tighter, looking down. The last month their friendship had improved. Jasper and Iris had broke up, three months back.
“I, I am sorry Eros." she whispered ignoring the pain in her shoulders.
“What is it in him, is it because he's rich? I bet it's his looks. She could have anyone but him. Why him, why not me? Was my only mistake, that I called her the m-word?" he grieved, tears streaking down his shallow cheeks, silently.
“There's nothing wrong in you. You do look good, okay. I mean not exactly good, but you don't look bad." she muttered the afterthought.
Severus smirked bitterly.“I know am ugly, Iris. Stop sugar coating things."
She smiled looking into his eyes. “You have the most beautiful eyes, Eros. Coal black, like deep tunnels, like dark diamond mines. Your hair, well honestly it looks greasy, but it's soft you know, somehow even smooth. And your skin has improved a lot, at least you don't have pimples anymore. The sallow, paleness is lovely, and your slight morning shadow suits you." she went on making observations. “I don't think you are ugly, you know... infact you look almost linear, perfect and powerful. Maybe a little dark, but then that's what you are." she whispered tracing his features, his sharp jaw line with one finger. He caught her hand shaking his head and smiling.
“You can find beauty where there's none, can't you?" he purred softly. She shrugged.
“I can find beauty in me." she smiled mischievously.
“You are beautiful, trust me." he whispered.
“C'mon now, let's make you forget Lils." she said taking his hand dragging him in. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. “How?" he asked.
“Go to the room to the left, the passage under the stairs. Take a shower, get warm while I find some clothes that would fit you, go." she said pushing him in the direction and closing the door. “Meanwhile I will clean this up and see if I can set up drinks. Go." Iris got to her father's old, unused bar from where she had snagged tequila for Lily's party two months back.
She picked up a bottle with green colored liquid and the absinthe spoon. She picked a box of sugar cubes and set it on the small table in the kitchen. She searched for an old shirt of her father and found some men's tracksuits she had bought for him, still in plastic wrapping. She opened them and lay them on the bed with a clean white towel, closing the door behind her with a click. She cleaned up all the water and dried herself a bit. He came wearing the navy tee and black pants, still towel drying his hair.
“Okay... who gave you absinthe?" he asked surprised.
“Don't you worry your sorry ass about that. And there's more, if you want. C'mon now." she pointed to the chair beside her with her chin even as she set the glasses and the two spoons. She placed a sugar cube in each and doused it in the green liquor and set it aflame.
“Oi! Douse it!" he pulled out his wand in alarm, even as the cube melted. “You will burn down the whole house." he shouted and Iris started laughing.
“It's called a flame shot, it's a muggle thing, sit down and don't worry." she smirked at his expression. The cube had melted by now, so she poured ice cold water in the drink and stirred them with the spoon. Putting the spoons aside, she offered him one glass. They downed the shots in one go.
“Wow! That... was good stuff." he huffed looking at his glass.
“Yeah!" she cried out in surprise. “It was, wasn't it? This was my first try at absinthe." He raised his eyebrows. “More?" she asked. He looked like he wanted to say no, but he nodded. Iris poured another shot. They downed that one as well.
“Get some tequila, instead." he recommended. She shrugged and got out the half filled bottle from last time.
“The standard shots, then?" he asked. She nodded getting a lemon and salt.
After some six shots they were almost drunk. “Let's play." Iris slurred.
“Sure." he smirked back. “How about ring-a-ring-roses?" he slurred. She laughed.
“No. We aren't kids Eros, let's play... truth or dare?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows, eyes lighting up. He shrugged.
“Okay... truth or dare?" she asked him.
“Truth." he replied.
“One teacher you have a crush on." she grinned.
“Erm... I don't know, Sinistra, the Astronomy teacher I guess, she's pretty young, almost in her twenties." he replied. “Your turn..." he smirked. “Truth or dare."
“Dare." she answered.
“Okay..." he smirked further, rotating the paperweight. “Lapdanceforme." Iris was confused at first.
“I think I didn't hear you properly. Did you just ask for a lap dance?" she repeated. He nodded. Iris raised her eyebrows, he grinned further. She rolled her eyes and muttered fine, pulling him out into the living room.
“You are actually going to...?" he asked uncertainly.
“Of course, I don't back from a dare." she whispered seductively in his ear, pushing him on the couch.
Walking behind him she played 'Down in Mexico' on the speaker set. The first notes hit and he turned to watch her strut towards him. She resisted her urge to laugh as his eyes went wide. Grabbing his chin as she came to face him she turned him to face the front. The white nightshirt was slightly transparent in the lights. She put a hand on his chest and pushed him down into a chair. His eyes roamed all over her body as she took lithe steps dancing, seducing him. Her whole body She bent low teasing him, rocking her assets and straddling him. Even letting him, touch her up a little bit. He was obviously getting excited. Iris started slowly unbuttoning her nightshirt making both the Snape's and Shine's eyes pop out of their sockets.
She moved slowly towards him, moving with the beat and straddled him on leg at a time. He looked so mesmerised by her his hands moved of their own accord. She pushed against his lower body eliciting a moan from him. His hands moved to unhook her bra. Shine watched on mildly surprised and kind of feeling wierd, hoping that it wouldn't continue as porn.
She nuzzled his neck, kissing him up to the song's beat. His hands unsuccessful with the unhooking moved to grip her hips and pull her closer. He moved to respond to the kisses, eyes rolling back in his head with pleasure. Iris kissed him on both the sides of his lips and the song ended, she pulled back. His hands remained on her firmly fixing her there. Iris didn't look like she wanted to move as well. As if in a drunken haze she traced the shape of his thin, cupid lips with her thumb. His hand moved up to entangle in her hair, she bit her lip undecided. He leaned up to kiss her, immediately eliciting a response. A few seconds into it however Iris pulled back. He groaned involuntarily making a needy noise at the back of his throat. Iris chuckled drunkenly.
“Well, I can't kiss you, we are just friends after all, remember?" she laughed getting off him and grabbing her shirt. He gulped, his throat bobbing as her hands flew real fast buttoning up, even in her drunken stupor.
“I think we both should go to sleep. You are welcome to the couch or Dad's bedroom. Am going upstairs." she whispered kissing his cheek as he watched her confused. She rushed upstairs and the memory swirled yet again into foggy silver mist.....
“Okay, I think you owe me an explanation for that one." Shine hissed angrily glaring at Snape, kicking them out of the pensieve.
“I don't even remember that happened, how am I supposed to explain?"
“You do remember now though, right?" she growled.
“Well- I do..." he said defensively. “But that doesn't mean, you know, and nothing happened and we were drunk!"
“I swear, Dumbledore! Why does she even want me to see all that?" Shine huffed angrily uncrossing her arms and throwing them up in exasperation.
“Maybe to show you that she made a mistake, that she got with Sirius for all the wrong reasons?" Dumbledore provided.
Shine shrugged. “The only way to know is by watching them completely."
A/N: Okay guys, I didn't make anything happen, and I know you guys may hate me by now. But I have been kinda planning this the whole time. And I got bored of typing, so I guess, the memories will continue in another chapter. Erm, I hope this was good...
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I need to know what you guys thought of this one, though... so plz, plz, plz comment...
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